Gamespot & IGN Play Soulcalibur V

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Lately it seems like we're being flood with Soulcalibur V news and media the closer we are getting to the retail release of the game, which has recently went gold for anyone who happened to miss that announcement.

On Thursday, both Gamespot and IGN uploaded videos of their hands on with Soulcalibur V. The videos are worth checking out for those who want to hear more of the announcer or for those who want to get a better look at the stages or Natsu's second player costume. Don't expect much in the gameplay department.

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Sadly, some of their doubts I share.

Quality should never be compromised by popularity. This time around, Team Soul is desperately crying out, "Notice us, were just like SF now".

Can't outsell your competition? Then copy their ideas!

Many of the "hardcore" fans will probably vanish after this release. While I may not agree that Sc2 was the best, I understand the feeling that the games have been going downhill. Sc3 had glitches, Sc4 was too slow, and now Sc5 is playing copy-cat to SF.

Granted, I don't "know" how all of this is gonna play out yet. I'm going with my gut on this one. If sc5 is as bad as I think it's going to be, I'll just sell it back quickly for almost 100% of it's value.

Are they ignorant of SC? Yes. But that doesn't mean that everything that was said was baseless or wrong. Even idiots can be right sometimes, unfortunately.
Wait wut?
Hardcore fans are not going to leave for something as simple as copying ideas from other games. If the changes make the game better they will be all for it. I don't see SF people forming a lawsuit for copyrighting so obviously they themselves accept it that SCV is something different.
Wait wut?
Hardcore fans are not going to leave for something as simple as copying ideas from other games. If the changes make the game better they will be all for it. I don't see SF people forming a lawsuit for copyrighting so obviously they themselves accept it that SCV is something different.
All I know is he's not gonna respond to you and me. Especially me. Because damn I suck at being friendly and cheerful to Mr. Cynical......
I wouldn't be so opposed to "super" moves if every character didn't have the same fucking input. I find that incredibly boring, and a cheap way to make your game more exciting, which is really only more exciting to spectators and noobs.

Copying things from other games does happen all the time, yes. The thing that bothers me is that SC never NEEDED to borrow anything at all, it was already great to begin with. In this case, borrowing may actually take away from it's core game play. Why do I not want CE's? Because you could already dish out nasty combos to begin with, the game doesn't need all that extra fluff. Why do I want GI back the way it was before? Because now I'm not free to use it whenever I want, not to mention they changed the input for GI, an input that has existed for (I think the beginning).

I think all they really needed to to, was keep the SG concept, balance it out, and TADA! Punishing turtle's was a great idea, only now you actually gain "meter" for blocking, and a whole fucking bar if you lose 2 rounds. Now they got this "clean hit" bullshit that only FURTHER encourages people to spam the same moves, not to mention the move lists themselves have reduced.

The flashy colors is further evidence of a desperation towards recognition, as they are appealing to the idiot crowds who only get off on Hollywood explosions, big titties, and big eye attention-grabbers like flashy colors. I don't need/want flashy colors to distract me from what's going on. For me, the "flash" of this game is in the mind-games, not the visual effects.

I see this new game as a huge step backwards. Maybe old folks are right, every generation IS getting dumber and dumber.

New characters, new moves, new stages is really all you need to freshen things up. It's better to keep a tried and true system than to risk fucking it up with too many new additions/changes.

When game developers take risks like this, it's pretty obvious what happens. Either it works well and it's very successful, or it falls flat on it's ass. I think they are trying way too hard to popularize the game by adding in too many elements that don't belong.

What's really sad is that I may be alone on this. Doubt is a good, healthy thing. Doubt is what got us out of the dark ages. I notice that if anyone doubts the new SC for ANY reason, they get slammed by elitist ass holes, typical response "shut up noob, you know nothing about SC".

Doubt does not equate to "stupid", okay people? If anything, people who doubt many things are typically MORE intelligent than the average Joe.

So please, I'm asking you nicely (everyone), Don't rip people a new one just because they think things are going South.

I know "the game isn't even out yet", but the difference is that they are releasing videos over and over of the game, and telling us SPECIFICALLY what changes have been done, changes that raise my eyebrow, and leave me with a big whopping "WTF" feeling in my heart.

The same thing happened with Skyrim. Man that game was a total let down. Guess what? The suspicions I formed before I played the game, after I found out about all the new changes, stayed true even after I "gave it an honest try" and played for about 8 hours.

I trust my gut on these matters.
SC and its tried and true formula has never allowed it to pick up the steam of SF and MvC. Shit I think slow ass Tekken is given more respect than SC. If you don't like te changes that's fine but don't go around saying this is an unnecessary change or that was foolish to copy. Not everyone can get taken in by the the game at its face value enough to get better at it. Now its something for everybody to relate too.

