Hilde: Q&A/General Discussion Thread

Oh, nevermind, I misread B+K for B+G. Anyway, one more question: how is it you combo 66B* ~ C2B? I hold B all the way and when I release it, it either comes out as C1B or it doesn't hit the opponent.

I also can't get things like 6AKB ~ B+K air throw version.
Requiem, B+K is a move that actually has two hit-boxes(areas where the move registers as hitting someone).
one is the standard ground hit box, which does about 30ish damage and then that's it.
The other however, is an aerial hit box that only activates if the opponent is in the air. The actual position of this hit box isn't known so we can't accurately predict when it will activate, but essentially it does the second part to the 3B BE grounded animation where she skewers them and then slams them to the ground.
66B BE C2B only works on counter hit.

6AKB B+K will only work if the last hit of AKB hits them in a non-crumple state. So either they took the AK without a counter hit and then ducked and took the B as well, or they blocked the first two hits and then the B hit them
When is EVO so we can see all this hilde stuff Runis is hiding. Also, I was curious as to how style wise everyone was playing hilde. I play a little gimmicky where I use a mixture of lows, her quickest pokes, and simple launch combos while holding A for a C4A whenever i decide the round needs one. I'm trying to utilize the walls by ending my juggles with C1A as opposed to C3A which has been failing me a lot lately. Please let me know because I'm having trouble against good opponents that seem to step well, rush and grab, and interrupt essential moves such as [A+B]
When is EVO so we can see all this hilde stuff Runis is hiding. Also, I was curious as to how style wise everyone was playing hilde. I play a little gimmicky where I use a mixture of lows, her quickest pokes, and simple launch combos while holding A for a C4A whenever i decide the round needs one. I'm trying to utilize the walls by ending my juggles with C1A as opposed to C3A which has been failing me a lot lately. Please let me know because I'm having trouble against good opponents that seem to step well, rush and grab, and interrupt essential moves such as [A+B]
Just saw you plat some on 8wayrun247. Your movement is really bad, you need to just play more. You can add my gt its m216 samshoking. We cam do some hilde vs hilde.
Just saw you plat some on 8wayrun247. Your movement is really bad, you need to just play more. You can add my gt its m216 samshoking. We cam do some hilde vs hilde.
if it was against fenriszero, please don't take it too much into consideration. I havent faced someone who rushes as much as he does and i can't fight mitsu for my life.
Hey guys I'm pretty new to SC (I only played casually when I was young). I decided to pick up this game after seeing some high level play. I also decided to pick up Hilde after seeing Wolfkrone :) . I feel I should learn what my goal is during matches and what I should be focusing on. I'm not a complete noob to fighting games since I play SSF4AE seriously, so I feel I have some sort of foundation. Looking forward to improving :)
It really depends on who you're facing.
Hilde's main strength is that she punishes ever single whiff realllllly hard.
If your execution and reactions are on point, every whiffed move essentially eats homeland to the face.
She is a spacing character, but because her A's are on her sword, she does have a lot more speed than other spacing character, meaning that she can punish quite a few things with her AA, 2A and 6A that many other spacers can't. She also has a solid 2A and her 66K is an excellent GTFO tool as it will KND on CH.
Her strongest point in my opinion is that many of her solid KND and combo tools will tech crouch, and she has a super solid tool in her 22B which side steps AND tc's. Her charge moves however are not usable outside of combos. If you do intend to use them, use them once very infrequently in a match as this will catch your opponent off guard and they may not JG it properly.
She also has a semi-infinite combo in her C2B loop, but the difficulty on this is insane as it heavily depends on the camera not to fuck you over, since if the camera goes off axis, so does Hilde's aim.
Learn her frames on her moves so you know how fast something is as well as how much advantage you get from it, since some moves allow absolutely no evasion other than plain guard (not even GI).
Try to learn your basics and you should be fine.
Sorry but what is C2B? Still trying to understand these notations lol. I understand that the numbers are usually the direction, but I see C and K sometimes (Not sure which one it is or if that's even the same thing) :\
Hilde has her own notation for combos.
C stands for Charge, the number is the Level and obviously the last letter is the attack.
Charge 1 takes 1 in game clock count, charge 2 takes two in game clock counts, charge 3 takes 3 in game clock counts and charge 4 takes 15 in game clock counts.
The clock count is important as it can mean that your charge comes out faster if you were charging at the very last moment before the in game timer ticks over as opposed to just after it does as the charge level is dependent on what the game timer was at when you started charging and what it is after you stop, not actual human time.
Played a set with haitain today, some thoughts on the match

