[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Back from Maine, this Arcade Monitor is a monster, can't believe I gotta go get a 42inch one next week. 370 fucking pounds.

Well I was in Maine, I noticed all their signs were in metric...what kind of sorcery is this?!?!
Back from Maine, this Arcade Monitor is a monster, can't believe I gotta go get a 42inch one next week. 370 fucking pounds.

Well I was in Maine, I noticed all their signs were in metric...what kind of sorcery is this?!?!

How far do you have to go for that one? If it's fairly local and a Saturday, I might be able to help.

I think the Bills radio announcer just said it best, "How do you figure a game like this?" The Saints only score 10 points so far? The Bills can't score on this defense aside from a flukey fake field goal? Brian Moorman is the fastest punter alive? THE SAINTS ONLY SCORE 10 POINTS?

No possible way you could predict this.
How far do you have to go for that one? If it's fairly local and a Saturday, I might be able to help.

I think the Bills radio announcer just said it best, "How do you figure a game like this?" The Saints only score 10 points so far? The Bills can't score on this defense aside from a flukey fake field goal? Brian Moorman is the fastest punter alive? THE SAINTS ONLY SCORE 10 POINTS?

No possible way you could predict this.

Naw, driving to Ohio for it. Taking my brothers truck, he's gonna help me.
Back from Maine, this Arcade Monitor is a monster, can't believe I gotta go get a 42inch one next week. 370 fucking pounds.

Well I was in Maine, I noticed all their signs were in metric...what kind of sorcery is this?!?!

Wow, that's crazy heavy. Are these CRT/different from TV's? I don't know much about that kind of thing.

Also, the Maine road signs in metric: were you really up north in Maine? I know this is prevalent up there because of Canada and what not, but I've never actually seen one. Only heard from friends.
eventhubs said they were going to announce about SSFIV this week either tomo or thrusday(supposedly) cuz if u look on the pic with T Hawk in it theres an arcade machine theres S there. btw.. 8way is taking a long ass time for me to load up.. but every other site loads just fine...
Wow, that's crazy heavy. Are these CRT/different from TV's? I don't know much about that kind of thing.

Also, the Maine road signs in metric: were you really up north in Maine? I know this is prevalent up there because of Canada and what not, but I've never actually seen one. Only heard from friends.

They're professional broad-cast/video editing monitors, when they were new just 8 years ago, they cost 10,000-20,000. Now that everyone is all "lolz LCD is the roxxorz" people just give them away for nothing.

For our purposes though, they're pretty much the highest quality monitors for CRT games possible, so I've been scooping them up every chance I see one.
To those who were part of the learn new characters discussion for random weeklies, I have created a system for us to use, which I will post more in detail about later. But here is everyone's assignments, to be ready for competition on saturday!

Random Character assignments 9/28:

Jug- Guile
Jeff(honda jeff)- Sakura
Tony P.- Seth
Joe- Zangief
Tony G- Gen
Brian (chacha)- Gouki
Jeff P- Vega
Ryan- El Fuerte
Kyle- Gouken
Dave- Sagat
Desmond- Fei Long
Tony M- Rose
Phil- Blanka
Brian (celes)- Ken
Matt- Balrog

Have these characters prepared and ready by Saturday!

If anyone else wants to join, I will run your name through the random generator to see who you get!

Enjoy, power rankings will be posted later!

take this serious!

cha cha
I'm down with the random character deal.


  • SuperStreetFighterIV_Juri.jpg
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  • SuperStreetFighterIV_THawk.jpg
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Sakura is an exciting character, I'll try to have something with her on Saturday.

Also, Juri look pretty awesome. Purple themed asian women? I'm down, I hope I like her play style.
But euh, T Hawk has a pretty awful portrait.
They're professional broad-cast/video editing monitors, when they were new just 8 years ago, they cost 10,000-20,000. Now that everyone is all "lolz LCD is the roxxorz" people just give them away for nothing.

For our purposes though, they're pretty much the highest quality monitors for CRT games possible, so I've been scooping them up every chance I see one.

That's what I thought; I really like CRT especially for fighters. These will look great once complete! Can't believe people are so hung up on LCD that they'd just give those away. Oh well, your gain.

Brian, glad you decided to do the random generation assignments. This will be interesting.

So are those pictures legit? Holy shit, Juri has a nifty design. T-Hawk looks great in the art style but he's one of my least fav SF characters.
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