Dear Legendary Souls mode:

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It's Scenario Mode like in the boxing games.

You're at EVO, in the quarterfinals, and your opponent is on crystal meth.


I won with 11B reverse ringouts (read- I got caught sleeping quite a few times trying to do this) and B+K ("Drift Strike!"). The delay on B+K caught the AI a few times, and the block damage was nice too.

Does the AI in Quick Battle get like this? It seems to perfectly punish your whiffs and moves you throw out carelessly, it looks like a great tool to iron out latent bull%^&* in your game.
I love Legendary Souls as well, I love the difficulty and enduring all the anger and fun.
Kilik: 6. He was relatively difficult, beat him within 3-4 minutes.
Nightmare: 3. A cakewalk, some might say.
Siegfried: 3. He's just like Nightmare. He spams the flapjack throw, though.
Cervantes: 5. He was difficult, that spiral combo almost made me angry.
Edge Master: 7. He was difficult, I never fare well againest good Setsuka players.
Elysium: 8. I found her the most difficult. On my first playthrough, she took me well over 6 minutes, but then when I fought her as Elysium, she wasn't as hard. I was never good at mirror matches though, really.
Algol: 2. The world confuses me because he was so easy and I just layed myself on the ground and reazlied he was just standing there to let me hit him.
Pro-tip: if it's coming down to the last sliver of health, just low kick them to death. By this I don't mean keep mashing 2K, I mean 2K > block and wait for next opening > 2K > block etc. Because we all know that if you try something else, the AI might punish you hella for it.
Wel'p I recorded my third foray into this crappy mode:

Because playing, recording, and encoding were happening all at once, I had lag and lag spikes. It was like playing this mode online HOW FUN! I used maybe no more than 5 moves the whole way through. Anyway, enjoy.
@Signia: The AI is input reading, clear and simple. Don't try to defend it. And no player, no matter how good, is going to pull those Alpha Patroklos combos off every time like Edge Master does. The AI in that mode is clearly designed to be hard, yes, but it's the wrong kind of hard.

Want proof? I just blew through the mode again, aiming strictly to fuck with the input reading AI. My time? Fourteen minutes. Check the leaderboards if you don't believe me. Post a better time with you fighting this so-called "fair" AI legit and I'll think your argument holds weight.
This is true, just do false inputs like CE command with no buttons at the end and it fakes out the cpu like mad.
Input reading is no fun and no human acts like that unless they are hovering over your controller as you play them.
This mode is frustrating at first, but very useful later on. I might have discovered an infinite non-meter non-JF combo for Cervantes. Will confirm it with a live opponent later today.
Fastest I have heard of. My friend DTM/Danman came over and I told him he had to play Legendary souls before leaving. Cleared that sucker under 21 minutes with NM. Edgemaster destroyed him though.
This is not the place I should ask this I know but;

Do I have to beat this mode to unlock Algol?

if you get high enough level (12 or 13 I think) and have beaten story, he'll show up in random play, and you can unlock him by beating him there.
I completed it in about 40 mins today. I picked nightmare who I had no knowledge of whatsoever and did nothing but 3aa, throw, 2k and 3k. Oh and random CE. Any time you lander a ch 3aa 2k is always guaranteed against the cpu. 2 of those plus 2 k's and most of their healths gone.

Never bother with a B RO throw lol. In the 20000 times I tried all were broken (even when I switched throw) or matrix'd and I got RO'd instead. Funnily enough I had the most problem with siegfried who took me about 10 minutes.
AI is free to 2k/2a spam. Took me way too long to figure this out, mostly because I didn't have any real trouble until I got to Edgemaster.

Let me make this clear. THIS WILL NOT MAKE YOU BETTER AT THE GAME. It's just gonna teach you bad habits to beat the AI.
OMG I am ready to break this disk in half! Three playthroughs now I get to Elysium... and that’s it. She’s the fucking worst thing ever. Seriously, this last attempt it took me 24 minutes to get to her, and 70 minutes worth of getting destroyed by her before I rage quit. What the fuck am I supposed to do about her? She tech crouches all my fast high moves, 2K and Yoshi FC3K chip away at her over and over but she makes up for it instantaneously with crazy damage in one or two hits, she has a ridiculous grab mixup going on, TAS B rings out and is safe, ugh!

I just want to get this damn mode out of the way and never go anywhere near it again. I’m so sick of this crap, but unable to give up on it.

Oh thank the lord, FINALLY beat her and then killed Algol on my first try including one perfect round. First LSM time: over 99’59”99. WTF, Namco.
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