Demons souls

So I did most of what I wanted to do then finally finished the game. I was a noob and farmed colourless souls lol so now I have pretty much everything upgraded I need and a bunch of extra pures from geckos i dnt need.

Anyway I'm SL 120 for pvp and after ending up having 500k extra souls stackd I thought i'd just buy 99 of all healing items. I'm so bored i might end up buying 99 darkmoon grasses from the filthy woman lol. Shud I level to 130 or is it best to stay at 120 for pvp?

Anyway if any1 needs help or wants to play then add me. (I slightly reget not killing the maiden, i cud have used that red eye stone)
dont really need soul suck tbh. Just left her cause i heard it was better to do the good ending first then bad ending second.

Btw any1 want to farm black phantoms? I was just summoned by a guy doing the same thing. He just stood there with hyper mode + keel smasher lol doing about 1200 dmg.

I stood right next to him with firestorm xD All of them died soon as they came lol. Its a shame only 1 person gets the souls tho.
dont really need soul suck tbh. Just left her cause i heard it was better to do the good ending first then bad ending second.

Btw any1 want to farm black phantoms? I was just summoned by a guy doing the same thing. He just stood there with hyper mode + keel smasher lol doing about 1200 dmg.

I stood right next to him with firestorm xD All of them died soon as they came lol. Its a shame only 1 person gets the souls tho.


The best thing to do is team up with a black phantom with the red soul sign. The host can then go summon blue phantoms for you to kill. The great thing is most of them believe they are being summoned to help you with the level. Soul suck is just fun because you can soul suck other players or one hit kill the people in the nexus with it.
Man I'm so awesome, well im not but its so much fun killing every1 as a mage.

Monks head wrap, kris blade +5, ring of magical sharpness, TOB = Lots of pwnage.

First I joined a game. Damaged most of then then got swarmed, so I ran like a little bitch. I get to the graverobber blige spot one guy follow me and 1 hit kill firestorm. Killed another but host wasn't that dum.

I wondered why he wasn't at lest baiting me then I realised he'd gone back for more blue phantoms. I'm sure he ended up summoing the same guy 3 times lol, it was so intense. I managed to kill a few more then the host summoned a guy with meat cleaver, I was kinda dum and walked close to the entrance and bowed for fun, so they rushed me, got hit once knocked down walked to the left after where fog would be...

Guy with bramnd followed me and I cast firestorm a lil too eary, thought id killed him but he just had a lil bit more hp left. Ran to the graverobber spot again most of them were still anxious to come. Then i popped out got knocked down by meat cleaver, every1 else followed I got into the graverobber spot and cast firestorm... it was a tiny bit late and then yh i got raped...

But that was probably the best pvp moment i've ever had in Demons souls, I had a little over 300k from that but ofc lost a few from dieng.

Straght after invaded with intention of doing same thing, 3 other people this time and they were waiting i had no time for second chance so i ran for it, immediaely got but raped pushed into a corner but just befor i died casted firestorm and it killed every1 right as I died xD
If I ever play you in PvP I am going to have my friends just attack you with scrapping spear and acid cloud while one of us has anti magic field up the entire time. Then when your armor and weapons are trashed we will just beat you to death with our fist's
lol lmao. Funnily enough ive yet encounter someone using scraping spea in all my time black/ blue phantoming
I've only run into the scraping spear twice.

It's pretty threatening early on but it does such crap damage that it's not scary at all later on.

I lost the first time I encountered it cause I didn't notice they guy had even invaded until I was almost dead cause I was busy trying to coordinate co-op with a friend.

Ideally you'll catch somebody who's already a little low on durability so you can break their equip fast then switch to a damaging weapon.
How would you guys improve on Demon Souls PvP?

TL;DR Version:
Allow soul vs soul pvp duels
Improve armor to make tanking viable and de-emphasize rolling
Make Anti-magic field more costly by either:
making it a 3-5 slot miracle or spell or greatly increasing the MP req. or the cast time

First and foremost I'd make a challenge stone or something of the sort that leaves a sign that only ppl in soul form can see for one on one duels.

I'm fine with the host having the advantages of body form and potentially blue phantoms when it comes to invasions, but when summoning somebody for a duel there should be a way to ensure a more even match.

Other than that the main things I'd want to change are the efficacy of armor and shields.

As is, in pvp your greatest defense by far is roll(well, second chance and potentially warding too), since it has great invincibility.

Heavy armor is pretty worthless cause, especially at higher levels, it doesn't significantly reduce damage taken and rolling is so powerful.
If tanking were a viable option then roll probably wouldn't seem so overpowered.

Shields actually would be pretty useful in pvp if again, roll weren't so powerful.
Really, they'd be quite useful if armor were better.
As it is now, most of the better pvp weapons will just maul through shields when two handed, but that wouldn't be so dangerous if players could supplement that by tanking to an extent in heavy armor.

I'm not sure how much can be done about the general ineffectiveness of parry and riptose in pvp as it's just a matter of lag really.

Lastly, I'm not sure what I'd do about anti-magic field.
Maybe give it a longer cast time(but even larger range)?
Increase the number of slots and/or mp it takes?
I'd like magic to be viable in pvp dueling.
It's already a bit tougher to use in a one on one non-ambush situation.
(Obviously it's great for ambushes or if you're a host/blue phantom combo it's damn hard for a black phantom to deal with magic when they're facing 2 or 3 ppl)
And then if you use AMF it just shuts off magic completely.
I think it's not allowed in some tournaments so that mages can be used.

Dunno what could be done to make bows viable in pvp and I'm not sure that I care either.
Agree with soul v soul duels. If you are summoned from a red it doesn't matter too much what you class is and your against 3 players. In general you just need at least one good mage that can 1 hit with firestorm and 2 melee users (maybe pole + DBS) you'll nearly always lose.

Theres no letting you pre buff its just straight rush you, melee ppl will keep you busy and before you know it the mage which just take you out in one, or even if you do go into 2n chance they could probably re cast and yh you stand very little chance already. Atm im mainly doing pvp with ppl on the atlus forums. Its just a host player who summons one blue and one red. They both get a chance to pre buff before fighting so yh its much more even. It'd be good if they implemented that instead of making you have to cooperate with someone to do it.
Just started playing this game. Just wondering, do I really need some of the stats? I mean, I'm noticing pretty every weapon needs a nice strength stat. but I'm going for a mage and I'm one of those players who pretty much overkill a couple of stats and completely neglect the others. I'm still in the first area at level 23 with a longsword equipped and the same armor I started with. Tips, please!
luck is pretty useless from my experience. all the other stats are important depending on what you're going for

if you're going for a mage you probably dont need much strength and endurance stat (important for guarding with shields and such) and can focus on intellect and magic power
You find out later in the game that magic is pretty weak compared to melee.
looks pretty sweet. surprised it is coming out this year, guess I finally got something else I want