[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

1st-----Step yo game up Son ................... i had to get that out the way but yeah tonight was a good night i thought that i was getting worst in Sf4 TO BE HONEST BUT when i beat jeff i was so happy cuz that the the first time i ever beat him in a set out of like the 8 we played lol so sorry jeff if i made u mad its was all in good fun

2nd----as far as my fei long that 10 mins of prep was great i placed 3rd lol damn you Jug!!!!! tony i dont think that u landed that bnb on me at all my sagat controlled the match after i lost lol but im your counter pick lol but gg everyone brion u really learned how to play me well

o yeah jug my Psycho power is growing
old school OMGWTFBBQclaws moment:
yeah what tony said. but it's alot easier said to keep cool when losing. trust me I know, me simon, tony and nuni have
been salty over games, I know how it feels. But the best thing to do in this situation is to point out the things that
cause you to lose or not do so good and try to figure out a solution to em. there is no offense/defense thats is good enough NOT to be penetrated at any level of play, so constant improvement and refinement is a necessity.

training mode is your friend! use it! like me, Ryan and kyle was tellin me that the lp version of abel's super
can beat out moves as an anti air. I'm seeing if this is true right now as I speak.............

............... and it's true! lol. his HP version goes through fireballs also
Ok, when it rains it pours. All I got to say.

No but in reality, ggs tonight, esp Tony, good deal. Except Des >=(. He gets my salty face.

I think Joe told me in the car, but didn't post that he thought it might be a good idea to do the ranbats first and then the random select stuff? It might help cool people off with silly matchups after breaking out the Morton's during the regular tourny. Or get people more pissed.

I'm gonna be out of town next week, so I'll see you guys in two.
Ladies (I stress ladies for all the bitches we have whining about shit) and gentleman (like Jug),

Here are your latest Buffalo power rankings!

Normal Ranbat #4-

1. Jug 17500
2. Jeff 9500
3. Desmond 3750
4. Tony P 3250
5. Brian (cha2) 3000
6. Joe 2100
7. Tony G 1500

I don't know about the rest of the numbers, but I know mine is incorrect. I got first once and second place twice, so that is 10,000 points right there (5000 + 2500 + 2500). Then I got some points yesterday. Check the math.
damn jeff its like that im sorry mad i still love u lol that bromance jk but its cuz i always play u wtih bison maybe u just wasnt ready for the sagat or u just slept on me idk it was close even tho i won

who got the extra 300 points just asking and jeff should have 10,100 from what i can tell
Ladies (i stress ladies for all the bitches we got whining about stuff) and gentleman (like Jug)

I give you Buffalo's latest Rankings!

Normal Ranking ladder #4 week was and exciting one

With a commanding lead Jug leaves everyone else's scores laying in the desert of inferiority gasping for the water of winning! Can anyone stop this well-hydrated winning machine romping through the desert that is Buffalo's scene?

Normal Ranbat #4-

1. Jug (guyofkaillera) 17500
2. Jeff (blackandred) 9500
3. Desmond (Aasu) 3750
4. Tony P (lexaen) 3250
5. Brian (chacha) 3000
6. Joe (zerofxi) 2100
7. Tony G (daikon) 1500
8. Jeff P (Tony's bro) 800
9. Dave (strider yoshi) 700
10. Kyle (mochaky) 600
11. Ryan (rsnake) 450
12. Phil (theli) 300
13. Brian (celestien) 100
13. Greg (bloodspor) 100
13. Tony M (tigerboymac) 100
13. Matt (donatelli) 100
13. Jamie (crab) 100
(all other players have been removed due to inactivity)

I've been doing some thinking about the scoring system for the ranbats, and consistent winners like Jug and Jeff amass so many points it'd be impossible for anyone to catch. Therefore I have decided if someone gets to 20000, they reset their place to 0 on the ladder, and get 'exalted' status like a golden number attached to their name for the number of ranbats they have won. Because the way it's going will serve as a demotivator for others trying to climb.
I also propose penalties for a top 3 placer losing their spot from week to week, like 1st place last week, gets a lower spot this week gives them their normal points -2000, 2nd -1000. 3rd -500. This will allow for others to catch them easier from week to week.

Random Ranking Assignment Battles, week 1!- Changed the scoring system to be a more manageable number without steep gaps in point differential in top 3 and so on.

