Future CAS DLC

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It seems the dlc focuses on CaS and not story/movesets/characters and that makes me sad...
That's why i've been inactive in this forum, nothing came out about moveset/story/characters
I hope Daishi will hear us and makes some story dlc....even though it's almost an impossibility...

To be fair, there's not exactly a novella written for every piece of clothing in the game. Maybe if we had CAS in SCII where every damn thing in the game did indeed have its own novella, but since this is not the case maybe it's kind of maybe sorta useless to complain about it. 'Cuz y'know, most games don't have novellas written for inanimate objects and this sounds worse typing it out than it did in my head. Why did I post it? >.>
I wouldn't go that far. Still a really fun game.
Safe launchers aren't fun.

I was stuck with that game for a week once when I left all my other games at a friend's. StepG, the safe launchers, NM's weird ass stances, and the fact I could frame trap off almost anything on block made this game not fun to me. The bad voice acting just topped it all off.
If we get nightmare armor dlc i want the arm separate
Reason being:
Step G and imbalance, meh. SCII is still a good game. The voice acting was also decent, not great but not terrible. The discount actors they used from ADV are actually decent, the guy that played Nightmare sounded appropriately evil and hammy...
Step G and imbalance, meh. SCII is still a good game. The voice acting was also decent, not great but not terrible. The discount actors they used from ADV are actually decent, the guy that played Nightmare sounded appropriately evil and hammy...
Well I'm not going to continue derailing the thread with my thoughts about SCII. Just send a PM or something if you want to talk about it.

On Topic: I hope we get some good looking armor.
Well I'm not going to continue derailing the thread with my thoughts about SCII. Just send a PM or something if you want to talk about it.

On Topic: I hope we get some good looking armor.

SCII was pretty amazing, the second best of series. First being SCV, why? Because it's got the greatest graphics and very fast! I've been playing SCIV lately and I remember why i like SCV.. The beautiful graphics!
Both of you guys who quoted me misunderstand what i mean, i mean not the DLC story for CaS but for the story mode which is lame and some new movesets/characters!
I don't understand why people hate the story mode so much. It actually tells a story for once! In every other SC you get a wall of text at the end of arcade mode. You call that "story"? I know in SCIII and SCIV you get an ending cut scene but that still doesn't tell you why you're fighting these people. It's like PS was really trying to appeal to the casual players with this but it completely backlashed because people apparently like walls of text than an actually story explaining why X character is fighting X on level X. Maybe PS will remember to make the "Story" mode just 6 random stages with a wall of text and character concept art at the end. /rant
I wanted there to be more to the story, i liked what the current story was doing but the fact that it was for mainly pat and pyyrha dissapoiinted me, i wanted to see more to the story for other characters like ZWEI, we barely know anything about the guy, and what about the rest of the characters? Where do they come into the story
And what about Ezio? Ezio was one of the other reasons why i was hyped to see the story. I also wanted to see how he was going to fit in the storyline. Heck they even had this huge trailer for this.
And the last thing for me that bummed me about the story was the presentation. The drawings looked cool and all but they dont even transition properly. It looks like some 12 year old kid put it together in windows movie maker or somethung
I wanted there to be more to the story, i liked what the current story was doing but the fact that it was for mainly pat and pyyrha dissapoiinted me, i wanted to see more to the story for other characters like ZWEI, we barely know anything about the guy, and what about the rest of the characters? Where do they come into the story
I can understand that point of view. I still say it's better than walls of text with pictures.
And what about Ezio? Ezio was one of the other reasons why i was hyped to see the story. I also wanted to see how he was going to fit in the storyline. Heck they even had this huge trailer for this.
The guest character is never involved story wise. SCIV doesn't count because all the guest characters did was interact with the other guest characters.
And the last thing for me that bummed me about the story was the presentation. The drawings looked cool and all but they dont even transition properly. It looks like some 12 year old kid put it together in windows movie maker or something.
At least it's telling a story and explaining why said character is doing whatever.
My 2 cents.
I still can't believe anyone pays any attention to the story mode in anyway. I wasn't even going to bother going through it until I heard I had to to get all the CaS pieces.

Hey, CaS. I think this thread was about that in the beforetime.
Meh, SCV has better fighting game mechanics and balance then SCII, it is way more fun. My biggest grip with SCV is that Guard Impacts survived eradication and that they added Just Guard.

As for the topic, still waiting on SCV character packs. I am hoping for Tuesday.

Way more than that -.-
I know, still too lazy right now to add it all up...Also waiting for the next gear in a day or 2, so close now...

And Donut, like I said, and I cannot promise anything, it may be attached to the armor anyway, so sadface. -_-
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