Interview Time! Episode 6: 8WayRunners

Some time ago, when Polish football team coach was looking for players for the national team for Euro 2012 he said he would try everyone. Yes, everyone. Obviously, he didn't. It was no suprise, however, that was quite an interesting idea.

Now how about I decided to interview you? Yes - you, precisely. You, who are reading this. You - member of the SC community.


One thing I'd like to ask first: 1 person = 1 post. No comments, only your own answers.

Now let's jump to the questions:

1. How did you start your SC journey?
2. When and why did you join
3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
1. Well, during that time when X-Play was good -ahem- I saw the preview for Soul Calibur 2 and was like "cool, Link's in this game." So I got the game and mashed. Got Soul Calibur 3 for PS2, mashed some more. Started liking Siegfried and Nightmare. So by the time I got SCIV, I played casuals with some friends and here I am with SCV.

2. I joined 8WR a few weeks after SCV's initial release. I wanted to take my game a level further, so that's why I'm here. Trying to learn match-ups as well.

3. I am in between. Is there a such thing as a competitive casual player? To get better, that's why I'm trying to follow the community.

4. Yes, but mostly the replays as my connection sometimes butchers streaming so I can't even analyze the matches.

5. I do like playing other fighting games just to try them out or whatever my friends are playing. I am currently interested in trying out Tekken as I'll be getting TTT2.

6. I'd say arcade stick, although pad was pretty alright with me for 3D fighters. Since I'm playing AE or UMVC3 from time to time with some friends, stick is more preferable. I just prefer a flat surface with buttons spread out I'd like to tap (no pun intended).

7. Competitive and gameplay wise, I'm satisfied with it. Online play and netcode is indeed better than SCIV. As for character development and story, it's pretty lacking. The cutscenes were nice, but I wish story mode was more fleshed out. I'll leave it at that.

8. I don't mind, but if it makes other people feel better, I'd say a version or installment where they could bring back old characters or at least explain what happened to them. Otherwise, I'm good.

9. Some ... better Siegfried player ... than ... I ... am. Well, I don't know enough major players in the SC community other than Kayane, OmegaDR, and recent ones who won SCV majors. Well, I'd say whoever anyone else recommends.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
It all started when I stumbled across Soul Edge/Soul Blade. The minute I popped it in, is the minute I was destined by fate to love this game series.

2. When and why did you join
I joined in March of 2009. Ever since I stumbled across this website through Gamefaqs, I wanted to join. But I didn't join until my older brother joined being referred to here from an online acquaintance. After he joined, I joined seeing as we both were even in skill back then. Fast forward to now, my older brother loses to me since I hang around here a lot more than him haha.

That aside, ever since I joined, I guess you can say I was always into improving my skills and just getting to know peeps here as I form rivalry and bonds.

3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
Pocky Yoshi is a compasual. He's a mix of both. What blasphemy art thou asking?!

4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
To be honest, no. If I do watch it, I'll be interested in watching my heroes win or die trying. However, I don't watch it as much as I used to. I'm lazy and more interested in making reality bend to my will right now. In terms of pass boring college stuff, obtain a steady paying job, be able to drive my own ride, and whatever else needs fixing. Until I'm self-sufficient, forget streams. Go to the tourney. I get a feeling that I'll enjoy it a lot.

5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
No, I sometimes switch it up from time to time to take a break from SC series. I'll play almost anything with FGs as long as it's interesting to me. Don't expect me to be good at other FGs though. Too lazy to learn them all haha.

6. What controller do you find yourself more comfortable with?
Playstation controllers.

7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
Not quite. Yes everything is all gravy, but I actually think there's some "hiccups" that still needs to be addressed. In terms of what most fans want. Hardcore and casual.

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
Where Soul Calibur series go, I will follow. I love you, Soul Calibur series. Flaws and all.

