Good Games Thread

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@xpeh...OK' let say this, how dare you to judge me, what I do...half the shit online pretty much bullshit...and I do understand the concept of the game, because I don't go offline tournament, that don't mean "I don't know offline gameplay"...I'm gonna tell you right now, straight up...the difference between me and talk shit about me, when I playing you online (what really don't give a crap about), talking about how terrible I am, saying shit from your mouth not even a joke...I don't care what you gonna I'm saying...I played really good players offline.. "who really don't care about tournaments", I don't look at frame data because some of them are wrong...because 80% what it show in 8wayrun, it not a guaranteed to work all the time.
The difference between you and I is far more than me pointing out your heavy flaws and dependence on lag.
- I'm a far more knowledgeable player than you
- I've competed, done well, and even taken a victory at an offline tournament
- I'm far more capable of making understandable paragraphs
Among other things...

Okay, let me pick this apart...
Yes. You never playing offline against tournament level competitors means you lack knowledge of how offline is actually played. It's not a bad thing that you don't, it just is- facts. I'm sorry, but there's no way one can completely understand the difference from online and offline play when you've only played online. Trying to emulate and offline style via online can/will help you transition well to offline; but it's still a very different game. You have yet to have your name appear at any offline tournament... hell, even a note worthy offline session. No one has ever heard of you, offline. My opinions are based on that information, and the fact that you speak of offline as if it were your primary source of play.

Highly, HIGHLY doubt you've played any name worthy offline as you claim. These "really good offline players who don't attend tournaments" sounds a little fishy. Ah, fuck it, sounds like a bold face lie.

8wayrun is the center for competitive SC play. Our frame data is pretty accurate- very few mistakes. It's common sense on what's disadvantage and what's not- in fact, go check yourself on some of these frames and test them yourself via training mode. I'm surprised you haven't done so already and just assumed that 8Wayrun isn't 100% correct. Do some homework.

Also, I don't sit there and talk shit about you. I am barely on my mic, and when I am, no one I talk to cares about you. However, when I do hear your name, I will say exactly what I say about all the people in the same boat as you...
"Oh, yeah, I've played him. He's one of those online players who claim offline-norm play."
Truth can be painful at times.

And the funny thing about just started to be a serious offline player (just for playing sc4) in your life, so we kinda in a same page here, even though I don't go to offline tournament that my problems not yours, what you do looking at frame data how to be good player. (still that is good for you) but I will keep it old school by learning mistakes and trust me this is way more better while you learning your mistakes..I really don't care if I lose...but honestly most players online only looking for the best characters in the game instead of, sort of good characters, half the players I know so far mostly doing too many same frames just win a fight or spamming crap of me because is the best frames in the moves list.
I started competitive gaming via Guilty Gear X2, not Soul Calibur IV. We are not on the same page;
1.) I compete offline, you don't
2.) I'm an online advocate who plays offline
3.) You're anti-online, with zero offline experience

You not going to tournaments has become a problem for me. Mainly because of the amount of shit you talk via PSN, Youtube comments (Refer to FSAK videos) and on 8wayrun. If you're going to be buck better have them bucks, and come bring them to me at a mutual meeting ground... maybe like an offline tournament?

Looking at frames is helpful not only to you, but to everyone you play. For example, you don't look at frame data. I do. When we play, I pulverize you. I show you what works and what doesn't work because I've studied up on frame data. So, when you use 2A as a frame trap I will push it back in your face 90% of the time, since remember, we are online.

Also, spamming legitimate moves online works offline as well. Amy's 2B+K is spam-able online and offline. That's just one example. Quit crying about spam. Hell, quit crying.

So back to you Xpeh...Yes! you are a really good player, but don't talk shit about me...who you don't know at all, because of my online gameplays, I really comeback from yellow light of death from 2010, so kinda getting use of the rules of frames like what is a lag, disadvantages and so on...(sigh) but anyway Characters I mostly hate is Ivy, Cervantes, Amy Shopita and If I lose by them...I will say something about it...because they already cheap characters, but I will figure them out how to react to certain things, what players love to do online with them.
Just to clear this up, the only reason for me verbally trashing your name is because you've done the same to offline players. If I recall, a few days after FSAK videos were posted, you flamed my friend Hawkeye in our match and verbally trashed his Taki; and on top of all that, you acted as if you were some offline-norm player. Ever since that incident, you have proven you are an online scrub to not only me, but more than half of the offline community. Though, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't care- you never will be part of the offline community. :/

So whenever we fight in offline tournament, don't be surprise what I can do...because I do have certain things what I learn by experience. So let see, whenever we fight offline. sigh so whatever
You have been saying this same thing for 2years now... "When we play offline!" or "You'll see what happens offline!"
Instead of saying this, how about you just show up. If not, shut up. The consequences of your trash talk has gotten you the label of a scrub. You are a scrub until you show up in an offline tournament. Until then, my advice is to study up on the English language before touching those frame wikis.

Also, just to clear it up for everyone; just because you are an online-strictly player doesn't make you a scrub. Sharing the mentality of these online players who preach of offline, as if they participate in it, will get you that label.
*snip of well done post*

GGs to MrTheGamer even though his Lizzy is h4x and I hate him :'( Fortunately I had to get ready for school, or my 0-5 would have turned into 0-10 :'(!
Even though Xeph is a dick he's right! I plan on participating in some offline events whenever they show up near Tampa, FL!

