Gamespot & IGN Play Soulcalibur V

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Lately it seems like we're being flood with Soulcalibur V news and media the closer we are getting to the retail release of the game, which has recently went gold for anyone who happened to miss that announcement.

On Thursday, both Gamespot and IGN uploaded videos of their hands on with Soulcalibur V. The videos are worth checking out for those who want to hear more of the announcer or for those who want to get a better look at the stages or Natsu's second player costume. Don't expect much in the gameplay department.

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People need to shake this "it popular now it sucks" mentality, its ignorant as hell....
Putting words in someone else's mouth is also ignorant as hell..... But I digress.

It is almost a proven fact that once you start changing a formula to get others to like it, it becomes vapid a bland. I'm not saying that is the case with SC though.

DIS just gave his opinion and shared his concern and I agreed with it and here you are fighting tooth and nail just to mock him and myself. You aren't even trying to get us to see your side in a respectful way like Reave did. You're just giving us your over opinionated opinion, and telling use to get over our selves when if anyone needs to get over themselves it's clearly you.

So I'm going to take some literary advice from you and tell you to shut up because your opinion is stupid. Also you don't pay attention, that or you suffer from selective reading because if you look up a few comments I whole heatedly admit to saying that I will still probably enjoy the game. I bet you're one of those types who just loves to get the last word.

P.S. I expect to be hearing from you reeeaaal soon.
Nothing new going on here I see. Doomsayers without understanding of design criticizing designs, giving way to an avalanche of fear and insane rambling like it's some kind of manifesto.

Oh internet, what would you be without it. I personally think shedding the skin of the SC2 fanboys would do the series good; losing those guys is no great loss at all.

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