9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
To be honest, I do not know. I happen to like most peeps here, but for starters I'll say Jaxel. Sometimes, you have to wonder how did this wonderful man make this awesome website and about himself. Yeah, I'm really curious about this man. Aren't you, 8wayrunners?
1. I started ever since SCI, I faced my brothers which led to me getting extremely competitive. Since then I've played all the games that proceeded it.
2. I joined 8wayrun a while after SCV was announced. I thought I might get a lot more info on it here than anywhere else, and I was correct.
3. More of a competitive player.
4. I don't watch tournaments that much really. I watch the 8wayrun XBL stream however. I play there sometimes too, but I often leave because of a few people ruining the fun.
5. Well, SC is really the only fighting game I've taken the time to get in depth with it. I've played Tekken and Street Fighter, but SC was really the only one that brought out the competitiveness in me. I can't explain it.
6. XBox controllers.
7. Yes and no. I'm satisfied with a few things and not with a few others. There are the balance issues regarding characters like Xiba, Seig, Nightmare, Asta, etc. But that's a bit redundant for me really. But, it just makes me glad the people of Project Soul had the incredible minds to create a character as wonderful as Viola. Being a Viola player since the game came out(actually, since the second day the game came out), I've really made her replace my other three character from SCIV. Maxi, Soph, and Amy (who may have been a close second if she returned but sadly she's gone, or is she?). But sadly, Viola is empty. We have absolutely no confirmation on her identity, and she had very little to do in the story mode (which was a bit disappointing. Not the Viola part, the whole story mode part) I know I shouldn't be talking about the story mode, but I had too.
8. I'm good with another installment. Just so long as some of the characters are fixed. Also to have a larger movelist to show uniqueness between individual players.
9.imMolson or whatever his name was. I want to know how he sleeps at night.
How did you start your SC journey?
My SC adventure started on SCII on the PS2. After playing every character I started playing Ivy and that hasn't changed since.

When and why did you join

I was going to compete in the SC Impact preliminaries and wanted to know more about the biggest thread in my game. I happened to stumble upon Ring's matchup topic in Ivy's SA and here I am.

Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?

I do watch some tournaments but competing is tricky because my country pretty much has no SC community.

Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
No, My first fighting game was Tekken 3 and I did play Tekken 6 competitive. (Although I sucked XD) I also play SFIV:AE UMvC3, DoA and VF5.

What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?

I'm rare in this one. I CANNOT play 2d fighters on my arcade stick. I just can't. 3D fighters however are second nature on the AS which is really weird because it's usually the other way around.

Are you satisfied with SCV

Yes, this game changed for the better. I really like the JG's making every single move in the game unsafe. In the end when people master it to the point of bullshit this will break the game but for now it doesn't. Adding meter to the game adds a lot as well. Only thing I don't like it the fact that the movelists are a shorter. Sure you wouldn't use 80% of your setlist but knowing it's there can be a nice thought.

Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV.

Yes, although I would prefer a enhanced version over a new installment. There is so much that can be added to this game to make it the best SC ever. The gameplay is Superb, missing arcade/story stuff, some cut characters, team battle mode, and maybe a better Tournament battle.

Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time!

1. I first played the series when SC2 was released, but didn't get have anyone else to play with so I didn't spend any significant time with the game. When SC3 came out, I had friends who played and were good. That made me want to get good too.

2. Joined this past March, in order to contribute to some of the discussions about the plot, since all the other major gaming message boards that I checked didn't have much to offer in that regard. I had known about 8WR previously, but I'd also heard that it was full of condescending assholes, and I hadn't bothered to find out the truth for myself (this was during the SC4 days, and I didn't play that game enough to want to learn more about it). I enjoy the community myself, and I'm improving as a player because of the site.

3. There are many skilled competitive players that I enjoy watching and learning from, but I don't really follow competitive gaming in any form. I'm happy being a casual player, because the reward I get from defeating an opponent, even a skilled one, is not worth the time and effort that developing a well-rounded skill set for the game requires, in my opinion. I'm not a competitive person, and I'm usually very busy with school and my job, so my free time must be rationed. That's not to say that I don't enjoy becoming more skilled at the game and being a challenging opponent, but other things take priority.

4. No.

5. I play Mortal Kombat with zeal and skill. It's my favorite fighting series.

6. The PS3 Sony controller is what I'm used to.

7. I think that PS delivered a very good game considering the time, money, and other challenges that they were presented with during development. It could have been a lot better, but it is very fun to play, and it's kept me happy for four months now.

8. I'm happy to see more SC in either capacity, but if I had to choose between the two listed options, I'd rather wait for SC6 because of the public relations nightmare that would result from the release of an "upgraded" edition of the game. That makes Namco look like they're milking the series for all they can get, and that infuriates people and keeps their purse strings tight.