GG RainbowMonster xD
GGs to Partisan! Your Pinkstaroth got me confused at times. I'm looking forward to game with you again Partisan, & the connection was gooooooood :D

GGs to Shinji! To me, our yesterday's games where too weird.. it almost felt as if you were playing right next to me watching my controller lol, I mean dam.. every time you tried to grab me, I'd inputted A or B grab breaks & you still landed like 27/30 grabs. I was like: "Whaaaaa-fuck". 5 times was A, then B, A three times B, A, B, A, A, then six times B, etc waaaaaaa!! it was crazy lol. GGs!
Also, nice JIs & 1-pixel-HP comebacks! ;)

GGs to Rythion!
The difference between you and I is far more than me pointing out your heavy flaws and dependence on lag.
- I'm a far more knowledgeable player than you
- I've competed, done well, and even taken a victory at an offline tournament
- I'm far more capable of making understandable paragraphs
Among other things...

Okay, let me pick this apart...
Yes. You never playing offline against tournament level competitors means you lack knowledge of how offline is actually played. It's not a bad thing that you don't, it just is- facts. I'm sorry, but there's no way one can completely understand the difference from online and offline play when you've only played online. Trying to emulate and offline style via online can/will help you transition well to offline; but it's still a very different game. You have yet to have your name appear at any offline tournament... hell, even a note worthy offline session. No one has ever heard of you, offline. My opinions are based on that information, and the fact that you speak of offline as if it were your primary source of play.

Highly, HIGHLY doubt you've played any name worthy offline as you claim. These "really good offline players who don't attend tournaments" sounds a little fishy. Ah, fuck it, sounds like a bold face lie.

8wayrun is the center for competitive SC play. Our frame data is pretty accurate- very few mistakes. It's common sense on what's disadvantage and what's not- in fact, go check yourself on some of these frames and test them yourself via training mode. I'm surprised you haven't done so already and just assumed that 8Wayrun isn't 100% correct. Do some homework.

Also, I don't sit there and talk shit about you. I am barely on my mic, and when I am, no one I talk to cares about you. However, when I do hear your name, I will say exactly what I say about all the people in the same boat as you...
"Oh, yeah, I've played him. He's one of those online players who claim offline-norm play."
Truth can be painful at times.

I started competitive gaming via Guilty Gear X2, not Soul Calibur IV. We are not on the same page;
1.) I compete offline, you don't
2.) I'm an online advocate who plays offline
3.) You're anti-online, with zero offline experience

You not going to tournaments has become a problem for me. Mainly because of the amount of shit you talk via PSN, Youtube comments (Refer to FSAK videos) and on 8wayrun. If you're going to be buck better have them bucks, and come bring them to me at a mutual meeting ground... maybe like an offline tournament?

Looking at frames is helpful not only to you, but to everyone you play. For example, you don't look at frame data. I do. When we play, I pulverize you. I show you what works and what doesn't work because I've studied up on frame data. So, when you use 2A as a frame trap I will push it back in your face 90% of the time, since remember, we are online.

Also, spamming legitimate moves online works offline as well. Amy's 2B+K is spam-able online and offline. That's just one example. Quit crying about spam. Hell, quit crying.

Just to clear this up, the only reason for me verbally trashing your name is because you've done the same to offline players. If I recall, a few days after FSAK videos were posted, you flamed my friend Hawkeye in our match and verbally trashed his Taki; and on top of all that, you acted as if you were some offline-norm player. Ever since that incident, you have proven you are an online scrub to not only me, but more than half of the offline community. Though, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't care- you never will be part of the offline community. :/

You have been saying this same thing for 2years now... "When we play offline!" or "You'll see what happens offline!"
Instead of saying this, how about you just show up. If not, shut up. The consequences of your trash talk has gotten you the label of a scrub. You are a scrub until you show up in an offline tournament. Until then, my advice is to study up on the English language before touching those frame wikis.

Also, just to clear it up for everyone; just because you are an online-strictly player doesn't make you a scrub. Sharing the mentality of these online players who preach of offline, as if they participate in it, will get you that label.

I really don't like to argue about this crap...You won, I whatever
Good job, now Pocky Yoshi chuckles at you. Word of advice? Well.....I don't even know where to start. To me you come off as those "ignorant Beast mode players" that will never.....and I mean never be regarded as top players because of your mentality right now.

Common sense. You become famous by showing up to tourneys. There, everyone can see your skill and help you get to where you need to be. But of course, you want to stay offline and beast mode your way by your own knowledge to win tourneys not watched by the whole world or whatever. Sadly, with the current skill and mindset you have now, you're only a dreamer that will lose more than winning. Meaning that you won't get your name engraved offline and even get online players fapping to you because of whatever reality stops you from doing so.

Think about it. If you hate Xeph so much, go offline and defeat him. There is no other way, unless you prefer crying like an absolute bitch that will keep losing forever online to whoever seems mean and cheap to you. Is that what you want?

Anyways if you decide to respond to me, please do it in PMs. I don't want to clog this thread.
thanks for the advice dude (You really a good player BTW)...I'm thinking that I'm gonna stop playing video games for awhile...I can't take it anymore..-_-
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