[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Glad to see they finally put T-Hawk in the game, considering there was unused audio for him and Dee Jay left in the games files.
T-Hawk looks great in the art style but he's one of my least fav SF characters.

I always felt like, playing Honda in ST I lost out on the chance to really get to know anything about T. Hawk. Since they raped priority and safety on headbutt in SF4, things should be a lot different this time around.

im not taking part of this. i have way too many holes in my game still. me learning another character that im not interested will bore me of the game.


pics of the game finally.

I think this random event can only benefit you. The holes in your game aren't issues with Ryu, imo. Playing a character you're unfamiliar with will reinforce basic gameplay concepts (this applies for all players in any game) as well as forcing you to just try and win the game, absent of worrying about nailing particular combos or setups.

This tournament (all of you listen) has two benefits. One is exposure to characters you're not used to, or styles you're not used to, which will reinforce basics like punishing, spacing and such. The second, is that you're just gonna have to suck it up and PLAY TO WIN THE GAME. I'd post up the Herm Edwards speech but I'm at work right now, lol. But definitely take this seriously, it's a great training tool.

You guys aren't gonna be used to using these chararacters, your execution will be off, you'll miss combos and damage and all of that. The person who wins is gonna be the one works past all of that, and just DOES IT. I'm still picking Jug or Jeff to win, but hopefully this gives you guys some better insight as to WHY they're winning.
im not taking part of this. i have way too many holes in my game still. me learning another character that im not interested will bore me of the game.


pics of the game finally.

I think you're missing out on a lot of fun man, straight up.
This can only help your game anyway, why not learn the strengths and weaknesses of another character?

P.S. GEN?! Gonna be choppin ya's up :P. As long as i can figure out the beastly mk > hands.
I always felt like, playing Honda in ST I lost out on the chance to really get to know anything about T. Hawk. Since they raped priority and safety on headbutt in SF4, things should be a lot different this time around.


Juri looks kinda cool. can't wait to see wassup with the hawk though
wait i thought the random characters was for casuals and not for the actual ranbats

It won't count for points in the regular ranking battle, but it seems like kind of a waste if we don't do a tourny right?

For those guys who weren't here - we were discussing this on Saturday. We were talking about how we wanted to shake things up, do something new, fun, different, exciting, educational, etc. I threw out the idea of a random select tourny, which would have been all of the above except not very educational.

Chacha then got a really good idea of having predetermined characters with a week to practice up. It's a brilliant idea! First, it's gonna be fun - we'll see new play styles and new characters. Plus, if someone sees their main being played by someone else, it might give them some good ideas, even if they laugh at all the bad ones. A lot of us I think we getting kinda tired with the SF4 formula, same guys, same matchups, etc. It's gonna be cool just to work on new combos and set ups, and try to use them in a tourny. Plus, it might really shake up the usual rankings!

Education though is the big one. All of us are wondering right now how to level up for RitT3. Well, we have plenty of time right now, so we can have a few weeks before the tourny of only playing blood matches with our mains. Think of this right now as cross training. How can you better work on learning footsies and spacing? Learn it with two characters! Level up general execution? Practice different BnBs! Learn matchups better? See what the other character is thinking! It's such a good idea that it would be a huge waste to pass it up.

Really though - the most important part about this will be adaptability. We all only have a week to work on this, so Chris is 100% right that the guy that wins will put in work, learn more about the game, and plays hard to win. To do that though, you are gonna to be able to apply new shit in a tough situation. Don't you wish you can do that with your main? I'm saying right now, after this tourny you'll come back with a fresh look at your regular moveset. You're gonna say huh, I wonder if this will work....a lot of it won't, but something is gonna come together. You are going to practice the skill of adapting and problem solving - this is gonna carry over to your main.