1. Jug (Guile) 1000
2. Brian (chacha) (Gouki) 800
3. Desmond (FeiLong) 600
4. Dave (Sagat) 400
5. Phil (Blanka) 200
5. Kyle (Gouken) 200
7. Jamie (crab) (Sagat) 100
7. Jeff (blackandred) (Sakura) 100
9. Ryan (El Fuerte) 50
9. Jeff P (Vega) 50
9. Tony P (Seth) 50
9. Joe (Zangief) 50

So to everyone whining about the random assignments, you are REALLY missing the points. The point is to NOT play anyone in your comfort zone, and be forced to little warning to learn a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER, in a short time and beat someone else who has had the SAME TIME to learn that character as you have.
Who is at the advantage here? People who play the game more and try out other characters constantly, pat attention to all match ups and really want to understand the game better.

What does this prove? This proves that you are a player able to adapt to new concepts quickly, embrace a character you never really thought about and approach it from a new perspective- on how tourney players play it and what to do with them in unfavorable match ups, really learning to nail down staples and basics quicker than normal.
This teaches you:
- How to adapt better overall
- How to understand match ups you normally wouldn't consider
- How to practice efficiently and research a character better
- expand your overall skill set
- how to operate outside of your comfort zone and still compete
- Re-evaluate your basics and overall knowledge of the game
- Proving you are a player who can adapt to new things quickly
- Improve your streetfighter overall knowledge
- Focus more on a player's tendencies with basics and how to overcome them with yours

The whole mentality of 'eww I don't like this character at all, so I won't take this seriously' is incredibly counter-productive. Almost no one likes their assignments (kinda like...i dunno HOMEWORK AT SCHOOL), but they do it out of necessity, a necessity to get better, learn the game and who knows MAYBE actually like the character after they try it (I like Gouki now). Sure, you won't always like it, and you WILL struggle! But you will be hard pressed to NOT become a better player by taking it serious and trying to learn a little...

Will you make an argument against the opinions above? If so, I contend you are a player who embraces a culture of exile (from becoming a good player), only doing things the way you want them done and will never be able to adapt to what it takes in high level play. You ok with that? If yes, then feel free to bow out of the random assignments and show what kind of player you really are. Mark my words though, the ones who embrace it will have a much better chance at becoming better, more solid players overall. There are always cases of a player only playing one character ever and becoming truly great with them, never learning any other characters, sure. But do you know their whole story? The countless number of adversaries they have encountered? The number of tournies they travel to for experiences? The time they spent researching every match up in the game, and understanding out their character can get out of it?
No, you probably don't, and I don't think you will ever get to that LEVEL trying to emulate players with more access to competition than we do. This is Buffalo, and in Buffalo this will be your best chance to understand other characters better, understand their flaws and understand things you can do to them with characters you actually play. Think outside your cushy little box for once.

Save the whine for your cheese and cracker parties.

cha cha
damn jeff its like that im sorry mad i still love u lol that bromance jk but its cuz i always play u wtih bison maybe u just wasnt ready for the sagat or u just slept on me idk it was close even tho i won

who got the extra 300 points just asking and jeff should have 10,100 from what i can tell

Lol bromance or no, I'm salty cuz you talked shit our whole game, and I got pissed and didn't play well. In a regular tourny you'd get a loss for trash talking. Maybe you would have won anyway, but we won't know now will we? Next week we'll just play without the extra garbage, or you and me are gonna take this outside, real talk =P

Last, I should have more than 10,100. Something like 10,500? I'm not sure how many points I got yesterday though.
Ladies (i stress ladies for all the bitches we got whining about stuff) and gentleman (like Jug)

I give you Buffalo's latest Rankings!

Normal Ranking ladder #4 week was and exciting one

With a commanding lead Jug leaves everyone else's scores laying in the desert of inferiority gasping for the water of winning! Can anyone stop this well-hydrated winning machine romping through the desert that is Buffalo's scene?

Normal Ranbat #4-

1. Jug (guyofkaillera) 17500
2. Jeff (blackandred) 9500
3. Desmond (Aasu) 3750
4. Tony P (lexaen) 3250
5. Brian (chacha) 3000
6. Joe (zerofxi) 2100
7. Tony G (daikon) 1500
8. Jeff P (Tony's bro) 800
9. Dave (strider yoshi) 700
10. Kyle (mochaky) 600
11. Ryan (rsnake) 450
12. Phil (theli) 300
13. Brian (celestien) 100
13. Greg (bloodspor) 100
13. Tony M (tigerboymac) 100
13. Matt (donatelli) 100
13. Jamie (crab) 100
(all other players have been removed due to inactivity)

I've been doing some thinking about the scoring system for the ranbats, and consistent winners like Jug and Jeff amass so many points it'd be impossible for anyone to catch. Therefore I have decided if someone gets to 20000, they reset their place to 0 on the ladder, and get 'exalted' status like a golden number attached to their name for the number of ranbats they have won. Because the way it's going will serve as a demotivator for others trying to climb.
I also propose penalties for a top 3 placer losing their spot from week to week, like 1st place last week, gets a lower spot this week gives them their normal points -2000, 2nd -1000. 3rd -500. This will allow for others to catch them easier from week to week.