9. Players that do amazing things with characters that aren't top-tier interest me. No specific names or characters to add.
I'm bored, so here goes.

1. Growing up, like a lot of people, I played every fighting game that was in the arcade and later release to console. Since I was a fan of the first Tekken, when Soul Blade was released, I naturally tried the game out and loved it because it was a lot of fun to play, the music was incredible, and it offered a wealth of single player options. Didn’t play much of SC1 or SC2, but fell back in love with the series when I was able to play SC3 and have been deep into Calibur since.

2. August 2008. I got tired of losing to button mashers and people who picked Astaroth and the smallest stage possible for ringouts in SC4, plus the online in SC4 was not the greatest, so that’s when I started looking around for offline competition to see how I would do. I joined CaliburForum a couple of weeks after SC4 was released. This is also when it had its last bit of server and mod issues which prompted a need for to be created. Once I found out about this site, I migrated over and started to find my way.

3. I’m part of the competitive community here on the east coast.

4. I watch mostly every stream for SCV if I am not actually at a tournament competing or yelling obscenities.

5. I’m interested in every fighting game that comes out. I’m a fan of fighting games first and foremost. Fighting games are fun and more people should branch out and play other games in addition to the time that you may spend on 1 or 2 games. SC is the only game right now that I am interested in competitively until I am competent in VF5FS which will take some time since I really haven’t played VF since VF2 in the arcade.

6. PS3 pad with the analog sticks removed.

7. I’m not satisfied with SCV because I know the game could be better given more time to make improvements. I also feel that the game has been over-simplified which I am not a fan of. The reason why I loved playing SC is because it offered multiple approaches to a given situation which is hard to find in other fighting games. Other fighting games may give you one or two approaches for a given situation. SCV feels too repetitive to me. The damage is also too high. I don’t like the characters that are in this game. Nor do I have a reason to invest a lot of time in the game or compete in it like I did with SC4. There’s also no hype which I wouldn’t have imagined with the run up to this game’s release.

8. I’m looking forward to SCVI at this point.

9. Malek. I'm interested to hear what he's been up to lately.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
My friend, who hates this entire series, got SCII on Gamecube just so he can use Link. Playing SCII at his house and remembering how smooth it felt compared to many other games just stuck with me. A few months later I found SCII on sale and bought it without a second thought. Loved it since.

2. When and why did you join
I just joined today because I was sick of how inactive the Gamefaqs board is.

3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
I'm more of a casual player. I would engage in the competitive community, but I just fear it might suck the fun out of the game.

4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
No, but I'm curious to see what my competition is like if I were ever to join one myself.

5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
I used to like BlazBlue until it broke my control (seriously look at those inputs) and the community being a little brash. And now in the age of online gaming, SC to me is the only decent fighting game community with an equal balance between trolls and actually cool people.

6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
The XBOX360 controller.

7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
I'm satisfied completely with its gameplay mechanics. I just wish I could master Just Guards. Also, creation is kind of lacking in this game it seems, and to me it feels like you have to pay a lil extra for DLC just to have decent equipment. Because let's face it, you can work with the patterns all you want, but much of the default equipment HOVERS over your character and just doesn't have the depth and detail DLC stuff has.

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
Before they could even THINK of making SCVI, I believe they should pull a Capcom and re-release this game the way it was meant to. That means story mode for every character, a better challenge mode that isn't Quick Battle or Legendary Souls, something that makes you learn how to HAVE TO use combos--and of course Zasalamel, and Talim making a return. Better yet, Cassandra! Hell, wipe out the successors and bring back their masters in the SCV remake so it feels more whole. Most importantly though, it should have all the DLC equipment FROM THE GET GO.

