Mitsu Tech Traps

Ye I agree, it can only be used to mix-up your game. I don't have the exact dmg but I believe CH3A, 2A+B, 1B (without tech) is about the same dmg CH3A, 33B does. 1B being the only thing that hits otg if they don't tech.

It is pretty situational, but I took a lot of people off guard while doing that, even confirmed players.

And then folks don't have to know that if they don't tech, they can guard pretty much anything (except 1B) so you can apply some big damage on them thanks to their fear of tech traps.
So I mix it up with other kind of tech traps (the ones Belial posted for example) and normal combos.

By the way, I did all the tests on Nightmare (and it worked a lot against Xianghua in versus). Some of those traps are rather hard to get (like k:B on left tech). Overall, the timings are that you have to do them very very fast.
I think I should point out.

My favorite tech trap, doesn't seem to work online. 1A B~4 (just)

doesn't seem to work, and I hope that this, "~" means slide. Haha.
1A Then while they're ukemiing, B A slide. one of Rugi's just frames. Forgive me for not knowing how to say it, but I really don't care.

edit) dont know how that 4 got there.
Hey I didnt see this in the opening page of this thread. But 3b 236b 1a is a tech trap isnt it? When I was in Sydney last month LGinfinite was doing it alot and it was working for him very well (Engared wasnt happy lol). When i try it the 1a can be blocked. Am i doing something wrong? Am i supposed to charge the 236b more? can it only be done on 3b ch?
I should retest this stuff but 22B a+b6 catches all straight(back, normal, foreward) techs for attack throw, but doesn't hit at all on right and no attach throw on left D= Sorry if its already been posted.
This is actually a great tech trap, very dissuasive (not very important if it was known or not, it is not on the first page). I believe it is the only time when you don't have to delay A+B6 to make it a tech trap as you can just do it right away. The AT on left tech works sometimes against some of the cast, it seems to depend on the range, and the position of the opponent while falling, kind of tricky, but still people are not as used to it as with RLC A.
Hi guys!!

I was testing some Mitsu tech traps last night (well not brand new traps, just triyng it on different ways)
I hope it wasn't in vain!! (and sorry for my english :P)

11_77A (32 dmg base)

  • RLC A (21 dmg) - will tech catch forward and left. - (total dmg 53) - Allow RLC A tech traps.

RLC A (20 dmg base)

  • 88B (29 dmg) - will tech catch normal, forward, backward and left. - (total dmg 49) - Easy to do if RLC A hits in a mid range. Useful near walls (but no wall hit) - allows 22_88B techtraps.

  • b:A (30 dmg) - will tech catch normal and right. - (total dmg 50) - Strict timing. Useful after MST ~ RLC A combo.

  • 33A (27 dmg) - will tech catch normal, forward and backward - (total dmg 47).

  • 33A (28 dmg) - will tech catch right - (total dmg 48) - Allows Relic game and mix up because
    Mitsurugi still close to the opp. No left tech trap.

CH 6K (21 dmg base)

  • b:A (30 dmg) - will tech catch normal, forward, backward and right. - (total dmg 55) - Strict timing. Sometimes Mitsurugi whiffs AT.

EDIT: a new one.

22_88B (28 dmg base)

  • 66 5 A+B[6], 33B - will tech catch normal, forward and backward (77 total dmg) will also tech catch left (78 total dmg)

This tech traps are NOT tested in all characters. Sorry! :P

Also I was testing a couple of tech trap "strings", starting by CH RLC [K], as you know, it can also be started by RLC A (maybe after RLC [ B ] combo??)

  • CH RLC [K] ~ RLC A, 88B left tech trap ~ b:A left tech trap.

  • CH RLC [K] ~ RLC A >>dash>> b:A right tech trap. (no dash no AT xD)

This is just taining of course :)

I hope this will be helpful.
Cya!! :)
Can somebody check this please??