22_88 B combo

I would not do the version your doing any more. Even if your timing is perfect it will sometimes miss. Also when the c2b whiffs it leaves you totally open. The no bar 22_88 b combo im gona show you can be hit confirmed .

No bar- 22_88 b-c2b-g-BT k(make sure their body falls into the kick,has to hit at heighest height)-c2b(hold both B+G after this c2b comes out)-c2b(let go of B+G right when hilde turns around)-g-c3a 118 damage. You can hit confirm the c2b after BT k. If the kick doesnt hit high enough dont let go of c2b.

half bar- 22_88 b-c2b-g-3b be-g-c2b(lowest height)-g-c2b(heighest height)-g-c2b(lowest height) ect ect goes to 16 hits takes 140 damage.

full bar- I would never use over half bar after 22_88 b unless i was losing by alot and i have alot of bar. This is my emergency go to combo when i dont feel confident in half bar combo. 22_88 b-c2b-g-3b be-g-c2b(lowest height)-g-3b be-g-c2b(lowest height)-3b be-g-c2b(lowest height) then they fall out. It takes 140 damage and it takes 1 and half bar and gives you back half a bar, its 16 hits.

3a combo

3a-c2b-BT k-c2b-g-c2b-g-c3a about 90 damage ,10 hit.

You gota chill with all the c3 stuff. Using c3b is ok, but using c3a is really not good.

Algol has this move where he shoots the ball real slow and it vortexs you. Its 6bbb, the trick to beating it is you duck the 2nd b. Thats real important in that match up.

I thought your spacing was really good.

hildes 2ab on block can be counterd by hildes 2ab :)

m216 - I'm working on a stable version of the BT K loop, the other thing about the loop is that if you pull it of long enough, they wake up into C4A. Do that to them once and they aren't going to try holding guard any more, which means you can delay the C2B after BT K and it will act as a reset. The biggest issue I've found with the loop is that you have to hit confirm every single hit, and you also have to option select a lot of things biggest of which is being able to OS drop your C2B if they launch low into a B+K since from what I've found is that if you get a low launch C2B, for some reason if you land the B+K (timing is a 1 frame link) it will air throw them. You also have to pay attention to how the camera is moving since that will affect where Hilde will target as well as changes the height of C2B launches.
The other thing you can try is after the first loop of BT K C2B, do 4KK since if you time it right, the first K hits them on the way down and if they were holding guard the second hit sweeps them into relaunch C2B x 2 (if camera swings them into background you get a 3rd C2B) BT K Wakeup C4A.
Most people stay down after that, and if they want to stay down during a launch combo, you have a pseudo infinite reset.
Yo i'm having problems with the 'infinite' combo (22_88B BT K C2B BT K C2B etc.). I can get up to 5 launchers on training mode fine but when i decided to test it on air control with a friend we found all you had to do was hold 8 and it would air control out of it 90% of the time and make her whiff the second C2B. Is that just a problem with my timing being off or is that a genuine flaw in the combo? I found with nightmare the even air controlling with 8 it still hits him most of the time, i did try this with pyrrha Ω however and she does have the smallest hitboxes so could it be that it's a hitbox issue and dependent on characters. If you can AC out of it then it really is not worth it at all for how hard it is to execute/risk-reward.
If that's the case then that is some precise timing you need. If something is that hard to pull off then it's unfair to nerf it, that's like wanting to nerf Ω's DNSB JF. Back to the lab I guess.
Runis or someone else, can you please make a video of it? I think a visual would help. I tried the BT K loop and could not get it to relaunch.
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