Future CAS DLC

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Not very noticeable though since like in SCV you can go into CaS and zoom into it.
Sure... :P
Ew... I hated that outfit xP

I agree thoroughly. There's a difference between 'sexy' and ridiculous. It gets to a point where they're just playing off the gimmick of showing you more and more of her breasts each game. In IV, there was absolutely no way the twins would realistically stay in place and I'm shocked that that thin little strip didn't snap when you broke her armor.
I usually hate all her 1P outfits anyway. Actually I really like her SCV 1P outfit surprisingly enough. She kind of looks like a burlesque magician. That thought makes me smile. :3
It seems the dlc focuses on CaS and not story/movesets/characters and that makes me sad...
That's why i've been inactive in this forum, nothing came out about moveset/story/characters
I hope Daishi will hear us and makes some story dlc....even though it's almost an impossibility...
It seems the dlc focuses on CaS and not story/movesets/characters and that makes me sad...
That's why i've been inactive in this forum, nothing came out about moveset/story/characters
I hope Daishi will hear us and makes some story dlc....even though it's almost an impossibility...

The CaS will never focus on the story -.- and it's never had in previous games.
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