All Purpose Hypothetical Super Soul Calibur 5 Thread

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Oh yeah, that reminds me - make it so that everyone has a costume like MK9 Mileena's infamous alternate (i.e. a handful of conveniently placed bandages and nothing else).
What was wrong with Street Fighter III? I thought that was a great game, or the 3rd version at least.

Nothing against Street Fighter 3. I just mean roster wise, if the next game took more changes, casual fans might stray away from it because they wouldn't know any of the faces.
Nothing against Street Fighter 3. I just mean roster wise, if the next game took more changes, casual fans might stray away from it because they wouldn't know any of the faces.
Street Fighter 2 isn't so innocent either *cough* Street Fighter 1 *cough*.
I am truly sad about buying this game. I am one of the gamers out there who loves story and you all are right i killed the story on my first sitting. And i disagree with story not being a large component for fighting games. The best Soul Caliber for me was Soul Caliber 3 because of its beautiful and perfectly made “Chronicles of the Sword” mode which allowed you to make your own character and play a story with that character. Soul Caliber V was my final attempt for this series since the fourth games single player sucked for me. I will never buy soul Caliber again without playing a demo first or renting it for a dollar. Overall worst disappointment for me all year. If we were to see any sort of expansion upon SCV now, it'll be similar to what Capcom did with Street Fighter IV(A.K.A: SSFIVAE). However, this is unlikely-mainly because compared to Tekken; the Tales Of series, Soul Calibur is a minor titles now to Namco... and DBZ at most is just quick cash they dont give a crap about, they dont even expect it to sell well. They don't care about the community, just about Tekken their prized pure bred.
Used to love SCIV you would be fighting fully clothed then suddenly lose your trousers and it made you look ridiculous as fuck xD

It's ironic that you say that, because a lot of people hated that system in SCIV? Are we really at the point were we want to choose one poor decision over another? As Ashlotte said in SCIV: "How sad..."

Disgusting CASes or not, I do think you should be able to flag things unbreakable. Kinda traumatic for your elves, catgirls, demons, faeries and angels to get their ears, tails, wings and horns ripped off.

Babe...This is war. You can't enter a fight and expect to leave in one piece. The mere fact you can lose equipment in battle is proof enough.

What would be a good feature is if they could make clothing tattered like the 1 and 2p costumes in SCIV did. It looks more realistic that way.

Are you referring to the main character models or CaS? In SCIV clothes tearing only happened with 1Ps and 2Ps of the main character models. Even when the main cast used CaS versions of their own 2Ps, the equipment still shatters. I don't think it's possible to do that CaS, because of the amount of model conflicts and clashes that may arise from it (it's probably not a risk PS was willing to take). The Soul Calibur series is in a way more technical than any other fighter as it is.

I believe I've said this before, but the reason for clothes not tearing apart is due to the abstinence of the Havok Engine that SCIV used. That system was used to to make certain clothes items fall on the stage, do the clothes tears like you said, and make iterations within the stages themselves (like the Dodos in the Distant Marsh). Notice how SCV has none of those things, yet has superior lighting, shadows, and textures (in most cases). They cannot bring that engine back into SCV, because the game has to be built with it from the ground up. They would have to recreate the game all over again and they might as well start SCVI if they made that decision.
I beg to differ.
Can you explain, because this has been stated before. The 8 way run system, horizontal/verticals, high/mid/low, GI/JI/JG, side stepping, attack/run counters, attack range, tip damage, AN ACTUAL BLOCK BUTTON etc,. isn't considered advanced? This is the only type of 3D fighter of it's kind, isn't it? :p
Can you explain, because this has been stated before. The 8 way run system, horizontal/verticals, high/mid/low, GI/JI/JG, side stepping, counters, attack range, tip damage, AN ACTUAL BLOCK BUTTON etc,. isn't considered technical? This is the only type of 3D fighter of it's kind, isn't it? :p
If you are basing "technical" by those functions than others fit the bill as well, especially Virtua Fighter (contains counters, high/mid/low, offense and defense sidestepping, Releasing combos based on how the characters are positioned, attacks that actually interrupt others, offense and defense sidestep attacks, some characters have JF's or "if this attack hits", especially Akira).
It's ironic that you say that, because a lot of people hated that system in SCIV? Are we really at the point were we want to choose one poor decision over another? As Ashlotte said in SCIV: "How sad..."

