[Florida] lol, Florida thread

practice without me if you must... you still won't beat me. fucke what the rank says. mikosu got lazt, (as every blackman does) and left the works to lobo in the online forum. that's why there are spam messages in this beacho (tourney's we won't ever go to ). i'm telling you. get rid of the black person. i,e, renki.
practice without me if you must... you still won't beat me. fucke what the rank says. mikosu got lazt, (as every blackman does) and left the works to lobo in the online forum. that's why there are spam messages in this beacho (tourney's we won't ever go to ). i'm telling you. get rid of the black person. i,e, renki.

You ass, I was calling him to see if we could all play at his place.

./hate you

Edit: My Mi-Na can take your Voldo. :P
That's why I have to cut ya. Can't let you spread around untruths like that. I'm getting my shank.
Hello. We need at least 16 players for SC4 to get added to GAMME Over. Please post up in the "GAMME roll call" thread if you can make it.

It will be sad if we can't even get 16. But if that's the case, I'd be interested in playing some of you guys anyway - casuals or MMs.
Sure. That sounds good. I'm down for some games. I wouldn't feel right taking your money though. So we can be gentlemen about it.
Ha! Your offline lag tactics won't work on me! That's cool, though. I mean no disrespect to anyone when it comes to MM's. I'm just addicted to gambling. lolo is staying with me, so you'll have at least two of us to spar with.

Anyone here know kab? I played a few games with him at Evo last year, and he cleaned my clock. Wouldn't mind playing him again, if he still plays.

***Update: If you can make it to the tourney, please go here and register (free):


This is just so they can get a head count and make brackets. Right now we have three people for SC4. Yeah, I'm trying real hard to salvage this debacle of trip.
I havent been able to contact kAb by phone in over 8 months, last I heard Dave talked to him a couple months back, but havent heard anything since.
Jacksonville FL here, would be great to be able to do some tourney style stuff offline sometime.
Unfortunately Big Man with GAMME's cancellation, Florida is once again a wasteland for tournaments. Even as far as casuals and practice goes, it's largely a matter of how far you are willing to drive...
I'm gonna be in Orlando from today(Thursday) till Saturday night/Sunday morning as per the timetable that Gamme was supposed to happen, if anyone wants to play, dont be shy and give me a call.
Suirad, Becky: Thanks so much for coming out to meet us out-of-towners! I'm just sorry we couldn't hang out more. I had an awesome time chilling with you guys, and hopefully we can meet again one day. GGs
Becky, Suirad, I had a great time with you guys. Sorry I seemed so out of it by the time I left but I was *dead* tired lol.

I look forward to coming back to FL sometime and hanging out with you guys again. :)