9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
Me, with more questions.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
i had a brief encounter with SC2 when i was in high school and didnt like it that much, i didnt have the patience to learn A, B, K, comobos and such. i was confused and annoyed with the fact that all of the players played differently and there was no "set attack commands". I got back into it during SC4 one drunken night with a couple of good friends, and was impressed when my friend was beaten by Zasalamel online, right after telling me to use somebody other than Zasalamel cuz he "sucked" . then got SC3 (i had a ps2 at the time) then upgraded to 4 when my ps2 died, and the journey has continued from there.
2. When and why did you join
Last year i joined hoping to find some cool people to play offline with, that was success
3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
I am a casual player, i get as competitve as a good match between friends. perhaps i will become more competitive as time progresses. kind of busy with other things but who knows what the future holds.
4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
occaisionally, just to see what higher level gameplay is like and what some of the greatest players can do. and learn of course
5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3 is my main game.but cant play until the HD collection comes out October 9th. ill probably take a break from SC temporarily when that happens
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
N64! no, PlayStation.
7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
Yes and no. its a fun game, i enjoy the new meter and brave edge attacks. I miss some of the stances like Yoshimitsu's intimidation and mitsurugis relic. i kno Ivy is missing some stuff as well. I dont like the fact that Zasalamel and Yun Seong are not in this game. the character creator is very nice. I think that SC5 has done a good job attracting new players and i hope that the moves and characters that were not included in this game are included in future installments. as well as new characters weapons etc.

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
Soul Calibur 5 is good. i cant wait to see what SC6 does next.
9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?

the legends. tournament winners, character creation specialists and occaisionally your average joes. the popular people on these boards and in this world. everybody has a part to play
1. Firstly, I started my Soul Calibur journey right from the get go. My father; a major influence in my gaming life had bought it, and instantly Sophitia caught my eye. This fuelled my interest for the subsequent games in the Soul series.

2. I decided to join 8wayrun for the mere purpose of meeting other players, and improving my own skills.

3. I don't exactly have awareness of what events are taking place, and where. I'm from England, and thus it's quite difficult to follow these events

4. Yes. I do it to see how other players fight, and what common tricks people use with certain characters which heightens my instincts in future battles. Watching the streams is essential to getting better I believe.

5. No actually. Dead Or Alive, and Tekken are the other two. Dead Or Alive is undoubtedly my favourite fighting game then Soul Calibur then Tekken

6. Definitely the Xbox 360 controller. Far better than Playstation's

7. Yes, and no. Yes because they have elaborated on the CAS, and also you have more freedom to create your own identity i.e. license cards. No because I do feel that the game is a tad unbalanced, and this needs to be rectified. Then again the game has only been out for roughly four months, therefore there's always room for improvement.

8. Lol the game's only been released for a few months. No not really, I'm still getting to grips with SC5. At the moment, I just feel the game needs ore balancing, and also better DLC i.e. characters. If Sophitia, Cassandra, Taki, perhaps Spawn were featured as DLC's, this would offer immense gratification for hardcore SC fans. I'd be will to pay 800 MS points for Taki :P. I want her back so badly

9. Anyone who belongs to the sc community pros, and casual players
1. It all began when I watched my dad play Soul Blade when I was only like three or four... I grew up with this game, practically. Ever since that day I've been playing SC, with Sophitia and Mina as my mains, whilst my dad mained Cervantes. The more I played, the more I learnt ^^
2. I joined in August last year. I was a full casual player back then, and I when I came across 8WR I was belated that there were people out there like me XD
3. I am a casual player, although one day I would like to take part in a SC tournament. Its mainly self doubt which is my barrier from joining XD
4. I do, yes. Then I lose faith in my own ability XD I do salute those who participate in tournaments, you are all really talented! :D
5. I'm quite fond of Tekken,thats my second favourite game. I play Street Fighter from time to time, and a little Final Fantasy, but I'm a faithful Namco Girl. Soul Calibur will always be my favourite :)
6. PS3 all the way. I cannot stand the XBOX controller... its difficult to handle in my opinion XD
7. At first, I was very anti-SCV, but now I'm growing to like it. Its one of those things you grow to love over time ;D
8. Yes, most definitely! I would love a SCVI, perhaps with the entire cast, but I wouldn't mind an enhanced SCV either.
9. Hmm... nor entirely sure! Perhaps a Sophitia or a Mina player :)
1. How did you start your SC journey?
Soulcalibur II was my first. Really, the only reason my 13 year old self wanted this game was because Link was in it. Prior to that I'd never even heard of the Soul series in any capacity. But after trying the game out and getting to know the canon, I immediately fell in love with the fighting and the mechanics (helped, no doubt, by my sparring with my best friend at the time all the time when we hung out), as well as the characters and story. When I first heard about Soulcalibur III I was thrilled, and I knew I was hooked.

