Ban Hilde

Ban Hilde.

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I have fun against other characters. You know, the ones comprising the "near perfect game". I swear someone called it that...

I agree its fun playing every other character. Actually overall sc4 is a great game at a casual level. Its just at the competative level where it fails. Unfortunatly for me, This is the level im truly concerned with and i would rather play a game thats fun on both levels.
She shouldnt be banned. She should be patched...

She is beatable, but it isnt fun. SC4 is next to perfect without her but i am sad to say i will not be playing untill she is fixed. She is completely broken and WILL ruin this game (Aleady has for me). It takes alot of skill to play her but everyone will eventually see what a terrible game sc4 is with her as she is. Ceirnian is a very smart and skilled player and coupled with Hilde the odds of consistently beating him is next to impossible. You may beat him once or twice or stop him from winning a tournament but the bottom line is that hilde is broken and will kill this game.

OOFMATIC: In my mind its not about if she is beatable at all. Its actually what you have to do to beat her, and what she has to do to adjust. This trade off is not fun. There are plenty of counter and anti strats for hilde, I agree. But if the hilde player lets say adjusts to JUST ONE of those strats. That usually means you lose a round. Also, People banning characters is deffinatly not what is killing sc4. There are tons of top level players in socal that think this game is complete garbage because of that character and wont touch it.

Chiapet: I am not BAN HILDE'. Its probably someone from norcal actually.

Again, To be clear.

She is broken but beatable.
She shouldnt and wont be banned.
This game wont be played by anyone who wants to have fun untill she is fixed.

Beating her is a chore. Id rather mow the lawn, AKA play another game...

Could you be a bigger hypocrite? You say she shouldn't be banned, but the way you voted on this poll says otherwise. People like you who can't deal with new things are what hurts the community. You're not gonna play at all now? Not even casuals? Cause it is not fun for you to fight one character? what a joke
Beating her is a chore. Id rather mow the lawn, AKA play another game...
Suddenly, this point of view makes everything clear. Everything is allowed, and if you don't like it don't play it. Only in a truly rare instance will the majority of remaining tourney regulars agree it's time for a ban. Surprisingly, Hilde isn't at that level, despite her being the most broken character SC has ever seen. Interesting, yo.

Thank you all! :)
Could you be a bigger hypocrite? You say she shouldn't be banned, but the way you voted on this poll says otherwise. People like you who can't deal with new things are what kills the community. You're not gonna play at all now? Not even casuals? Cause of one character? what a joke

Tiamat, what do you mean "you people"?

The poll is meaningless, the meat and bones of this topic is in the discussion contained here. And his viewpoint makes sense. If the game stops being fun for a lot of people, the community suffers for it.

Look at how Tekken 4 fared. After the top 5 Jin fiasco, the game dropped dead. There were ways around the character, people tried dealing with the new things. And the community still dropped the game.

I certainly believe Hilde is worse, and I don't want to see history repeat itself. So let's continue discussing rather than insulting, please.
there are far better characters then Hilde, just dont play risky

BTW this thread has alot of the same characteristics as spam
All these people going "STOP WHINING SCRUB GAWSH No one should be banned only noobs think they should so stop whining Scrub." Remind me of a certain kind of person. Ya know that one guy who, no matter how cold it is, even when it's about ten degrees out, goes out in a T-shirt, and when you say something like "Yo, you sure you don't want to put a jacket on." They respond with "It's not that cold." Even though they're shivering? They remind me of that guy.

Hilde has an instant ring out combo from anywhere on the map, that isn't even hard to pull off, and they all run out "HAH she's just fine, you're just a noob who can't deal! REAL Mean LIKE unbalanced instant ring out combos, furthermore I think Algol shouldn't have been banned at all! This makes me a manly man! I eat nails for breakfast and main Rock!"

Here's my view of it.

It'd be a shame to see a character with as much potential as Hilde remain as she is. Either she abuses a ridiculous ringout combo, hurling all her opponents off the stage no matter where they are, or she is just not that good.

Patch her, I don't want to see her banned because she'd be a good character, but I'd rather see her banned than have her remain as she is.

Look you can whip your dick out and wave it around all you like, it doesn't make her ring out combo any less absurd.