So, tl;dr version -

Jug told me this last week when I was bitching about how my regular air attacks got beat out by his - he asked something like, "What about the rest of the buttons?" Then he gave me a look lol

We are doing this so when you go to train with your main, you'll go from "of course that won't work," to "I wonder if this will work?" A fresh outlook on training, basics, and adaptability is exactly what we need.
Hey, if anyone feels like doing some SF4 on the PC sometime this week, I'm still looking. My BP (for all that means) is plummeting 'cause I started playing Seth (and I'm terrible) in place of my usual main, Akuma. I did such as I am very hard pressed to find a challenge when I play as Akuma, with maybe 1 match every hour being worthwhile, and I feel like I'm not learning something. I'm often better served drilling my links and blockstrings in training mode.

So yeah! Beat me up, I need better opponents to teach me what I'm doing wrong. Hit me on AIM for arranging something.

AIM: dreamingmiracle
Hey, if anyone feels like doing some SF4 on the PC sometime this week, I'm still looking. My BP (for all that means) is plummeting 'cause I started playing Seth (and I'm terrible) in place of my usual main, Akuma. I did such as I am very hard pressed to find a challenge when I play as Akuma, with maybe 1 match every hour being worthwhile, and I feel like I'm not learning something. I'm often better served drilling my links and blockstrings in training mode.

So yeah! Beat me up, I need better opponents to teach me what I'm doing wrong. Hit me on AIM for arranging something.

AIM: dreamingmiracle

I've got SF4 on the PC, I'll IM you this week.

I agree that this can only benefit your game. I don't know much about the game technically, and my game is still way off but I'm embracing this opportunity to switch it up and learn some new things about the game. I was playing Akuma for a while, and this past week I switched to Chun and noticed that I had a much easier time working with a charge character. It changes your perspective. In art, they always say that the best piece you can do is only possible when you step back and take a look at things from every angle. It's not always about technique.

I'm just hoping to learn more about the system. I'll do my best, but in my opinion, this isn't about winning or losing.
Hey, if anyone feels like doing some SF4 on the PC sometime this week, I'm still looking. My BP (for all that means) is plummeting 'cause I started playing Seth (and I'm terrible) in place of my usual main, Akuma. I did such as I am very hard pressed to find a challenge when I play as Akuma, with maybe 1 match every hour being worthwhile, and I feel like I'm not learning something. I'm often better served drilling my links and blockstrings in training mode.

So yeah! Beat me up, I need better opponents to teach me what I'm doing wrong. Hit me on AIM for arranging something.

AIM: dreamingmiracle

I'd put that idea off for playing live with us, Seth is like the worst online character, he has so many 1-3 frame links that he's just unplayable.
Yea, BP just makes you hate yourself even more. I've got a terrible BP on GFW/PSN but I just ignore it anymore. I've had a real tough time finding games that aren't laggy as hell.
I'd be playing Akuma.

Seth is just to give myself a challenge against players who even my rookie self can say are terrible. I'm not very good at him at all.

Edit: I haven't had a chance to come to the game nights 'cause I dunno what the deal with them is at the moment! I'm willing, I just don't know the times/locations. When are you guys meeting up at UB again?


Interview with Juri/T-hawk gameplay in background. Looking like a hot taekwondo practitioner.

Basically an official announcement within as well.

Awesome interview; this is going to be off the charts. Juri looks to be an extremely fast character. Reminds me a lot of Kim Kaphwan. Looks like there will be 8 new characters, and a load of gameplay enhancements/updates. Probably an online lobby system too (as well as extreme online improvements) - thank god!

Jug for your sake I hope Guy is still in :) Would love to see you with him in SSF4

Ryan basically you are my newsfeed, and a godsend, thank you. This new info is my crack!

As a result, SSFIV will be released as a standalone disc that won't be sold at full price. But, the producer explained, before you get rid of your SFIV disc, be advised that SSFIV will offer current SFIV owners a bonus that Capcom isn't revealing at this time.

Maybe Capcom won't rape our wallets? This could be really nice, here's hoping they don't pull an ODST!
(We decided we couldn't give the fans what they wanted unless we made a full price game...)
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