2. When and why did you join
I was actually a holdout for a time. I was a member of the original SC forums, and I was fiercely loyal to them. After all, it's where I met some pretty cool people, including my then-future, now-ex girlfriend, Sindel. So when the site started to die and Jaxel started getting 8WR running, I was one of those gits who just wanted to hang out in the RPT on CaliburForum. But then it pretty much died, so I left and rejoined one of my older haunts, Golden Sun Realm, where I stayed for a while. Then I started posting here because there was no reason to post on the old forum.

3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
I'm the rare mixture of both??? I'm fairly serious when talking about the game and mechanics and how characters are played and the technical aspects of the game, but I in no way fancy myself a tournament-level player. I don't really follow the scene much. But I adore the story and characters as much as I do the fighting.

4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
I tried. I'm sorry, the commentary is grating at times.

5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
At the moment, yes, probably because it's the only one I'm good at. :c

I do like fighting games, but mostly for the characters. I mean, I'm not terrible at them, I do a decent Cammy in SSFIVAE and Dudley in SFIII3S, but I'm definitely not the best at them. Tekken's not that bad for me, though, and I'm pretty pumped for TTT2 and TxSF, which I hope is MUCH better than the disappointing SFxT. BlazBlue's fun, too, though I mostly button mash with Noel and Tsubaki. Millia Rage is my main girl in Guilty Gear. As for Brawl, I haven't played in so long, I must have forgotten how good my Shiek was. ^^;

6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
PS3 controller and GCN for Brawl. They always work for me. Except in a 6-button fighter, where I prefer stick.

7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
Yes with the mechanics and balance. It feels like the most solid Soulcalibur in ages, marginally better than SCIII and IV (which I liked despite their flaws).

No to the atrotious single-player side to it. I wanted EVERYONE, not just Pyrrha and Pat! (I mean I love you guys but COME ON :T)

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
I'll always look forward to a potential SCVI, but as for a Super SCV, MAYBE, if it has a lot of good storyline content.

9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
Me! :D
1. How did you start your SC journey?
2. When and why did you join
3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
1. I started my SC Journey a while back, before SC3 was out.. I had the Gamecube at home and noticed at the Costco my mother worked at, had a copy of SC2 in stock, Link on the cover and all.. Being young and all, I begged for weeks for the game. Finally got it (Heehee >:D), and played it for a while then she got rid of it :/. Then I got it back (HEHEHE >:D).

2. I joined at least a year and half ago, more or less, because I wanted to get better at SCV, and the community seemed helpful, and it seemed like a community I'd like to participate in.

3. Manjitou guesses. I'm Casual and all, but if I could get to that level of skill it'd be nice. However I'm nothing but a wise old blade at the moment, sadly.

4. Yes. Omega DR scares me.

5. No, I'm interested alot of fighting games, like Blazblue, Tekken, MvC, to name a few, I just wish I could pick them up. I've played them.. But I can't afford many games.

6. I like Pads, but I don't own one. I'm pretty poor.. Onna' these days!- I'll buy one.

7. I'd say the changes are for the best. And with patches and community being payed attention too constantly, I'd say it's enough.

8. Yes, the future of SC is rather bright, I just hope that Yoshi is um, more say.. Properly estimated.

9. Pocky-Yoshi, or should I say, "Namuskull"... He's got a background.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
Started playing SC2 very casually, didn't learn anything. When I got an XBOX360 I bought SC4 somewhere around a year after it was released, and learned the game at least slightly.
2. When and why did you join
I lurked a while, then joined sometime between SC5 announcement and release I think.
3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
Playing casually.
4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
Yes it has happened.
5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
It's the one I'm most interested in and feel most comfortable with. I also play some Mortal Kombat and Smash Bros Brawl.
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
My homebuilt arcade stick.
7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
Not really, after the disappointment shortly before release and some time trying to get back the hype and play the game it is beginning to get boring, something that didn't happen with SC4. The netcode is great, but the gameplay mechanics are lacking fluidity and excitement, and the character roster is weak. CaS is also something of a disappointment.
8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
I don't see an enhanced SC5 fixing the fundamental problems. Might look forward to a possible SC6, depending on the choices PS make for the game.
9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ? Some of the notable French players might be interesting.
sorry in advance for this massive post lol.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
I started with Soul Calibur back on the Dreamcast. My friend knew I liked fighters and was eager for me to check the game out since I didn’t have a Dreamcast at the time. First char I tried was Seig but next round I picked up Mitsurugi and stuck with him ever since.

