Gay or Straight?

Gay or Straight?

  • Gay

    Votes: 50 25.1%
  • Straight

    Votes: 120 60.3%
  • Bi

    Votes: 29 14.6%

  • Total voters
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Most people want to be a girl... seriously... life is 10times easier.
Ephebophiles huh... Well I amend my statement to include 12 year old girls, I knew a 12 year old girl who introduced herself as 20... I talked her down to 17 (still legal) and find out shes really 12. Make-up and tattoos will getcha every time i swear! The fact is, because I didn't bang her, I am not a pedo. Honestly, it falls under a grey zone. Thats sorta like me calling myself A world champion soul calibur player, even though I haven't won a world championship, I have the urge to win it, does that make it so? Wanting to fly (a plane) doesn't make you a pilot. I could argue this for days with many examples, but butt-fuckers are overly sensitive and have to be right. I will say that it is in a grey zone, but until you lose your V card you aren't a member. Like dating over the internet, unless you meet the person and date them, you aren't dating them... in my opinion.
Okay, to make you butt-fuckers and dick-suckers (no offense) understand: Sexuality is a choice. For a straight man, you see a beautiful girl, she is attractive, you get turned on, you are 21, she tells you shes 15... Are you a pedophial?
So if you act on fucking this underage girl, you would be a pedophial.
Lets say someone pisses you off, you want to kill them, the urge is there, but you don't... are you a murderer?
If you act on murdering this person, you are a murderer!
If you see a guy and he turns you on, but you don't fuck him, you make a choice and aren't gay.
SO WHAT PART OF THIS STATEMENT ISN'T LOGICAL. Stop trying to make things bend your own way, the fact is sexuality IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE A CHOICE, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you MUST. Its not a LIE to exhibit self-control. Get pwned harder by Remirez

LOL. That's what I have to say to your post.

Ramirez stop equating have sexual urges to these flimsy analogies you keep on coming up with. Sexuality is in a whole different league. There is NO morality involved with being gay or bisexual as such with deciding whether to kill, and a person or have sex with an underage girl. Sexual urges are much more stronger. It's an intrinsic part of the human mind hence it's not a choice.

"If you see a guy and he turns you on, but you don't fuck him, " this corroborates my point right here. If a guy turns me on, how is that my fault, you can't choose to turn an erection on and off like it's a light switch. It's part of my sexuality. I don't choose who I am attracted to, it just happens. Just like with a straight girl. If she turns you on, do you actually think that you'll be able to automatically say "Okay, It's time to stop being turned on"? No

I seriously think that you need some educating. But it's alright. I'm not going to bombard you with hatred. I'll treat you how I'd like to be treated; Nicely. Since we are all human beings. Everybody is equal. Don't let differences in sexual preferences cloud your vision of seeing the kindness in people, and cause you to spew hate. Just be accepting, and tolerant.

Peace and Love

Jester <3
Heres the error in your logic: Lets say I am riding the bus and I get aroused. Am I an automobilesexual? Do I fuck the bus? And sometimes, if a straight girl turns me on, I have to be like, well shit, gotta focus on work, no time for getting an erection in front of everyone around me. Having self control and self understanding allow people with higher I.Q.'s (I am assuming since your dumb ass can't seem to) the ability to reject.
ERROR #2 (2(2(2))): The urge to kill is human nature. Obviously you have never felt this urge, it is MUCH stronger than sexual desire. Why do you think people murder people more often than people rape someone?
Heres the error in your logic: Lets say I am riding the bus and I get aroused. Am I an automobilesexual? Do I fuck the bus? And sometimes, if a straight girl turns me on, I have to be like, well shit, gotta focus on work, no time for getting an erection in front of everyone around me. Having self control and self understanding allow people with higher I.Q.'s (I am assuming since your dumb ass can't seem to) the ability to reject.
ERROR #2 (2(2(2))): The urge to kill is human nature. Obviously you have never felt this urge, it is MUCH stronger than sexual desire. Why do you think people murder people more often than people rape someone?

I wouldn't start jumping to accusations, and calling me dumb, especially since I guarantee that my academic credentials exceed yours by far but that's a whole other argument.

