May '10 casuals


[09] Warrior
some vids of me, Mikosu, Icey Escobar, and I Am Suphy/Badass99. I play pretty shitty in the Maxi one, and mildly shitty in the Astaroth one but it's all good.
Mikosu (Ivy) vs. LoRD (Lizardman)

LoRD (Mina) vs. Suphy (Raph)

Mikosu (Tira) vs. LoRD (Xianghua)

Mikosu (Setsuka) vs. LoRD (Astaroth)

Icey (Cerv) vs. LoRD (Maxi)

Suphy (Talim) vs. Icey (Cassandra)

Mikosu (Kilik) vs. Suphy (Talim)

Mikosu (Zas) vs. Icey (Yoshi)

Mikosu (Yun) vs. Icey (Yoshi)
I watched...stuff was informative indeed. But as long as you admit your trash Lord, then i won't talk shit about you :D

Sword isn't anywhere as bad as people make him out to be from a couple of the vids I watched. Going to watch more and leave comments on YouTube.
I would like to add that I was not playing seriously at all in the sc3 vids, cause I didn't know they were being recorded. Zas 2K was the shit tho! Miser is the best character of all time!

anyways, if we record another set of sc4 vids, I'll use my best characters....and Cervy, Raph, and maybe Voldo.
how dare you not abuse GS 3B :p
More 11A I love your tira, we play ALMOST similar....i think i do 33K, and UD B a bit more...i have some decent setups for that.
I especially love the 1K whorage at teh end
as promised, Raph, who I use much much more than my best characters anyway.
and my Voldo, Yoshi, and sc4 Zas (I don't actually have an sc4 Zas, I just try and mimic sc3 style) got recorded too but aren't on youtube yet i don't think.

sWoRD (Raph) vs. Ruinandchaos (Talim)

my Algol, played the unbroken way, but Kilik is the only person who can really handle a bubbleless Algol so I couldn't showcase how gay Algol really is without bubbles.
how dare you not abuse GS 3B :p
More 11A I love your tira, we play ALMOST similar....i think i do 33K, and UD B a bit more...i have some decent setups for that.
I especially love the 1K whorage at teh end

Why thank you Johnnymon sir. It's an honor that you enjoy my Tira Banks. Funny that she's my main and I use her the least. I can definitely work in more low cheese :)
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