2. When and why did you join
I joined this site about a little less than a month ago as I started getting a bit more into SCV in time for ECT4.

3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
I definitely follow the community. I’m new to this one but have followed the Street Fighter scene for a while.

4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
I am a stream monster lol. I’ve got several screens in my room and I’ll usually have a stream or something running on one of them.

5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
I will play pretty much any fighter that has a good engine.I also actively play SSF4:AE2012 and have been getting into BlazBlue.
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
I absolutely 100% cannot play on anything aside from a 6 button arcade stick with an octagonal gate. I always remove the last 2 buttons because I anchor my pinky on the side of the stick and because of how easy it is to press sanwa buttons, I don’t want to take a chance. Coming from the SF scene where pad use is VERY rare to see because of the layout to the SC community where I even see MLG players using pads is surprising. Although, the fact that it is a 4 button game makes sense. Anyone who doesn’t want to use stick because there’s a learning curve: deff try one. It takes a bit but at the end you’re gonna have much better response times for your combos.

7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
I’m satisfied somewhat with SCV. Tekken obv is the bigger fighter for Namco but SC has such a fantastic setting and colorful characters that I’d love to see some more done with maybe a bigger story mode expansion down the line if possible. Either way, the netcode for playing this game online is second to none in the fighting game world.

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
I pretty much covered this above but I’d love to see more expansions for this game.

9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
I really haven’t been around here enough to know who I’d like to see but Belial was recently interviewed and it was good to see some input from a Mits player.
  1. I started my SC Journey when i first played Soul Edge. i have no memory of where that arcade console was, i just remember playing as a kid. A few years past and Soul Calibur 2 premièred at a giant arcade called "Playdium". right next to the SC 1 console
  2. I joined because im starting to take the game seriously, with results. i figured surrounding myself with the "higher" people of the fighting game community could help me. it has.
  3. Im a above average casual player that follows the tourney community. so you can say both
  4. I dont watch tournament streams, just casual streams. i watch the tournament videos posted after though
  5. i used to be obsessed with Tekken, i still am but i suck now. i enjoyed DoA for a time. that passed. i dont always play 2d fighters, but when i do, i play Blazblue, MvC and KoF. and if the Fighters Destiny franchise still existed, i would be all over that
  6. xbox 360 controller. need something i know inside and out
  7. Hey, im just happy that i got another SC to play! i love it. i like the brave edge system. Just guarding is just so rewarding i just feel in control....cant really play as yoshi anymore, though :(
  8. Always excited to get my hand on a game in a series i love
  9. i might want to see a Whoazz interview. he seems pretty cool and love the intensity of his patsuka.
i loved this chance to give myself a voice on here :3 well, i guess i have to start reading everyone elses
Some time ago, when Polish football team coach was looking for players for the national team for Euro 2012 he said he would try everyone. Yes, everyone. Obviously, he didn't. It was no suprise, however, that was quite an interesting idea.

Now how about I decided to interview you? Yes - you, precisely. You, who are reading this. You - member of the SC community.

One thing I'd like to ask first: 1 person = 1 post. No comments, only your own answers.

Now let's jump to the questions:

1. How did you start your SC journey?
2. When and why did you join
3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
1.- my mate randomly brought SC4 one day, and we started playing it, i was taki and he was nightmare i remember that first match :,) he won tho because we didnt understand to block and he did much more damage than me xD.
2.- i made this account just so i could answer these questions xD, but ive been using this website for about 2 months for getting answers, combos and recommended moves in my SC gameplay.
3.- yes! im a competitive person, i had only offline on SC5 for a long time so as soon as i finally got xbox live, i couldnt wait to kick some butt :D.
4.- Yes i watch other games by professionals, they are exiting, interesting and educational to watch.
5.- very much so, i love SC5 with a passion.
6.- xbox 360 controller
7.- Yeah i think its great- but it could be better with individual storys for each character, 1 or 2 more offline modes and maybe more anime looking hairstyles for creation.
8.- oooh sounds interesting :D, i would love for the creators to listen to some of the fan's ideas.
9.- FahrosTTTT?
1. I entered a local SC1 tourney for the lulz. Coasted through using loosely applied VF knowledge. (Played Maxi like I played VF2 Jacky.) Mainly picked up Maxi since it seemed like he had decent lows. I was ultimately destroyed by a Kilik player who I never saw again.