Not to mention fighting a Hilde player who abuses her ring out combo is like fighting Yoda in that it's just boring, tedious, and frustrating. Except unlike Yoda, against Hilde slip up in the slightest and you go out of the ring. (With Yoda he's generally the one who goes out.)
I have a Hilde player whom I fight against constantly, I also have played many more Hilde's, many of the names already discussed. The conclusion I came to was:

- I have to be careful approaching her Take the proper opportunities to rush her down
- play a heavy throw-laiden mind game (so she has to anticipate and crouch or do a TC move, because of charging)
- use a lot of moves that force crouch on block (limiting her options and forcing her to time a charge release for easy GI)
- Counter pick if the player adapts to your initial tactics. My Rock and Mina have a good ratio against Hilde, limiting her, and playing a ranged game where her backstep/whiff punish can't always save her. Or just throw out a character I know the player to be weak against (when did we stop doing this?). Sometimes you just have to learn to play the player, not the character.

Yea, she gets her BS Ring out victories at times (ok...a lot) against me off a random whiff or the TC/GI luckily timed against a high I throw out, but you know what? So does Kilik, so does Asta, so does Nightmare. The fact that Hilde has 'the easiest' time doing it, is quite aggravating, but if you get rid of her, it's just gonna be a lot more Kilik, Asta and whoever else has the best options to an easy victory. It doesn't begin or end with Hilde. A lot of characters have good shit, what is making you angry is that hers is so 'brainless'. You and I both know you can deal with it better.

ALL I AM ASKING, is that we give it a little more time. The game isn't going anywhere, and neither is this community, those who 'rage quit' from this arguing, will come back after a patch or any other number of things going down. I don't think we have much to lose from letting Hilde stay, everyone really scrutinizes counters and ways to deal with her, and AFTER some more major tournaments go down, see if she really is degenerating the skill level and variety in this game. I don't think she deserves it yet, and all I go off is I am capable of beating her, and I'm not as good as a lot of the names floating around arguing here.

cha cha

I'm re-quoting myself as I feel this GOOD post by me, has been ignored. discuss.

cha cha
Chiapet: To be honest i voted yes thinking this was gonna be a joke. Especially with the elaborate account name and whatnot. I will honestly say i regret supporting the algol ban and have reconsidered the concept of banning any character. The right way to go is, play the game if its good.

As for playing the game casually. I havent done that sinse i was 15.

I would appreciate if you didnt comment on my innability to deal with new things without supporting it with facts. Yesterday i put ceirnian in losers bracket and formulated many strategys to beat him. I can only play at 100%. In yesterdays case, That was good enough for 2nd. Also i was dealing with algol quite nicely before he was banned.

Maybe its because i dont post on forums anymore, or maybe im getting old. But you are awfully disrespectfull atleast online.

Id like to see you call me a joke in person. In the context of sc4 or any other...
Aris maybe if you didn't call me fucking Chiapet I wouldn't be so rude. I call that being disrespectful.

You should know by now that polls like this are serious business.
Hilde has an instant ring out combo from anywhere on the map, that isn't even hard to pull off, and they all run out "HAH she's just fine, you're just a noob who can't deal! REAL Mean LIKE unbalanced instant ring out combos, furthermore I think Algol shouldn't have been banned at all! This makes me a manly man! I eat nails for breakfast and main Rock!"

Defending your manhood is, for better or worse, always your best option. I once heard JOP say Tekken 4 is the best Tekken of all, even though Jin was out of control. I'm assuming he didn't care how unbalanced he was, so that says a lot. It's inspiring.
Chiapet: Respect is easily lost and you lost mine months ago. Could you please tell me what ive done to lose yours? Was it when i warned you about talking shit to jaha because of the slight chance that you might get hurt if you ever meet him? I thaught i was doing you a favor. Also, My comment on your attitude is not just towards me, Im commenting on you as an entity on these forums who is supposed to be supporting this game. Maybe i shouldnt take things so personally. Guess thats something for me to think about...

Oh and about sc4 at evo this year. In this form, Its not looking good.
Overall Hilde is good character who should be kept. The only problem with her in my opinion is her R.O possibilites. She just needs to be patched
Chiapet: Respect is easily lost and you lost mine months ago. Could you please tell me what ive done to lose yours? Was it when i warned you about talking shit to jaha because of the slight chance that you might get hurt if you ever meet him? I thaught i was doing you a favor. Also, My comment on your attitude is not just towards me, Im commenting on you as an entity on these forums who is supposed to be supporting this game. Maybe i shouldnt take things so personally. Guess thats something for me to think about...

Oh and about sc4 at evo this year. In this form, Its not looking good.

You lost my respect months ago as well. My flamewar with you is over
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