Atlanta matches

shit, i was just about done linkin em and accidentally pressed back. but i put up the ones of me vs Shinji. He decided to use the only character in sc history I hate playin against more than Amy.

Shinji i know there's some spot where it tells you some of the notations and stuff. i wouldn't be bothered with it though, as long as you know the combos. You don't need to come to 8wr to learn anything. Learn by playing. I just get on here to stir up shit.
SC3 X >> SC4 Amy because SC3 X has teleport and safe good advantage low.
I remember there are 90% of main SC3 tourneys Xs were in top 3. This kinds of bullshit doesn't happen in SC4.
Amy's 1A and 2B+K are very unsafe on block(-21? -19 ? I forgot), but people have to train to have a fast reaction to punish.
3B's recovery is obvious. You can press attack in the impact of the A of 3BA from a crouching block to resist Amy 3BA mix-up. Or you can do jump moves by reflected reaction. Amy have only 3 options to beat this way, which is 3B->6BB_Step_Auto-GI.

SC3 X is truely broke because there no an effective way to punish her teleport and low.
SC4 Amy is just slighty overpower and annoying.

It is just a little bit being owned experience. lol.....