Good Games Thread

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GGs to HRD. I lagged out a couple of wins but can't seem to get a hold of his Maxi. In that last match I swear to god I was GI-ing those Mario Ass Slams from Rock. Also wanted to point out my scrubbiest character online is my main...
GGs to HRD. I lagged out a couple of wins but can't seem to get a hold of his Maxi. In that last match I swear to god I was GI-ing those Mario Ass Slams from Rock. Also wanted to point out my scrubbiest character online is my main...

LOOOOOL. Seems like against you (or other people in your area) I cant get away with playing as anyone else but Maxi. Which I dont mind, But I know people get tired of fighting the same guy over and over again. But against you, Its the only character I can mindfuck you with a little. even tho you ducked every single one of my LO B K's even when I mixed it up. I also gotta stop being greedy when I see ur about to break your soul gauge

I get a kick outta playing you. Even random matches where I get fuckin Rock and you Mina and its "beat dick against controller and try to win"!! good fun man....until next time america

who is thes WHOOMAN guy? I got an invite from that person the other day to. But I dont accept candy from strangers....LOL

@ Noct22.....I kinda suck, but Id be happy to play with ya. GT is HotRodDave619....hehe

aDD me noct22
GGs to Deathsm8 (who puts up with my shitty repetitive characters), PockyYoshi and ArcticKomodo.

Boo on Dilpunne who kicked me cos i won in our Tira mirror.

Do you know how fucking hard i look for Tira mirrors. All fucking Diva bitches. Cop yourselves on!
GGs to Deathsm8 (who puts up with my shitty repetitive characters), PockyYoshi and ArcticKomodo.

Boo on Dilpunne who kicked me cos i won in our Tira mirror.

Do you know how fucking hard i look for Tira mirrors. All fucking Diva bitches. Cop yourselves on!

I'll beat you any time :)
LOOOOOL. Seems like against you (or other people in your area) I cant get away with playing as anyone else but Maxi. Which I dont mind, But I know people get tired of fighting the same guy over and over again. But against you, Its the only character I can mindfuck you with a little. even tho you ducked every single one of my LO B K's even when I mixed it up. I also gotta stop being greedy when I see ur about to break your soul gauge

I get a kick outta playing you. Even random matches where I get fuckin Rock and you Mina and its "beat dick against controller and try to win"!! good fun man....until next time america

I have no problem fighting the same person over and over again so don't worry about that. Especially a decent maxi. A good number of the places I was stepping were bullshit anyways. I dunno how I duck LO BK, I think it's because there's a decent sized delay in the stance shift after LO B. Not enough that I can react and interrupt it but to were if I don't see the kick within so long I know not to duck. To balance that out though I think whenever I blocked BL K I stood to block the second K lol.
You actually convinced me to finally go into the wiki after our games and check frame data for Maxi. Last but not least, my Mina 9B/3A+B mix ups were genius. Don't know why InsaneKhent doesn't use them(It's a joke, I played InsaneKhent before and he demolished me so I'm not mocking him to anyone who thinks I might be)
GG to Ring today. I can never beat your Ivy. Still I like playing against you, even now I learn a few new things. Can't wait to see what SC5 brings.
GGs Eli. There was some crazy stuff going on.

I don't know how you ducked last hit of my WP 6AA and then immediately SS O.o And shame on me for getting caught with techtraps that I personally listed in the guide (CH 9B, WP 66A+B lol I forgot which side I should tech to avoid it)
GGs to FuzzieViking and Paranormal Oreo.

Highlight reel:

Talim's godly 1K

Taki flips and clones.

.....and I forget the rest. I had fun.
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