Mitsurugi General Discussion and Q&A

You should try 236a to kill step. Has a nasty TC good range and safe. I've been using it lately and love it. Sometimes I just use the 236 TC into throw mixup cause 236a, throw seem bout the same speed. This move is very underrated!

Don't use 6a if you think they will TC. You'll whiff and eat damage!
When I was applying bA to my games today I was mostly using it at a range to fish for a CH/step or when I'm 1000% sure the opponent will try to step. It seems to be working so far. Against most steps 4A is still effective.
Could someone please explain to me or link me to a thread that explains what the following mean:
1) Tech Trap
2) Guard Crush
I need something good to do after a successful counter hit 66A. Any suggestions. Going to training right now. I will post my findings.
So far I have learned that 2K is a really good follow up, however it doesn't connect all the time. 6b2 is good but the 6b:2 keeps coming out if I go to fast. Also 2K is easier to do and has a good chance to hit for 55 or 52. Not sure why.
Well that 2K shit can screw you over for sure. I'm pretty sure three only thing guaranteed though is the 6B2. So just practice on getting that out and take the free damage.
So far my best suggestion is 66A then 2 A+B. Best damage 58 and ease of use. Ukemi is a problem, but that move happens so fast its hard for a human opponent to ukemi that fast. Thanks for all the help.
So far my best suggestion is 66A then 2 A+B. Best damage 58 and ease of use. Ukemi is a problem, but that move happens so fast its hard for a human opponent to ukemi that fast. Thanks for all the help.
To each their own. But people will know to tech out of this and you're willing to give up 14 points of guaranteed damage in the unlikely hope of getting 6 extra points. I would just suggest to anyone reading this to just work on getting the non JF version of 6B2 out afterwards. Being able to do that will help you in the long run any way
Could someone please explain to me or link me to a thread that explains what the following mean:
1) Tech Trap
2) Guard Crush
1) Tech Trap: When you knock an opponent down and that opponent tries to either ukemi (immediate wake-up after being knocked down by simultaneously tapping G + any directional input) or rolling to get up by moving side-rolling up, side-rolling down, rolling backward or forward; and you perform an attack that hits the opponent guaranteed depending upon which method the opponent uses to wake-up is a called a tech-trap. Tech Traps may be avoided if one does nothing to get up while the attacking player commits an attack and happens to whiff it.
2) Guard Crush: In this SCV installment, this term is used simply when someone performs an attack that makes the guarding opponent stagger heavily. Their life bar glows yellow after guarding perpetual attacks and after even more attacks have been guarded, later their life bar starts glowing red. At that breaking point when you see the defender block an attack that has the background colors of the arena change for an instant and (s)he staggers as a result, a Guard Crush has just occurred.
What's best between 66A, 22A, and 44A?

Don't have my copy of the game right now, but I don't remember Mitsu having a good horizontal at a far range.
22a has the best frames on block which can be used as a frame trap. 66a is the fastest I think and on CH 6b2 is combo. 44a does most damage and can be used in some tech traps. All have their uses. Try some 236a as well. It's good!
Okay, so you are Mitsurugi. The situation is that you are blocking someone with fast attacks, and they just keep quickly attacking your guard. What are Mitsurugi's "get away from me bitch" moves that are quick to come out?

I know it would be best to avoid this situation all together, but just assume somehow you are in the situation and need to get out.

Also, I find that when I'm in this situation, if they make me guard never ending quick attacks standing and then mix in some low attacks, I haven't figured out how to defeat this strategy. I guess just learn what those moves look like to block low? or learn when it is common to switch from high attacks to low... I don't know. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
sounds like natsu!!! gives you problems!!, all you have to do is know character match up, for example i didnt know natsus 66bBE's second atack was duckable!!! cuz it looks like a mid!! but its a special mid!! duck and avoid any unecesary mixups!!,