Dear Legendary Souls mode:

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I was able to beat legendary souls in under 7 minutes using mostly just Sieg 3(B) B.

And people say the AI is hard. It's just as exploitable as any other SC game.
Take it Edge Master hope you can never ever be in other Soul Calibur hope you and Kilik kill each other(Evil me speaking)
Oh finally how hard shall never forget the luck i had (good me speaking)
Haaah, can't believe this thread is still going :D Cracked me up already during the first weeks, I guess Kilik is still a bitch eh =)
I just kinda steamroll this mode with some HATE! That being said, my Patroklos can't seem to beat LS, I think it's kinda a test to see if a character is ready for online (lol) gotta have a great offense to beat this mode, beyond simply knowing when to duck or sidestep against specific characters.

I did this with elysium in my side account, 20 minutes, i feel good since she's a mimic but I hated when I got tira's and ivy's style
the CPU seems not to react against hilde's charges, i'll try her next
all i have to say about this is:
fuckin fuckin fuckin FUCKIN elysium (not me, the CPU one)
Lol. I did this for a friend in like 15 minutes. Just exploit the fact that they're dumb AI XD. If you dont care about how fast you beat it pick nightmare or zwei and flip them over your head with low grab or while rising b to ring out. They always fall for that. Its just like the ghost battles in Tek 6. Dragonuv back step once, 66Y. Hit every time XD
Oh man was this mode beastly! I have no idea how long it took me, but it must have been maybe an hour and a half, maybe two hours before I beat it using Mitsurugi. Overall though it took me several weeks maybe longer trying to beat this mode. Beating this mode didn't make me much of a better player but rather it showed that I was just determine enough to win it. If I play this mode again, I'll get my butt handed to me many times before I can beat it, but perhaps my gameplay will improve just a little more with practice. The good thing about this mode is that I get an idea of where my gaming skills stands, and currently, my pick up pace is rather slow. It takes allot of beating before I manage to get on the butt kicking roll. I'm like a lazy bee that needs to get slapped around. XD I haven't gone online yet, but I'm thinking about it. I wish I had more time to practice. I still have that Sc4 mentality where I keep inputting attacks that Mitsurugi no longer have, like one of my favorite stances. ....Darn...

I agree, I tackled LS mode fairly early on and it really helped drill it into my head how great Brave edges are :D.

The first time I beat I did it in about 48 minutes. I felt IMMENSELY proud. The next time I beat it I did it in about 18. I was amazed. The best time I've had since then is 16 minutes 10 seconds. Finding it really tough to improve that record but to be honest I haven't gone back to that mode in a while.
I finished it in 10 minutes (with natsu) and 14 min (with pyrrha omega), my tips (per character):
  • Kilik: He's actually one of the hardest ones imo, because of his constant lows and his almost everlasting combos that can break your guard. My tips are: learn how to defend against him and try to just guard and counterattack, if you can't just guard, guard but guarding is very important against kilik's style.
  • Nightmare: Challenging but not unbeatable, he's based on high damaging single hits mixed with some counterattacks, all you have to do is waiting and, since he's a very unsafe character, try to counterattack him as best as you can, just like with kilik.
  • Siegfried: Kinda harder but beatable since he's slow. He tends to spam so try to use this against him, use side step (but be careful) and counter attack a lot, mix it with low attacks.
  • Cervantes: He's not hard, all he does is JF's so you have to safely attack and if you don't succed guard, if you succed be sure you can make a combo, if you can't keep your guard.
  • Edge Master: He's hard, most of his combos are very damaging and very versatile, so try to hit him before he hits you, and try not to be struck. This is one of the only 2 characters I lost a fight against, but he's not IMPOSSIBLE or A BEAST like every1 says, it's more likely because people doesn't know the a patroklos/setsuka style.
  • Elysium: The hardest one imo, since Pyrrha's style is very offensive, especially omega's. I lost against her 2 times, making her one of the 2 opponents i lost against. She tends to grab a lot, and her most damaging move, her "stab" is naturally used as a counterattack, so try to fight her with safe moves and if you fail a move GUARD, if you don't she'll stab you and that takes a lot of your health. Do not try to grab her, she won't let you. If you know Pyrrha omega's/sophitia's move list she will become kinda easier to you, but don't forget that elysium takes advantages while she mimics her own style.
  • Algol: He's ridiculously easy, almost every algol in online mode fight better than this algol does lol. If you managed to defeat all the previous opponents, you will easily defeat algol.

I think kilik is the hardest.

I also have a trick that makes this easy as devil jin.

On kilik, spam EWGF and hell sweep after he does an unsafe move. (You'll find out how to block and what they are after trial and error.)

On everybody else, spam 22_88 K, K

If it hits, use B+K

If not, use 6B+K

Almost guaranteed, I got 9 min and never lost a match(never lost 3 times) and made it to 146 on the leaderboards.
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