When I return, I'll reply to your post.
Heres the error in your logic: Lets say I am riding the bus and I get aroused. Am I an automobilesexual? Do I fuck the bus? And sometimes, if a straight girl turns me on, I have to be like, well shit, gotta focus on work, no time for getting an erection in front of everyone around me. Having self control and self understanding allow people with higher I.Q.'s (I am assuming since your dumb ass can't seem to) the ability to reject.
ERROR #2 (2(2(2))): The urge to kill is human nature. Obviously you have never felt this urge, it is MUCH stronger than sexual desire. Why do you think people murder people more often than people rape someone?

... Oh wow... Here, because you seem to think you're making a really good logical argument, let me introduce you to the logical fallacy you just walked straight into: It's called affirming the consequent.

Basically, you're making the argument:

1.)If A then B.
3.)Therefore, A.

An argument like this is invalid. Basically, the conclusion can be false even if points 1 and 2 are true. This is because A was never said to be the only condition for B. Other factors can account for point B.

1.) If I am attracted to something I have a boner.
2.) I have a boner on a bus.
3.) I'm therefore attracted to a bus.

Several things can account for this boner, not just attraction. Let's not even get into the fact that said boner might have come from someone ON the bus.

I'm pretty sure nobody thinks this way. This was an awful argument, and you should feel ashamed for thinking it was perfectly logical to make this point.
I'm pretty sure hes trolling now. No one can be this dumb.

Ps I lold at his paragraph on the urge to kill. Someone just took a philosophy 01 class
Desty, the fact that I kept it loose like that was because I didn't way to say exactly WHAT from the bus caused the erection. Could be the vibrations, the air through the hair, the smell of it reminding me of childhood and young girls, or the color of the brown seats with the hole in front of me that reminds me of an anus. The point was that just because something causes you to be aroused, doesn't mean you need to act on it, and if you don't you are living a lie, and that if you do you are such-and-such. The point was that SELF CONTROL was what was important and self control leads to choice making sexuality a choice.

Bubbles, I never have.
Desty, the fact that I kept it loose like that was because I didn't way to say exactly WHAT from the bus caused the erection. Could be the vibrations, the air through the hair, the smell of it reminding me of childhood and young girls, or the color of the brown seats with the hole in front of me that reminds me of an anus. The point was that just because something causes you to be aroused, doesn't mean you need to act on it, and if you don't you are living a lie, and that if you do you are such-and-such. The point was that SELF CONTROL was what was important and self control leads to choice making sexuality a choice.


I just died laughing LOL.

This is obvious trolling :P
Seraphim, that what you just did IS obviously trolling, and last time I checked it wasn't allowed on the forums, thank you for breaking forum rules, and I wish the mods would handle you in such a deserving way.
Seraphim, that what you just did IS obviously trolling, and last time I checked it wasn't allowed on the forums, thank you for breaking forum rules, and I wish the mods would handle you in such a deserving way.

You clearly do not understand what trolling is. Last time I checked, I'm perfectly innocent. I'm the Seraphim in this situation; the angel, and you're the "jester" in this situation; the fool. Everyone is blasting your ignorant comments, because you display no logic, and are merely insulting people for the sake of it.
Yup neo is trolling
PS you seem to lie about girls a lot also you seem to think the fact you having urges towards men means you aren't gay.....Some ones in the closet prehaps?
Desty, the fact that I kept it loose like that was because I didn't way to say exactly WHAT from the bus caused the erection. Could be the vibrations, the air through the hair, the smell of it reminding me of childhood and young girls, or the color of the brown seats with the hole in front of me that reminds me of an anus. The point was that just because something causes you to be aroused, doesn't mean you need to act on it, and if you don't you are living a lie, and that if you do you are such-and-such. The point was that SELF CONTROL was what was important and self control leads to choice making sexuality a choice.

But once again you're wrong. Largely because you have 0 grasp of what sexuality is.

Sexuality is defined by attraction, not the act of actually having sex with another man. Here, let me just lay it out in examples for you because you seem to work better with those:

I'm a male

I get boners when fantasizing about other males sexually.

I am completely unable to get boners when fantasizing about women sexually.

Now most people would call this being gay. But by the logic you have used in about 3 of your posts now, this doesn't make me gay. I'm not gay until I actually go and have sex with someone. So lets say I don't. Am I an asexual now, because I didn't have sex?

