Is SC's Hephaestus a jerk and a fool?

Didn't Hercules have male and female lovers. Yes I know he's a demigod, but still question?
I'm pretty sure Hercules had female lovers because he would take whatever woman he liked and had his way with them until he had to come to a realization that he wasn't getting any younger and that he had to trade in his playboy ways for marriage.
I know the original Patroclus was gay. But yeah, the Greeks (non-god) dated anyone they pleased with no judgment and no persecution, unlike todays society.

EDIT: I just refreshed my memory (cough cough wikipedia) and Patroclus apparently had a relationship with Achilles on a romantic level. But then, in the Trojan war Patroclus decided to cosplay as Achilles and inevitably died a terrible fate, finished off by Hecor. But, he did take down 53 enemy soldiers with him! :D
Woot go Patroclus.....

This makes me question why they changed the name from Patroclus to Patroklos...~
He's the god of fire and forge, does he even have a lizardman antidote?
Perhaps Aeon should have spent his sanity actually looking for a cure instead of praying for one and then working on a revenge plan when that didn't work.