I wish you knew how many times I had to defend my favorite game against my SF friends and there SF friends. The kept saying you can't even do combos. All you got to do is mash YY or XX for a win. I went thru three friends list in one day of wrecking people in SC just to show their ignorance.

Do you know why they where ignorant? Its because they didn't feel the need to learn past YY and XX with an occasional kick thrown in there because the game couldn't grab there attention.

I talk a monstrous load of shit about SF but I understand the games mechanics and how to apply them for a victory. I was forced to play them in there game and guess what? Some motherfuckers had to struggle for those victories because SF doesn't change inputs. I took the time to understand their game because it's popular and everybody and their grandma knows how to combo into their Supers and Ultras.

I wish SC had that popularity but the reality is that it doesn't. If I want to play offline I have to generate the interest. Not just mention the name and let nostalgia do the rest. I'm for all these changes so SCV can be that game in ten years that people look back on and say yeah that game really took off into space with that installment.
Popularity, ha. Let's just make SC mainstream while we're at it and have Justin Beiber as the new guest character so all the little high school girls will like it too.

All DIS is doing is expressing his concern for the series he loves and he is right about almost every single thing he said. I for one DO NOT want to play SF or anything like it and that is the point DIS was making.

Soul Caliber has always been a great fighting series that never needed to borrow from anything. Changing to fit in is such a pathetic mind set and the whole point of the guest character, (Ezio) is to pull in those mainstream fuck tards who wouldn't know a good game if it fucked them in the ass.

I'm going to tell you that I already paid for the collectors edition so I'll be able to tell you if the changes are horrific as DIS predicts. Also, I do look back and SC is already that game that took off into space, at least it was for me.
oooh a game tries to appeal to more people (which it has been doing very well by the way given the reactions I've seen) and its in the wrong. Kinda logic is that? If it gives the game more exposure, more players, etc. and still be a good game. I'm all for it.

The game is still the SC you love and adore even with these new mechanics. (Considering SC has already had super moves before). The game has barely changed beyond that.

Get over yourselves....
There's good news whenever a series moves in a new direction that you might hate, despite most of the fanbase supporting it AND it gaining attention from people outside of the fanbase.

You can still play all of your old games!

EDIT: For the record, the increased speed and return of non-shitty frames is a return to the good old days of Soul Calibur. Despite the new meter mechanics, the actual *essence* of the series is finally returning after being gone for so long.
I never said the game is going to be good or bad btw and you're right I will probably still enjoy it, but I have never once picked up the controller, started SC, and thought to myself, gee I wish this game was more like SF. Just like I don't play FF and think it should be more like WoW, or visa versa.

And you are still misinterpreting me saying the SF copy BS is bad to, the whole game is bad.
Popularity, ha. Let's just make SC mainstream while we're at it and have Justin Beiber as the new guest character so all the little high school girls will like it too.
So SC being main stream and getting support from "highschool girls" is a bad thing. You do realize that the more money it brings in the higher a probability we will see more sequals right?
. Also, I do look back and SC is already that game that took off into space, at least it was for me.
Your miss quoting me. I said people not me. I have played this game since SB and love the series. My friends still don't get into SC because it didn't have anything that grabbed their attention even after i showed them how deep it can be. Now its still deep with more mechanics to make it even deeper.
It's not ignorant. Most popular things do suck. Just take a look around you in this god-forsaken world.

Look at music, popular clothing, and popular trends, and tell me honestly that popularity doesn't 95% of the time equate to trash.

SC has never been as popular as SF, does that tell you anything about popularity?

It tells me that most people on Earth have poor taste, and wouldn't know quality if it slapped them in the face with a rubber dick.

SC is an acquired taste, like a good wine. I don't want SC to become "Mike's hard Lemonade", easy to drink by anyone.
>_> Well I guess you're gonna have your hipster shades on saying "I liked SC before it was cool" huh?

Nothing wrong with something being popular, I can honestly tell you that music, popular clothing, and trends are not 95% trash. Taste is subjective and judging others tastes is as ignorant as claiming that just because something is popular its trash.

SC hasn't been as popular because it isn't as nostalgic or played as much as The SF series. But obviously you have a such a hard on for SC that you can't see logic and would rather bash the series that popularized and revitalized the fighting game genre.

Like I said, get over yourself...I'm done
It's not ignorant. Most popular things do suck. Just take a look around you in this god-forsaken world.

Look at music, popular clothing, and popular trends, and tell me honestly that popularity doesn't 95% of the time equate to trash.

SC has never been as popular as SF, does that tell you anything about popularity?

It tells me that most people on Earth have poor taste, and wouldn't know quality if it slapped them in the face with a rubber dick.

SC is an acquired taste, like a good wine. I don't want SC to become "Mike's hard Lemonade", easy to drink by anyone.

Settle down champ, you're going a little overboard for a video game that hasn't even been released yet. Curmudgeons like you can't be swayed so I'm not even going to try-- just ease up a little. Take an extra vitamin today.

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