[Florida] lol, Florida thread

OK.. I know that everyone is as hyped up for this as I am, but some bad news has pushed back the date of the TOURNAMENT. I say to the tournament, because they think it's still to early to host it. As I just now came back from the venue, trying to push for a last attempt at making them keep the date, they insist that making more hype for it by involving their facebook and adding Tekken 6 to the tournament lineup. Still skeptical about the whole thing, I introduced them to the site, and they agreed to push it back to NOV 6th.

That being said, they will STILL LET US HAVE AN OFFLINE GATHERING.. from 2pm till about 6, 6:30pm. To make it clear, it would be STRICTLY CASUALS tommorow, maybe with TEKKEN 6 BR there too(?), because a staff member plays it. Nov 6TH, another Saturday will be the Tournament date.

For those who still make it and see this ahead of time thanks for reading.. it'll only cost you about $2/hr each of us.. which isn't much if you think about it. Still looking forward to seeing everyone, hope it get's them seeing we're really committed. Sorry about the competition let-down and last minute call but, I'm a dad and work/school get's in the way of me making this happen orderly and fun.
Can't wait to see you guys!!
Well.. tell them thanks for the giant dick dance. I'm so glad they decided to cancel it pretty much the day of. Also, theres no way in hell I'm going to pay to play casuals. The fact that they believe this last minute date push back would bring them more business is just stupid... imo they lost a lot of credibility, and I for one wont be attending anything there.
So the SC4 tournament got cancelled for SC4 casuals? Really?

Also nobody plays in tournaments for Tekken 6 outside of MLG. Good luck with that.
I may have somebody coming with who is really really excited about tekken play. I play a little too, though i'm nowhere near tournament ready but love playing it anyway.
We had a mock tournament, and it turned out great. Grimace, you should still show up. The venue is a VERY good place to play: lots of room, good location, and good people.

We had some really good matches with some really good player. In fact, no one will ever guess who showed up...

CORRONDO25! Dude is cool as fuck in person, and he's pretty good offline.

Crimson is chill as shit, too. He managed the whole thing really well, I just wish I had gotten some more games with him.

mammoth man, you're a pretty good Nightmare. keep that shit up.

November 6, everyone in Florida, who is serious about playing, should show up. So the venue made a bad first impression with the cancellation of the tourney, but don't discredit the place.

Hope to see you all show next month.
DIME, I owe you for several wall splat combos you pulled out of your ass! Who won the tournament anyways? And how many matches ended up being recorded?
The original idea for this thing was never a tournament, herein known as tourney. I was saying to crimson something about doing a pick up tourney during this if everyone was interested, but this shindig was set up for just casuals. Not sure why people from out of town are sticking their nose, and what they've heard in our thread like it matters to us somehow.

The question of having a sanctioned tourney was brought up to the owner of the venue and they had agreed, so we were trying to incorporate it with our original plans. It's too soon for them as you've heard already so nothing really changed except that we've a upcoming tourney on Nov 6th. It's a rumor that it'll be monthly.
I did. It's good stuff. I think everyone improved tonight. I recorded a few matches that I'm going to upload. Crimson has the results from our Iron Man tourney. Who knows if he'll ever post them.
I'm not surprised you won, your Voldo is a fucking beast. Shut down my NM with no effort!
First, I'd really like to thank everyone who showed and supported. Death, BC, and Zach (I think), I was a relief to see you guys showing to play some offline and get some practice in. Mammoth, and infamous Corrondo showed(which was a surprise to all of us) came out and represented, and some new offline blood, Takei Samurai and Suman-Ra. As this was just practice we ran a pseudo-tourney for the fun of it, and to make the most out of our time there, although we ran out of time and didn't get to finish or Iron Man rounds. Here are some of the results.

Enkindu with 4 wins, 0 losses (His matches included myself, Beloved, Corrondo, and Suman-Ra.)
Crimson with 3 wins, 1 loss (to Enkindu I might add!!)
Corrondo with 3 wins, 2 losses( surprising, yes. Welcome to offline bud.)
DeathinmyEyes with 3 wins, 2 losses.
Beloved Child with 3 wins, 2 losses (Winning against Corrondo, and his Cervy 1A's LOL.)
Mammoth Man with 1 win, 3 losses.
Takei Samurai with 1 win 3 losses.
Suman-Ra with 1 win, 3 losses.
And, last but not least, buddy Zach with 3 losses.

You may notice that alot of people played more than other's, we had to cut it short due to timing issues. But Nov 6th, Enk and I will have it more orderly, and hope for more of a turnout. Again, it will be same place(www.nextlevellan.com for directions), same time (2PM), those who can bring their PS3 please try and bring the HDMI cable, as we need it to hook up to our "special" monitors. We may need like 2 more systems for more fun. We even have a projection screen for the main tourney screen. For those of you waiting till then, hope to see you there!! Keep watching ut for more info.
It was alot of fun. I hope next time you all come out you will have improved more. The competition you've yet to meet are fierce, so you'll have to be in top form to win. Here are the videos I recorded. Thanks to BelovedChild, Crimson, and Corrondo for recording my matches for me.

Double-post ... Like Enk said, there's no need for other players from different states to be worrying about what other games than Soul Calibur are being played, it was a post to let others know that would be actually attending, and might have any interest in it. That being said, the rumor of them being monthlies souly depends on the turnout and dedication. Yesterday just happen to turn into offline casuals, and the tournament is pushed back OFFICIALLY to Nov. 6th.