Morning Musume Weekly Variety Shows

I stumbled across this group a little bit ago and even though i haven't listened to their music yet, I find that I like the group a lot.

anyway, in this thread i will put up a show with MM between one to three times a week. i hope that you enjoy these shows as much as I do. to start off...

i guess i wouldn't expect you to understand the feeling of looking forward to the next showing? it's like me with the walking dead. i can't wait for the next episode every week and am happy when it finally comes on.
same here. i haven't listened to any of their music or anything but the people themselves seem pretty funny and cool. If only american television had this.

I'll throw out there that the majority of the people in that video have probably already graduated from the group by now. If you find any more recent videos you'll probably see different faces.

Japanese television is very entertaining, and music groups make frequent appearances on variety shows. Here's a favorite clip of mine. SDN48 isn't around anymore, but they left behind this gem:
did they add a voice deepen-er to that one girl? that was pretty funny. i only knew about AKB and a couple other groups with the similar name. AKA, AKC. i think.
well, I couldn't wait. but for this week since it's Thanks giving i'm gonna focus on gourmet episodes. like this one!
well, I couldn't wait. but for this week since it's Thanks giving i'm gonna focus on gourmet episodes. like this one!