A+B6 AT (50 dmg base)

  • A+K AT - will catch left, right, normal, backward, forward - needs a small delay to catch. No hit otg. (41 dmg)
Its all about 66A+B, 22B tech trap, RLC A tech trap, 1A tech trap, into 66BB for the final tech trap. Gotten this to work several times. Its pretty lulzy. And then when people start staying down you can get great damage anyways.
Its all about 66A+B, 22B tech trap, RLC A tech trap, 1A tech trap, into 66BB for the final tech trap. Gotten this to work several times. Its pretty lulzy. And then when people start staying down you can get great damage anyways.
I cant comprehend how could possibly this hit anybody, but if you actually managed to hit people with all this tech traps... wow.
But I wonder how you make them get up, I dont think there is any way mitsu can force a get up. Most you get like, 14 extra damage, then they're safe, on their feet away from you. I can get some 44B near the walls, b/c people are too afraid of getting up into RLC, but thats it. And its mad risky.

On the topic though, I dont think its been posted
11A close/mid range hit FC 2B is free.
But on far hit.
11A 33B will hit otg (cant be blocked at all), will launch a normal tech.
11A 33A is char dependant tech catch right/left (will not hit normal tech), some characters left roll (i think) will evade 33A, on other its only escapable via normal tech. Probably will hit forward tech too.
Works great against Kilik since 11A kills asura, 4B+K, 1B, 6A, iWS B and whatever other interrupt they might try at almost every advantage. And Kilik's one of the chars who get hit by 33A on both side teches.
Ive only gotten the entire set of them off in a row like 3 times. I just randomly discovered the 22b working after 66A+B the other day. Ive never been to this thread till yesterday. Might of helped lol. But yeah it was against random bad players so they are just mashing G to get up as fast as possible i guess. Tho I did get it to work vs one good player. But then obviously they just stayed down.
This has probably been posted before but after 66A+B, 236{B} catches Forward, Back and Normal for around half life. And since 1A is guaranteed after you can keep on techin.
Stuff like 66A+B, 236{B}, 1A, 66BB seems to catch easily enough.
I was watching a video from one of the Korean players, and he seemed to do add a dash after CH B6, 3A, 44{B} making the subsequent 6BB connect if the opponent stayed grounded and Tech trap launch if they tried to tech. So something like this :
CH B6, 3A, 44{B}, 66, 6B,B
Its late and I gotta get to bed but tomorrow Ill test out if it catches all or not. Damn good trap though. Dont think its been mentioned before.
I was watching a video from one of the Korean players, and he seemed to do add a dash after CH B6, 3A, 44{B} making the subsequent 6BB connect if the opponent stayed grounded and Tech trap launch if they tried to tech. So something like this :
CH B6, 3A, 44{B}, 66, 6B,B
Its late and I gotta get to bed but tomorrow Ill test out if it catches all or not. Damn good trap though. Dont think its been mentioned before.

U should try b6, 3a, 2 a+b into a ton of tech options. There are lots of options to whatever side they tech. While not as much damage as combo u mentioned it's more consistent and better wakeup options I think. If they tech to left they eat 6b b, right gets hit by 11b a into nice mist guessing game. He got great options for any situation after 2a+b hits grounded. Try different moves in training and watch how many different moves catch techers after grounded 2a+b.
Has anyone mentioned 66A+B, kB? I think it even combos on big chars like Asta
my kB won't hit, idk what the problem is, but i see it as impractical anyways. I do 66A+B,2KB,1A,2A+B. Most people can block the last few hits but works great if they dont :P
-Yes, I know the latest post was in june, but someone will see this lol
my kB won't hit, idk what the problem is, but i see it as impractical anyways. I do 66A+B,2KB,1A,2A+B. Most people can block the last few hits but works great if they dont :P
-Yes, I know the latest post was in june, but someone will see this lol
Ya I cant re-test it again right now but Ill do it tomorrow. Pretty sure its a Tech Trap, I doubt its a combo on Asta, I just said that so people would test it out... Fail... Anyway are you sure your hitting the just frame exactly after the 66A+B hits?
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