All Purpose Hypothetical Super Soul Calibur 5 Thread

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No one cries in a corner and posts about it. Your sarcasm detector is as broken as SC4 Hilde.

I don't care if I don't get my beautiful geisha back, or even if we have 5 mimics. I just don't want this series to die. I fell in love with SC when I first played SC2. This game is all I have. I suck at Tekken, and I'm a noob at Mortal Kombat. All I want and need is another game which will hopefully be better and get great sales and people will love it and PS will prosper and NAMCO will screw over Tekken for once (You'd think they were sleeping together, NAMCO and Tekken) and give Soul Calibur another chance. The legend will never die, right? Right? It can't die...... Imagine. No more conspiracies in the dark (Tira), demon sealing (Taki/Natsu), mysteries (Viola/Amy/Zwei/Raph) Soul abductions (Nightmare), destined battles (Setsuka/Mitsu), and fighting for the next generation (Sophie).

All I want from PS and Namco is another chance. Another chance for PS to redeem themselves, and to give us a true Soul Calibur game! I do realize I'm being slightly melodramatic and optimistic, but please Namco, if you do read this, give PS another chance. Please. I understand if Namco doesn't but........ Well, it was a fun while it lasted.
I don't care if I don't get my beautiful geisha back, or even if we have 5 mimics. I just don't want this series to die. I fell in love with SC when I first played SC2. This game is all I have. I suck at Tekken, and I'm a noob at Mortal Kombat. All I want and need is another game which will hopefully be better and get great sales and people will love it and PS will prosper and NAMCO will screw over Tekken for once (You'd think they were sleeping together, NAMCO and Tekken) and give Soul Calibur another chance. The legend will never die, right? Right? It can't die...... Imagine. No more conspiracies in the dark (Tira), demon sealing (Taki/Natsu), mysteries (Viola/Amy/Zwei/Raph) Soul abductions (Nightmare), destined battles (Setsuka/Mitsu), and fighting for the next generation (Sophie).

All I want from PS and Namco is another chance. Another chance for PS to redeem themselves, and to give us a true Soul Calibur game! I do realize I'm being slightly melodramatic and optimistic, but please Namco, if you do read this, give PS another chance. Please. I understand if Namco doesn't but........ Well, it was a fun while it lasted.
I agree with all of this. Ninjaguy, I stand firmly behind all of what you said. I don't want Soul Calibur to go away. If they said that the legend will never die, then the legend will never die. Without SC in our lives, we would not have grown attached and followed such characters as Taki, Xianghua, Kilik, Mitsurugi, Siegfried, etc. I don't want to wake up one day hearing that SC is gone. Let's continue to support the series and let our voices be heard to NAMCO.
All I want from PS and Namco is another chance. Another chance for PS to redeem themselves, and to give us a true Soul Calibur game! I do realize I'm being slightly melodramatic and optimistic, but please Namco, if you do read this, give PS another chance. Please. I understand if Namco doesn't but........ Well, it was a fun while it lasted.
Seemed to me you are saying that SCV isn't a true Soulcalibur game, but....I do get your point.
Seemed to me you are saying that SCV isn't a true Soulcalibur game, but....I do get your point.
I mean like, a not rushed game. Like a complete Soul Calibur game with Single Player modes and museum etc.

EDIT: And please, no half-assed story this time. Give us a real one, or none at all. If you can't make us one then use the extra time to help balance the games or make new modes. Stop the bullshit. 1/4 of the story finished my ass.
if namco does end up releasing a super scv, it's not going to be until a couple months, maybe even a year. there's no way namco would release another fighting game while tekken tag 2 is making its way around the fighting game community
if namco does end up releasing a super scv, it's not going to be until a couple months, maybe even a year. there's no way namco would release another fighting game while tekken tag 2 is making its way around the fighting game community
We want it to take more than a year...
They should take their time to make something worth waiting..
Returning characters(Or at least their styles)
Endings for every character(Maybe input endings, we all loved those)
Museum mode like SC3
CaS mode seems good enough, MORE VOICES
I would also like something in the CaS mode that would let us change the animations of the moves. For example, have a boy and a girl move set. That way you can make a character with the moveset of say Tira or Viola without the girlishness. Also some like jokey or serious(Because lets face it, some of us can't take Xiba serious) So same moves, same properties, different animations. Hope it makes sense. I'm probably asking for too much.
I would also like something in the CaS mode that would let us change the animations of the moves. For example, have a boy and a girl move set. That way you can make a character with the moveset of say Tira or Viola without the girlishness. Also some like jokey or serious(Because lets face it, some of us can't take Xiba serious) So same moves, same properties, different animations. Hope it makes sense. I'm probably asking for too much.
The best I can think of is changing the default stance and taunts/CEs.
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