Recent content by Ichipoo

  1. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    So who here went to San Diego Saltmines? I was the 5' 4" filipino guy wearing a grey dress shirt and slim jeans taking a couple of pictures. Came to play P4A but didn't get to test my mettle in SCV unfortunately as my Patsuka would've gotten bodied as it did when I played Kayane's Viola on...
  2. Ichipoo

    Just Attacks

    Tried the double tap method for 1B:B, results weren't that great. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Anyway, for the JF Difficulty order from hardest to easiest for me is. 1. agB and 2143/FC 3a:B 2. 1AAA 3. 1B:B 4. 2143 B:B/FC 3B:B 5. BT B+K:B However, 1AAA is a special case. On SDTVs and lagless...
  3. Ichipoo

    Just Attacks

    This technique has me intrigued. I'll be waiting for your video soon. :)
  4. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    Either Wednesdays or Thursdays are fine for me, and the semester is almost ending at SDSU anyway so yeah. Would be cool if you could book Fridays with us BlazBlue people though, that way I can save money on gas by only having to drive to Frubble once a week and play BOTH BB and SCV. :)
  5. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    So is SD's SC scene really meeting up at Frubble every Wednesday? If so, I might be able to make it next Wednesday.
  6. Ichipoo

    Who Liked SC3?

    So a friend let me borrow SC3 for a while and I forgot how fun I had with this game before. Sure there are problems with the roster balance and mechanics like a lot of you guys mentioned but the game's fast pace compared to 4 and 5 make it (almost) forgivable, since I mostly play video games...
  7. Ichipoo

    How to port Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition to PS2

    Just curious but is there any vids of AE working on the PS2 on YT?
  8. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    So is there a Wednesday casual meetup or no? Me and a friend would like to know as we're interested in attending one to see what's up.
  9. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    You know what, I think I can make it on Wednesday, since I don't have classes on Thursday. Where and what time?
  10. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    Well just last Friday we had a pretty good turn out, I believe we reached about 15 people at Frubble. Now of course we won't have that many people each week but SD's BB scene is growing. Just thought I should put that out there. XD And I'm down to go to Frubble to play SC as well.
  11. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    I seriously have to make it to one of these casual meetups, especially since one of you guys live in Chula Vista. :( When's the next one?
  12. Ichipoo

    α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

    Played Patsuka again after taking a long SCV, tried out the patch, and while 1B:B does in fact seem harder to do, it is doable as I was able to have it come out more times than expected. Now I'm trying to figure out at which height when the sword comes swinging down I should press the second B...
  13. Ichipoo

    α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

    Hah, I already have a hard time pulling off 1B:B consistantly at various ranges, ever since they removed the "shing" sound effect that IV and Broken Destiny had that made it so much easier. :(
  14. Ichipoo

    α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

    Translated patch notes came out. So does that mean 1B:B is easier now? Here's the whole thing if you guys are interested.
  15. Ichipoo

    [San Diego, CA] SD revival

    Yeah we need to get something planned. Us San Diego BlazBlue players usually have Friday as our get together, I'd like to see the same sort of planning for SD's SC community as well. :)