Good Games Thread

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GGs to RTD_ATL you are clearly the best player Ive ever played in my life

15-2 was the score, It was amazing watching you own so hard with kilik
GGs to marginal and hot rod dave.
BGs to Cobra X CLAN or his brother or whoever it was.
Him: "your[sic] really terrible."
Me: "that... completely explains why you're losing 3-0."
I'm new to the 8wayrun community but I'm a SC vet so look out for meh. Also ggs to ZeroRose_X and my crazy ass girl Angela_Reign. Your Setsuka is getting better every second.
Good games to Badass99. He fought my sleepy Talim, poke game Taki and GIing Cassandra. P.S. I hope Algol chokes on a soul shard.
yeah i was lagging pretty bad. was doing well when me and Numu played. then everyone after that were 4s then 3s off an on. i was getting raped, lol. All so ggs to OneWingedSlinky, CFRatao, Blackwolf21, and MOLDAIVER. connection was good with everyone cept MOLDAIVER but still good fights lol.
ggs to marginal earlier. i was coming off a week and a half of strictly offline and was raging so hard that i couldn't do 4bb:a that i threw my controller at the floor and it exploded. i was trying to finish the match with the pieces but just gave up lol.
ggs to marginal earlier. i was coming off a week and a half of strictly offline and was raging so hard that i couldn't do 4bb:a that i threw my controller at the floor and it exploded. i was trying to finish the match with the pieces but just gave up lol.

Heh. I did get the sense you were pretty focused on trying to get the JF to work. I had to abandon online not too long after you left anyway. Kept getting network errors etc.
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