Mitsu Tech Traps

FC 1A+B except max range hit
2A tech all but back (doent hit otg)
2B tech all but side (hits otg)

first post UP with this and 4K catches.
hm, idk if this is useful:

where 1A is guaranteed, you can substitute w/ 1[A] for full tech trap or block & pseudo-frame trap for -1 and opponent in FC.

also, I organized your post, Belial... hope you don't mind!
I found some super cool tech catch stuff ) but... not going to post up until evo ) haha. same for wallcombos ^_^

also you cant subsitute 1A for 1[A] b/c on some characters it will wiff (asta ex) or at least I havent found guaranteed situations.
however after 1A another 1A catches right tech if you find b:A difficult for some reason or want to reset the mixup.

Great job Genver, first post looks pretty cool now.
tresto: just some situational stuff that has no real point if posted beforehand, have to use all kind of advantage you can get.
I found some super cool tech catch stuff ) but... not going to post up until evo ) haha. same for wallcombos ^_^

also you cant subsitute 1A for 1[A] b/c on some characters it will wiff (asta ex) or at least I havent found guaranteed situations.
however after 1A another 1A catches right tech if you find b:A difficult for some reason or want to reset the mixup.

Great job Genver, first post looks pretty cool now.

you guys ran into that cool hehe..also don't forget about 1[A] is safe if it some how gets blocked normally , i'd like to add that a 66a also tech catch's after 3b(launch) 236:b 1[A](still catch's with different Knock Down stun) into 66a.. wall needed..and then when they realize they don't tech but roll backwards it can be replaced with 66b,b for some more free damage and wall push back big time!

EDIT: it has to be done with with perfect execution for the 66a tech trap to hit after the 1[A] tech catch
Probably because you just use MST :6::B: in this situation for guaranteed damage but...
You don't have listed tech traps for RLC :Ah:~MST...
MST :A::+::B: works like a damn charm, only right or left teching will avoid it in which case my 2 way option is MST grab... back teching may avoid the grab but it's never happened to me. Another note is that blocking MST :A::+::B: seems to only happen if the opponent JUKEs. This 2way option is :5::5::5::5::5: IMnonHO.
So really my contributed tech traps here after RLC :Ah:~MST are A+G_B+G and A+B.

Also, I've noticed a few places (:1::A: and RLC :B:) that you mention :3h::B: as a tech trap that won't catch a right tech. Doesn't :9h::B: mirror the move in which case only wouldn't catch left teching?

Another thing is you mention FMD :B: after :3::A: doesn't hit grounded or right techs... is this because you're using it as an interruption? I do that also but mostly I use it after :6h::A:, :B::6:, and MST :A::+::B: in which case it hits all techs and hits people on the ground 99% of the time... also I would like to point out that (as you mentioned) if the opponent back techs you may not do the AT but it DOES TC, perfect time for a WC :1::A::+::B:.

Lastly, thanks for teaching me the tech trap for WC :1::B:,:B: > FMD :B:... I like the idea of that, one question though: is that the quick cold stitch(assuming this one) or the charged? You may want to add :1::A: to that list also... idk.
Updated the first post with video file, oldies + 4 new tech traps. Sorry for whatever inconvinience, this is my first try at creating/encoding a vid.


I worked a little while ago on tech traps off of CH3A --> 2A+B as 2A+B gives mad advantage on hit.
For the record, 2A+B stuns the opponent if he's in the air (while jumping or anything) and it is not a shakable one.
OK here's what I found for the tech traps, I'm gonna take Belial's format (though I don't have the damage numbers):

CH3A, 2A+B
  • 1B is combo: catches everything + hits otg
  • 66BB everything but Right tech and otg
  • b:A for right tech
  • 2KB Side techs and forward tech
  • 4K(B) everything but side techs
  • BB all techs, second B will whiff on normal and back techs
  • k:B all techs but left and otg

When B+K hits, the only tech trap you have (as far as I found) is 3K/66K on forward tech... So basically, it's better to go into mist transition as it can (almost) not be interrupted if they get up.

After 2KB, 11B --> 2A catches forward tech, here again nothing usable, but good to know 11B give the opponent a tech opportunity. 1B gives it too but you can't get anything but a forward dash (or 66A+Bg) and go into 2KB mix-up again or 66B+K and mist mix-ups.

More food for thought from Belial.

Thanks man.

musashi, I will try out some of your CH3A, 2A+B traps later.

I'm sure that k:B can be used when B+K hits.

Yeah I started it with CH3A because it's a setup where you can get a free 2A+B, but it's basically 2A+B against grounded opponents.
I have a hard time trying to hit people grounded after a simple knowdown, as they'll just roll out of it (2A+B being so damn slow).
I'm not too sure the usefulness of 2A+B after CH3A. It just seems rather elaborate for tech traps when you have guaranteed damage with 33B (dmg 47) or 66A+B (dmg 45) as a follow up. The latter also allows the player to apply a MST or RLC game without interruption.
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