Random Ranking Assignment Battles, week 1!- Changed the scoring system to be a more manageable number without steep gaps in point differential in top 3 and so on.

1. Jug (Guile) 1000
2. Brian (chacha) (Gouki) 800
3. Desmond (FeiLong) 600
4. Dave (Sagat) 400
5. Phil (Blanka) 200
5. Kyle (Gouken) 200
7. Jamie (crab) (Sagat) 100
7. Jeff (blackandred) (Sakura) 100
9. Ryan (El Fuerte) 50
9. Jeff P (Vega) 50
9. Tony P (Seth) 50
9. Joe (Zangief) 50

So to everyone whining about the random assignments, you are REALLY missing the points. The point is to NOT play anyone in your comfort zone, and be forced to little warning to learn a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER, in a short time and beat someone else who has had the SAME TIME to learn that character as you have.
Who is at the advantage here? People who play the game more and try out other characters constantly, pat attention to all match ups and really want to understand the game better.

What does this prove? This proves that you are a player able to adapt to new concepts quickly, embrace a character you never really thought about and approach it from a new perspective- on how tourney players play it and what to do with them in unfavorable match ups, really learning to nail down staples and basics quicker than normal.
This teaches you:
- How to adapt better overall
- How to understand match ups you normally wouldn't consider
- How to practice efficiently and research a character better
- expand your overall skill set
- how to operate outside of your comfort zone and still compete
- Re-evaluate your basics and overall knowledge of the game
- Proving you are a player who can adapt to new things quickly
- Improve your streetfighter overall knowledge
- Focus more on a player's tendencies with basics and how to overcome them with yours

The whole mentality of 'eww I don't like this character at all, so I won't take this seriously' is incredibly counter-productive. Almost no one likes their assignments (kinda like...i dunno HOMEWORK AT SCHOOL), but they do it out of necessity, a necessity to get better, learn the game and who knows MAYBE actually like the character after they try it (I like Gouki now). Sure, you won't always like it, and you WILL struggle! But you will be hard pressed to NOT become a better player by taking it serious and trying to learn a little...

Will you make an argument against the opinions above? If so, I contend you are a player who embraces a culture of exile (from becoming a good player), only doing things the way you want them done and will never be able to adapt to what it takes in high level play. You ok with that? If yes, then feel free to bow out of the random assignments and show what kind of player you really are. Mark my words though, the ones who embrace it will have a much better chance at becoming better, more solid players overall. There are always cases of a player only playing one character ever and becoming truly great with them, never learning any other characters, sure. But do you know their whole story? The countless number of adversaries they have encountered? The number of tournies they travel to for experiences? The time they spent researching every match up in the game, and understanding out their character can get out of it?
No, you probably don't, and I don't think you will ever get to that LEVEL trying to emulate players with more access to competition than we do. This is Buffalo, and in Buffalo this will be your best chance to understand other characters better, understand their flaws and understand things you can do to them with characters you actually play. Think outside your cushy little box for once.

Save the whine for your cheese and cracker parties.

cha cha

damn skippy
Lol bromance or no, I'm salty cuz you talked shit our whole game, and I got pissed and didn't play well. In a regular tourny you'd get a loss for trash talking. Maybe you would have won anyway, but we won't know now will we? Next week we'll just play without the extra garbage, or you and me are gonna take this outside, real talk =P

Last, I should have more than 10,100. Something like 10,500? I'm not sure how many points I got yesterday though.

Let it go mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Be cool mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! That's what you guys said to me in Syracuse, right?

In general though, you guys have to decide for yourselves whether trash talking each other while you're playing or otherwise is gonna be something that's allowed to go on or not. Don't look at me, I don't play this game lol. If you decide that it's not gonna be something you want in your community, then that needs to be handled however you see fit. This is your community now that SF4 has taken over, I just live here lol.

Yo real talk though Brian gets Gief next week I'm calling it lol. Seriously though read closely the list of reasons that he posted for you guys doing this random assignment thing. Those are the kinds of skills that you need to build, the character knowledge is nice but the competitive edge and ability to adapt under adverse circumstances are what separate players like JWong from players who just know their shit.
I Agree, hell I spent 15-20 hours this week practicing Ken and I knew I probably wasn't even going to make it to play last night. Instead I played him a bunch online and got to the point where I was very comfortable with his ground game of turtle and punish. Which is the complete opposite of my offensive Geif, or zoning Seth.