2. I joined at the beginning. was flagging, and it was pretty much the same situation that caused people to jump to from back in the day.

3. I don't have the time really to do anything competitively. I watch the rankings from time to time though.

4. When I can. Most tournament stuff tends to happen when I'm at work.

5. I'm interested in VF, SC, SF, KoF... I'm not that picky when it comes to fighters.

6. Arcade sticks mainly before that 6 button Ascii pads were where it was at for me.

7. I'm not a fan of just guards. Something about saying the game is geared towards offense while giving the defender an absolute defense sits wrong with me. (Or else I'm simply too lazy to explore them properly.)

8. I want a Vita version of SC V. A lot.

9. Oh Signia I guess.
1. How did you start your SC journey?
SCII demo in Wal-Mart. They had two controllers set up, and my brothers and I would stop by and play often! A few years later, after obsessing over the articles in old issues of Nintendo power, we pitched in to buy a copy.
SC glory was unleashed that day.

2. When and why did you join
After hearing of SCV, I stumbled upon this site and thought it looked like an interesting community. (The site I had previously referred to for SCIV news was no longer around.)

3. Are you following the competitive community, or maybe you prefer being a casual player?
I'm definitely casual. Being competitive would be cool, but I'm nowhere near that cool. =P

4. Do you watch SC tournament streams?
No. Probably should sometime eh?

5. Is SC the only fighting game you are interested in?
Nah, Smaysh Bros. yo! xD
I guess SC and SSB are the only ones I play semi-frequently, but I do like others! I just don't have them.

6. What controller do you mind yourself more comfortable with?
Gamecube easily. It's like it was made for SC! It took awhile to get used to the 360's controller, but once you do... Meh, it's still very mediocre. -_-'

7. Are you satisfied with SCV?
Dunno, haven't played it. Looks like there are quite a few strong points, but also some weak ones. I'll reserve judgement for when (or if) I can actually play the game.

8. Are you looking forward more to another installment or maybe an enhanced version of SCV?
I suppose a new installment, just because I love seeing what's new. ;)

9. Who would you like to see interviewed in the upcoming episoded of the Interview Time! ?
Umm, more 8WR! Complete with totally new questions!
1. I went to GAME with my mother for some reason. They had SC2 set up on an Xbox and i used Voldo a couple of times. (Voldo has consistently been my worst character in every installment... odd, considering...) ...I continued to be terrible at the franchise and all fighting games, i was like... 11 after all, right through all of my "training" on COTS mode in SC3, until online play finally brought me up to scratch in SCIV, and systematically alienated me from every Soulcalibur community i cared to look for.

2. Caliburforum wasnt doing well... there was talk of closure, so i had a look... all i saw was fighting and arguments and a lot of people i would never want to communicate with in any way, especially not sat in the comfort of my room behind a monitor, with a keyboard. I did join soon after, but very rarely ever visited, seeing the same nonsense each time. I defended caliburforum form some time, then i left Soulcalibur all together for a while.
After a while, with caliburforum closed for some time, i had a look again and it seemed to have gotten better, so i lurked a little... Then a few months later with SCV coming out, i used this site for news, and ive stuck around a little thanks to a certain 24/7 stream, but i still dont really talk to anybody or know anybody.

3. The competitive community is filled with so much celebrity it aggravates me... beyond that, i dont find it particularly interesting to watch, probably because i dont support anybody. As im very confident with Soulcalibur i dont even use archives for instruction, like i would with other fighting games.

4. Oops, looks like i dont need to answer this one.

5. Right now, yes. Ive played my share of Marvel 3... Ive played SSFIV:AEFDBHKDBHJCDFKM and SFxT a fair bit, but i really, really do not enjoy them.

6. Controller? The single official Xbox controller with a good d-pad that i broke playing Mass Effect 2. These days, i just use the poorly made crappy replacement i bought.

7. Yes... yes... yes... hmmm... i need more character creation slots.

8. I actually would like an enhanced version rather a lot, providing i dont have to buy anything i already own. More characters and stages would be gratefully received.

9. I dont know anybody, so i dont care. You can interview me if youre incredibly desperate. No? ...suit yourself.