[Florida] lol, Florida thread

Where would this be held?

It would be held in Jacksonville. I am just trying to get an idea of who would be interested in traveling to Jax. It's about a 2 hour drive from Orlando, 3 from Tampa, 4 from Miami, and about 3 from Tally.
Eh, so I can't go to Final Round. No money for gas or a place to stay for the night or whatever. Someone wanna give me a hug?
So, it has finally happened, my condo has an official closing date of March 31st!
Why should you care?
Eh... I dunno, has anyone decided to keep playing this game aside from the select few?

Anyway! What I can offer is a place for everyone to hang out and session each week, with no silly restrictions, aside from the obvious, "I may need to seep eventually" excuse I'll use to kick everyone out.

I would like to get my tournament started back up, but I fear it may be too little too late, with the amazing turnout at Gigabits recently.. So with roughly 1.5 months from now being my target date, who would show up for the new start of an Orlando Monthly tournament?

Now, reasons for the recent turnout problems at Gigabits are many, so let's try to find them all, and see if I can do anything to not fall under the same circumstances.
1: It's Gigabits...
A: No house PS3 Consoles. (It's natinal Standard, and yet they don't even discount the players who provide equipment)
B: Limited Stations.
C: Shoddy Pot split. (Is there any reason for this?)
2: Fees. (Always a possibility)
3: SF4. (Why?!?!?!)
4: Lack of Standards. (Algol? Yoda?)
5: Distance. Always going to be an issue in Florida, sadly.

What I also want to do is find what everyone in Florida wants from a Tournament, and shape mine to be just what we need to re-kindle the flame "LOL Florida" had a few months back.

My goals:
1: Monthly Tournaments on the last Saturday of each month.
2: HD Captured matches. Casuals, or Tourney Matches.
3: More than 1 Station Set up.

Let me know what you all want from a Tournament, and I'll try my best to deliver.
I don't have suggestions, but tell me when the sessions/tournies start, you know I'm good for a PS3. It may be a bit far, but I still like the thought of something more regular around these parts. Just gotta hope people will show.

Also, I don't care either way, but after the last GiGs Dave cited price as a deciding factor in his lack of interest. Take that as you will,
Are there any games in the West Palm area? or even Miami? I really want to play offline more often. :(
I have known Will since the T5 tourny days but the turn out for SC4 at his events as been like 1-2 people....
Speaking of hype, when is the next florida tourney? Nobody better be thinking the weekend of april 4th...
lol I got 77th place on the ladder just from playing in laggy online tourneys. Rich is 482nd... Sounds about right.
yo darius, sorry i wasnt available this weekend, work schedule changed suddenly because someone got fired. in any event i am off monday and tuesday all day and also off thursday night. so if you want to get some games in tonight give me a buzz. i'll try and call you around 4.