If you simply cannot have fun than yeah, that's an issue you need to address. But as a player I thrive on variety and enjoy mixing it up every chance I get.
Let it go mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Be cool mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! That's what you guys said to me in Syracuse, right?

In general though, you guys have to decide for yourselves whether trash talking each other while you're playing or otherwise is gonna be something that's allowed to go on or not. Don't look at me, I don't play this game lol. If you decide that it's not gonna be something you want in your community, then that needs to be handled however you see fit. This is your community now that SF4 has taken over, I just live here lol.

Vote #1 for no trash talking. If you think you can beat someone do it in the game, not by distracting them with stupid stuff. Evo rules actually don't state you lose a match for excessive trash talk, but you do get issued a 'yellow card' for every game you do it. Two yellow cards and you are kicked from the tourny.

PS - Chris, I'm so cool right now I'm the fucking Iceman. Call me Fjord.

Nah I'm alright. Salty about playing poorly, but I'm alright.
i don't see a problem in trash talking if it isn't over done. des kinda over did it yesterday during the tourny, casuals..... talk all the shit you want but out of respect to our players you(we) should prolly tone it down a bit during tournament play.

also i love this character training stuff, yeah it kinda sucks to lose a match just because you don;t know said match but i still think we can all learn from these experinces so yeah lets stay positive guys.

hoping to get a charge char, makes you look at the game differently
also here is my stick art http://i36.tinypic.com/folxrb.jpg
Vote #1 for no trash talking. If you think you can beat someone do it in the game, not by distracting them with stupid stuff. Evo rules actually don't state you lose a match for excessive trash talk, but you do get issued a 'yellow card' for every game you do it. Two yellow cards and you are kicked from the tourny.

Actually I'm for a little bit of trash talk. It's good to get used to playing in a loud, hostile environment, assuming Buffalo travels to major events where people will do anything they can to win. I say get used to using and dealing with trash talk so in the long run you won't be affected by it when it really counts.
you guys take des to seriously lol. he talks shit for fun. like, it's just for laughs. he doesn't do it with the intention to
offend u and actually make u mad. he does it just to be a goof ball lol
Lol bromance or no, I'm salty cuz you talked shit our whole game, and I got pissed and didn't play well. In a regular tourny you'd get a loss for trash talking. Maybe you would have won anyway, but we won't know now will we? Next week we'll just play without the extra garbage, or you and me are gonna take this outside, real talk =P

Last, I should have more than 10,100. Something like 10,500? I'm not sure how many points I got yesterday though.

Jeff you got -1000 for falling out of 2nd, then only got 500 for your placement, giving you a total of -500. This is only a test to see if it makes the ladder more competative. But if you disagree, I can restore it.

as for the rest of it... read.

cha cha
What exactly are we defining as "Trash Talking" anyways? Openly hostile talking? Cause just talking at all during a match is really just as distracting. If you disallow only specifically "Trash Talking" all you do is change the avenue of the distraction, and disallowing any talking by anyone during a match is both extreme and unrealistic.

I talk casually a lot during a match and often engage my opponent in conversation, and that's really part of my strategy. Any competitive environment is at least partially physiological games. Being able to simply tune the world out is a valuable skill because of this.

Granted, we shouldn't be hostile to each other, but there's a lot of strategies for distracting an opponent without being hostile.

#1. If you know they play another game seriously, start talking about strategies for that game. If they think about it even alittle, you're shifting their mental frame towards that game.

I'm sure people who play 4 button games seriously along with street fighter can tell you they're different motor skillsets. If they're thinking about you talking about one, they're gonna start firing the neurons related to it, which means they can mis-execute moves, or do the wrong button combo for throw for example.

#2. Just say a lot of moves timed to when they have the possibility to execute them, or when you're doing a move, announce another random move. Suggestion is powerful when you're not hardened against it (RANDOM ULTRA NOW), if you simply say "Sonic Boom", your opponent may react as if you had done one.

#3. Tell a story, or sing! Again, the object is for them to focus on you and not the game.

Anyways, as I said, I think mind games are a viable strategy for any competitive environment.
Random Battles Character assignments week 2!:

Jug- Rose
Jeff (blackandred)- Dhalsim
Desmond- Cammy
Tony P- Gen
Brian (chacha)- FeiLong
Joe- Honda
Tony G- El Fuerte
Jeff P- Dictator
Dave- Gouken
Kyle- Chun Li
Phil- Rufus
Ryan- Viper
Jamie- Boxer
Brian (celestien)- Ryu
Matt (donatelli)- Sagat

If any one who doesn't regularly show for game nights or ranbats that wants IN on this, just let me know and I will run you through the spreadsheet!

Approach with the proper mind set, do a little research and find out this is easy and a great way to be competitive.

cha cha