How Early Before Release Does Gamestop Get Their Games?


[08] Mercenary
I'm curious because an acquaintance of mine is a retailer/distributor of certain new games on release, and he says he can get it "the same day Gamestop gets it." If this is Friday or Saturday, I may be able to get SCV early.

Does anyone here work at Gamestop or know someone that does?
They do not get them early enough to warrant you and your friend breaking in through the roof to try and swipe their stock. Don't tell me that's not what you're planning, mister. I know you kids and your crazy schemes. Be patient.
we all are excited but just play other games or something else it will be here soon enough
The companies will already have their stock from NAMCO - it depends on when said company distributes it among its own outlets. So I'm technically giving you two answers:
1. They already have it.
2. I haven't the foggiest if your local has it.
They do not get them early enough to warrant you and your friend breaking in through the roof to try and swipe their stock. Don't tell me that's not what you're planning, mister. I know you kids and your crazy schemes. Be patient.
Coming from the person with a NINJA as their picture. I was planning on doing it..But know you've revealed my plan >: /
Haha, thanks everyone. I have three midterms next week and a local tournament on friday, so I was hoping to get some practice in before the tournament, but that's probably not gonna happen anyway.

Either way, I found out he's placing his order on friday, so I'll probably see it monday, and not be able to play it until next friday.
It isn't really set. I know the guys at my local Gamestop well and sometimes a game will come in to the shop a week before release and sometimes it will get there the day before.