No, clothe breaking was SO MUCH better. First of all, it breaks during the fight and where you are targeted, not after a killer blow at the end where it knocks ALL your clothes off. Not to mention the better quality of the breaks on the default characters. They can't do the same with original characters as the gear that tears is tailored to the character, if you put their clothes on their character manually it wouldn't look the same, obviously this would be too much work for PS if their were to do it with CaS's.

Also PS fixed the ridiculousness of losing your trousers in SCV. So if SCIV had the same equipment breaking EXCEPT that you kept your trousers and only lose your shoes and hip item then the system would be infinatly better.

secondly your use of the word irony is wrong and Ashlotte is a terrible character and you should be ashamed.
Usually it just breaks your top layers rather than the whole thing. Like one of my characters for instance is broken down to a wrapped top, hakama pants, and her sandals. Not a bad thing actually
If you are basing "technical" by those functions than others fit the bill as well, especially Virtua Fighter (contains counters, high/mid/low, offense and defense sidestepping, Releasing combos based on how the characters are positioned, attacks that actually interrupt others, offense and defense sidestep attacks, some characters have JF's or "if this attack hits", especially Akira).

And SCV doesn't have those in it's system? Positioning also exist in SCV. For instance, Raph's 4 [ B ] Prep BBB can only connect with A+B,A if he's VERY close to the opponent and if the opponent falls to his right (A+B,A whiffs if they fall to his left). Added to the fact that the series utilizes weapons adds to the complexity. I don't know if you got the idea that I was saying that SC was THE MOST TECHNICAL FIGHTING GAME IN EXISTENCE, but that wasn't the point I was trying to make. The game is very complex, because of the vast knowledge it takes to be good at it. It's easy to pick up, but difficult to master.

No, clothe breaking was SO MUCH better. First of all, it breaks during the fight and where you are targeted, not after a killer blow at the end where it knocks ALL your clothes off. Not to mention the better quality of the breaks on the default characters. They can't do the same with original characters as the gear that tears is tailored to the character, if you put their clothes on their character manually it wouldn't look the same, obviously this would be too much work for PS if their were to do it with CaS's.

Also PS fixed the ridiculousness of losing your trousers in SCV. So if SCIV had the same equipment breaking EXCEPT that you kept your trousers and only lose your shoes and hip item then the system would be infinatly better.

secondly your use of the word irony is wrong and Ashlotte is a terrible character and you should be ashamed.

I didn't say the breaking system was better in SCV, didn't I? Of course it sucks in this game compared to SCIV. What I was saying is the fact people hated the armor break system in SCIV, but now want it back because SCV turned out to be bad. I already know that the default characters have better clothes destruction, but that's because of the past engine and that the damage was scripted for them. Have you ever noticed that Taki's tears appear in the exact same spot? It's scripted because it's on her model mesh.

As far as the use of the word "irony" goes...., it's not wrong. In fact, it's been commonly used incorrectly to refer to coincidences when it should be about contradictions.

Check this out:

I say it's ironic, because people hated that system, but since we know have one that's considered worse, it's wanted back now (instead of something better than both). That's irony. And here's another example
As soft as concrete
As clear as mud
As pleasant as a root canal (look it up)

I'm probably going to sound like an asshole right now, but I also find it ironic that you want to pick at me about word usage when you misspelled indefinably as "infinatly." And also your last sentence used the word "and" twice when it didn't need to. Also, people liked Asholette, didn't they?
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