[Nebraska] Sometimes I Forget We Have Electricity

Funnily enough my car is fixed to the point of being drivable but I still need to get new plates, My AC fixed and the drivers door otherwise I'm all set ATM. Also we need to Tekken or SC2 MM sir?
If you don't have money for those things you don't have money to pay for games, just saying. Priorities.

I'm pretty much going to have zero time to do anything prior to my move. Maybe once I get settled in we can do some online.
That be tight I wanna see that Paul Phoenix. In other news practicing Electric Wind God Fist and Omen Thunder God Fist with Heihachi is hella stupid damn Imma be in training mode practicing these for at least 3-4 a day for a while.
It's Tekken 6 with tags.

Which isn't the worst thing in the world, and I'll play any game with King in it, but I don't understand why this feels so much less polished than SC to me. It had a much larger budget and more development time.

Kind of upset at Namco about the whole SCV thing still, SCV is the best in the series in my opinion but it could have been better if they hadn't rushed it so hard.
The whole SCV having limited time salt is still in your system I see but I can't blame you. As for it being Tekken 6 with tags I'm seeing that as well but some things are even more polished and I can actually stand watching Tekken for a change unlike Tekken 6 so we'll see. I'mma try to play both TBH.
I actually think TTT2 is a lot more polished than SCV as an overall package, after putting some time into it. They gave us real cinematics, even if they are cheesy. The combot mode is going to be a fun diversion. Bringing back all of the old characters is also a nice touch (where the FUCK is this in the Calibur world? GIVE ME LI LONG NAMCO). Even the 'clones' like the Laws or the Jacks have different animations and move properties to keep it interesting. And the fact that I can play it solo instead of in tag mode, so I can treat it as an update to T6 movesets, is like icing on the cake.

I love the Soul series more but I probably won't be going back to play V for a while. You can see why SCV got rushed because TTT2 is going to be the money machine for the next fiscal year.
I dunno, it's just not... exciting. But I've always felt that way about Tekken. I don't like the weird new buffering syste either, where you can't hold a direction, you have to re-press it entirely.

Also they gave you back Li Long in SCIII. That game had a massive amount of content, too bad the actual fighting was such a mess. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to play as Alex again, and the game is fun and all, I just don't like how it feels, and a lot of things seem... unreliable (though it could be my scrubby ass dropping stuff). Extra modes are fun an all but it feels kind of like a model dump to me. Here's hoping my opinion will change.

And they can't use Gon, he doesn't belong to them.
I refuse to acknowledge SC3 existed so I can't comment on your statement. I'm pretty sure the Li Long we got in the home version was a lie, though. No amount of content can make up for abject failure where it counts.
Of course SC3 exist they have MOTHAFUCKIN Zasalamel the best character in the Soul Calibur series ever and the best villain/neutral character in the whole series.

Edit: I have TTT2 finally and I be willing to get games in sooner or later.
There's a reason Zas got removed. He was introduced in the worst game in the series, and they are slowly retconning it.
Yeah but by that logic Tira should of been axed as well but no the Nightmare fan girl RL still stays. Don't forget axeing off a jailbait Filipino girl and the Koreans.
IDK man I think I probably stop playing Soul Calibur altogether if they decided to get rid of both Lizardman and Raphael. Getting rid of Zasalamel was one thing but I be more mad if they get rid of Aeon or Raphael than anything.

Edit: I'm getting EWGF down on a much higher rate now then previously by trying a different method yay :).