DAMMIT man, the reminders that GG needs an anime only weakens me......


Arc System Works loves to do that to you. Their love for anime is apparent. Then the things look so much like animes you want to watch them as animes. But you can't. They have created a thirst that can not be sated. Those cruel bastards.

Take your pick:

Guilty gear was the the first time they did it and they HAVE NOT STOPPED doing it since.
I hear that Arc System Works bought back the rights to GG so they could make another game if they wanted to. I think they just decided to keep focusing on Blazblue though. It is great however how long a competetive life AC has proven to have. You know the team did a bang-up job when it still has a lyal player base.
World's best couple!

Online is ass but the fact that I can have this on XBLA makes me happy. This is my favorite fighting game series to date, I will definitely be back on this train. Maybe not super competitive, but at the very least I will get back up to competitive level like I use to be.

Main ABA
Secondary Order Sol
I'm going to troll online with Faust until nobody can handle it anymore.
I'm very excited. Perhaps this will replace my competetive play for SCV. Anyways, anyone know exactly when?

And my mains-
Holy Order Sol

I will probably pick up Potemkin