So alright, let's change this up a bit.

I'm a male

I get boners when fantasizing about women sexually.

I'm completely unable to get boners when fantasizing about men.

Random condition comes up in which I end up having some kind of sexual intimacy with another male (perhaps I was curious in my teen years, perhaps I was so drunk I thought it was a woman, hell, perhaps I got raped). After that I still didn't get boners when fantasizing about men sexually, but your logic says I'm gay.

I think what you need to get through your head right here is this:

Sexuality is based completely on urges; not actions. You don't choose to be gay. You choose to have gay sex. You don't choose to be straight, you choose to have straight sex. Having sex and sexuality =/= the same thing.

Now let's continue with your pedophile argument:

You claim that if you're attracted to a 12 year old girl that you're not a pedophile until you act upon it. This is untrue. Being attracted to a 12 year old girl does, in fact, make you a pedophile. Being attracted to a 15 year old girl does, in fact, make you an ephebophile.

However in the case with the 12 year old you laid out you also laid out a condition which tells me you aren't a pedophile. You thought she looked 17-20. If someone gives the appearance of a 17-20 year old and you are attracted to them, then you are attracted to 17-20 year olds. Even if they are actually 12, they did not look like they were 12, and the image of your typical 12 year old girl doesn't arouse you. Thus you are not a pedophile.

This is the same thing as when talking about androgynous men or women. If a man looks like a woman and you believe them to be a woman at first glance and are attracted to them, you are attracted to women, not men. Thus, you are not a homosexual. Etc.
TROLLING: The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame. -Urban Dictionary.
In this definition I guess you are right, except you are wrong. BTW this means you are a lame flaming, unfunny, half-"faggot"(as in a negative, not as in cigarrette)

The fact is that I am not trying to piss you off, I am trying to make you understand where you are wrong. I am helping you, but you becoming upset over being wrong is causing you be to just that, upset. I am sorry that you are dumb, and someone like me, (IQ 160, 4.0 GPA) upsets your little brain, which is probably normal size but due to its lack of actual function I consider only the working parts in size. You think I don't like gays? I have no problem with gays, if fact I wish everyone in the world besides myself (males only) were homosexual, and that every girl needed my dick. I state the FACTS that CHOICE is the main part of sexuality. Argue about it. Get pwned by my dick again. Bubbles, I don't lie, I got videos and pictures.

I stopped reading at the second example, the fact is that YOU DID A GAY ACT, YOU DID IT. I will finish reading your post after I finish work.
I will try to let you understand this, as I said in the past there is a gray zone when it comes to sexuality. The way it works is, in example one, yes you are asexual, you have lived an asexual life. Example B, if thats all you have done, you have been homosexual. In example 3, it doesn't MATTER if she looked one way or was another, if someone ACTS on it, doesn't matter if she looked 29 and was 13, you are still a pedo. Just because you have homosexual URGES, it doesn't make you a homosexual. You have a dream about fucking your mom or dad, doesn't mean you will do it, therefore, no problem, and you are clean. It doesn't matter if they LOOK like a woman, if they have a penis, that makes you gay, now if they have actually gone to lengths to become female, boob job, then thats a gray zone. Warui looks 97% like my ex girlfriend.
I will try to let you understand this, as I said in the past there is a gray zone when it comes to sexuality. The way it works is, in example one, yes you are asexual, you have lived an asexual life. Example B, if thats all you have done, you have been homosexual. In example 3, it doesn't MATTER if she looked one way or was another, if someone ACTS on it, doesn't matter if she looked 29 and was 13, you are still a pedo. Just because you have homosexual URGES, it doesn't make you a homosexual. You have a dream about fucking your mom or dad, doesn't mean you will do it, therefore, no problem, and you are clean. It doesn't matter if they LOOK like a woman, if they have a penis, that makes you gay, now if they have actually gone to lengths to become female, boob job, then thats a gray zone. Warui looks 97% like my ex girlfriend.

I guess you just need a definition:


\ˌhō-mə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\

:of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex

So the dictionary defines a homosexual as someone who has a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. If I'm 100% attracted to men, and am unable to be attracted to women, I am, by definition, a homosexual. You are wrong sir, and the english language says so.
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