[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

for people who dont go on SRK.com.. heres the big announcement.. still more to come though.

Capcom has finally confirmed the widely rumored followup to the smash hit Street Fighter IV. Borrowing the SUPER title from the 90’s (and same exact logo), super implies bigger, badder, and beastlier. This sequel is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated fighting game sequels in 10 years.

Information is pouring out of Japan, just after the TGS show has ended. An interview with Ono, has revealed some juicy details about the game, including some of the new cast. T. Hawk, and Dee Jay are included, as well as a new Korean Tae Kwon Do marshal arts expert named Juri, who is rumored to be one of Seth’s henchmen.

Last week, several websites had reported some rumors regarding the rest of the cast, and had the name of the new character before it was released yesterday.

Some of the information was listed as two new characters, Juri, and Hakan (Hakan being a Arab grappler associated with lots and lots of oils), and EIGHT returning cast members from other Street Fighter games. Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto from the Street Fighter III series. From the Street Fighter Alpha series, we have Cody, Adon, and Guy, and from the Super Turbo series, we have T. Hawk and Dee Jay. We will have to wait and see what Capcom reveals to see if any of these rumors turn out to be true.

Expect massive changes in all the old returning cast as well. Improvements and overall gameplay will be fine tuned to make this the best Street Fighter to date.

Coming to XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 in Spring 2010! Get Hype!!
Wow, Dudley.... so Chris, you still hate the game? Because you need to eat some chicken nuggets or something.

I will try Juri, Ibuki and Adon out.
One I'm really hoping for is makoto. Dudley is cool too.

All these new characters do seem a little much though. I'm afraid that this will make counter-picking even more effective.
i'm hoping for cody

first day of gouken practice. worked on his trial mode stuff and some of the combos i'd see jug do. gonna play some online matches with him today and work on basic stuff
Wow, Dudley.... so Chris, you still hate the game? Because you need to eat some chicken nuggets or something.

I will try Juri, Ibuki and Adon out.

We'll see. If he plays similar to 3rd strike then yes. If he plays like a slow, watered down boring SF4 character, then no. I'm not buying it, but I will try it. I'm not totally unreasonable, I just don't enjoy SF4.

Makoto dick punches would be fun as well. As long as she keeps her TK'd air overhead kick for some kind of mixup. Hell, more characters should have mixup tools like that, why don't they? Oh right, SF4. My bad.
a better quality video, and you can clearly see she has the II on her ultra meter. also u can select training stages ad music as well.. cuz that music is T hawks. and it sounds like a new announcer as well.

im still sick as hell. and i dont have the energy to do anything besides sit in my bed and read stuff all day and most of the night. idk if ill be there thrusday or saturday.
Juri's ultra is awesome haha. But it's soooo long, if you have a life lead with like 15 seconds left and you hit with it you win for shore.
im sure they will shorten it probably lol its still beta.

the more i see Juri play the more i am getting interested in playing her. specially she was TKD style character, and i took that when i was younger. ill see. my main concern is dudley still.
the hitler thing is playd out now dammit! lol

Juri is gonna be a one of my characters.. which probably means she is low tier.
What was that website that had videos of tourney players doing all the different matchups sorted by character. Wanna look up some awesome KEN info, SRK is dreadfully lacking just cause 1/2 the posts are whining that everyone picks ken.
What was that website that had videos of tourney players doing all the different matchups sorted by character. Wanna look up some awesome KEN info, SRK is dreadfully lacking just cause 1/2 the posts are whining that everyone picks ken.
