[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

the hitler thing is playd out now dammit! lol

Juri is gonna be a one of my characters.. which probably means she is low tier.
i hope she isnt low tier at all. mid at most. she would be probably.

Really lame, oh well, saves me 8 grand. At least it's an even playing field then for everyone. More annoying cause they specifically mentioned the arcade version several times.

Plus woulda been a good way to get distant people to my place.

yea it would be. theres a petition going on right now on SRK for a arcade release. its already 3-4 pages full.
Ok, so Juri Ultra = the sexy time
T Hawk Ultra = the racist time (aka normal for capcom)

With no arcade release, I guess that levels the playing field? It would be nice to have it before everyone else....but 8 grand? O_O! Great Scott!

In other news, Sakura is fun to play! The only thing I find myself asking all the time is, "Where did all my health go?"
Too bad all my homework isn't 'play sf4.'
Juri's style is cool and all, but this generic anime polygon slutwitch thing needs to go. Added incentive for Makoto to be in, so I can just manpunch this new bitch in her slutty vagina all day.

I really REALLY hope this game isn't boring. I wanted to like SF4, but it's just so fucking boring it makes me physically ill.
its sf. u hate it lol. we all know this. btw i wanna know about SB4 so i can put in my shit for sign ins...
I played Chach a bit tonight, it went pretty well. I reverted to unsmart playing when I realized I couldn't hit confirm tatsumakis (and was failing hadoukens too) on a PS3 D-pad, among other jarring transitions from playing on my PC. I need to get a stick, so I can start learning to use it... I love my PC pad, but if I'm going to Kara demons...

Was a lot of fun though. I'm gonna see about making it out on Thursday and playing some of the rest of you guys. I got air hadoukens and failed c.MK > Short Tatsumakis for everyone.

Kowtow, maybe we could sneak some BlazBlue in, with the hopes Continuum Shift will swoop in and make all the 9-1 matchups and infinites a thing of the past? Not that I've played it, but I love the look and style. I loved Guilty Gear, just never had competition since I didn't have an online version of it. It's much more my style, I love the pressure/rushdown play. Plus Ragna looks super fun.

(Do you play BlazBlue or do you hate that too?)
Kow is a BB lover lol. he just doesnt like sf4 lol. so your a Akuma player eh? best advice get a stick ASAP. and learn everything and not get pissed. lol
Crab, nice games. I have some sticks you can test out Thursday.

How's everyone's character assignments going?

Chris it is kinda hypocritical that you call Juri an anime slut bitch, yet you play the most anime fanboy'ed out ninja, japophile superhero with a giant fucking nail on his back, lol!

cha cha
Sup Buffalo, haven't heard from anyone in a while. So how is acquiring the new SF4 going to work, is it going to be DC or do you have to buy another game? Speaking of patches, how is the new BB going to work to incorporate that into the current BB system?
it will be another game Jon, this is all about da monies. You will have to pay $60 for this, no doubt at all. 10 new characters is certainly NOT DLC.

new BB, you mean BB: CS? that will be also a stand alone game that will probably come out for $40-50 here.

ungh you gonna play dat magic jumpoff friday?
Kowtow, maybe we could sneak some BlazBlue in, with the hopes Continuum Shift will swoop in and make all the 9-1 matchups and infinites a thing of the past? Not that I've played it, but I love the look and style. I loved Guilty Gear, just never had competition since I didn't have an online version of it. It's much more my style, I love the pressure/rushdown play. Plus Ragna looks super fun.

(Do you play BlazBlue or do you hate that too?)

There's no 9-1's in that game, you're thinking of Marvel lol. There's some 7-3's but Super Turbo had that and people loved that game. Also Carl vs Tager is 8-2, but that's just a funky situation. But yeah I'd love to play some BB if you're practicing at all, we'll just have to figure out how to secure a TV for it, as we'd be the only two people playing. Everyone else has already quit to play SF4 exclusively.
For me it'd mostly be a novelty, for now at least, and I'm not good enough at fighters to pick one up and immediately start throwing out bonkers combos, so I can assure you I'd be no match.

That isn't to say I don't want to practice and get good at it, just presently I don't have the ability to play at home 'cause I don't own current systems, so I play SF4 on the PC. If BB was on the PC, I'd play that exclusively most likely.

Also, the tiers don't bother me, 'cause I'd be maining Nu anyway. Haha. Actually I'd rather main Jin, and it's always been my thing to play people right on the border of mid and high tier, so I wouldn't break the trend.