My favorite time of year!


[09] Warrior
I dont like beer but I would still go though to see the drunkards doing the crazy stuff. My favorite time of year is when It's winter and my friends and I are chilling next to a bonfire
And beer's pretty blah imho. Even the lightest one's I've had are too sour or too bitter for my pallet. I guess I just never acquired the taste.

What? Like... all beers? Or just Sam Adam's?

Please tell me it's not all beer... I am a beer fiend. We have a micro-brewery here called Monk's (lol i know) and they have over 200 kinds of beer. 200!!!!! That includes local brews and brews from all over the world. I have tried just about half of them, and now I just pop in everyday after work and order the next one on the list. It is my personal beer odyssey, and I'm loving every minute of it.

He is a wise man who invented beer -- Plato
Go go non american beers lol. Most of them taste like horse piss to me.:P


Stouts for the win. :D
Guinness is one of the best that's for sure. But I know of a couple stouts that just blow it out of the water.

My favorite is Surly Brewing Company's Coffee Bender (Minnesota). It has a beautiful start with notes of coffee, brown sugar, hops and a hint of vanilla with an amazing aftertaste. Plus... It has caffeine, how could it get any better?
What? Like... all beers? Or just Sam Adam's?

Please tell me it's not all beer... I am a beer fiend. We have a micro-brewery here called Monk's (lol i know) and they have over 200 kinds of beer. 200!!!!!Plato[/I]

havent seen anything from that brewery. maybe it hasn't made it to jersey yet but i'll keep and eye out for it. any of their brews in paticular you could recommend. i'm a well known beer fan and while i will go on the record and say commercial american beer sucks balls, we still have a bunch of very good microbrews around here. jersey has a bunch of good ones in the area like flying fish and brooklyn (NY i know"), as well as rogue and anchor just to name a few outside my area.

while on the topic of favs here is my top 5

flying fish amber
rogue american ale
anchor steam
havent seen anything from that brewery.

Sadly, this is only local... and Surly is also very local. Only in Minnesota and South Dakota.

i'm a well known beer fan and while i will go on the record and say commercial american beer sucks balls

I think you'll like this quote from the guys at Stone Brewing lol...

"These are aggressive beers. You probably won't like them. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate ales of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory - maybe something with a multi-million dollar ad compaign aimed at convincing you its made in a little brewery, or one that implies their tasteless, fizzy, yellow beer will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multi-million dollar ad campaigns make a beer taste better. Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Stone Brewing- (makers of Arrogant Bastard Ale)
what? people actually like guiness? its rancid piss-water, pee in a jar of treacle give it a shake and you've got guiness.
give me stella/tiger anytime.
^^^that quote from 'stone brewery' isnt bad, i'm sure half of most nations are dumb enough to fall for it.
Where in England?

Banbury. Its out in the boonies. I'm mad busy with school during the week, and every weekend we travel so my plans of seeing people that I know in England/visiting players in England are pretty much out of the question other than a few possible weekends. If you have heard of Banbury at all then let me know where you are at and I'll let you know what I can do.

I'm studying abroad at university here by the way.
stone makes some great stuff, the oaked arrogant bastard is heavenly. funny thing is that there is a guido bar near where a friend of mine used to live that served it. every time i ordered it i watched the bartenders cringe just thinking about it. that stuff is for real men only
We have some pretty good local beers here in wisconsin. Leinenkugel's makes a plethora of beers...some are very good, some are not that great...but my favorite is Honey Weiss.

There's a brewery in New Glarus that makes some excellent beers as well, My favorites being Spotted Cow and Fat Squirrel.
We have some pretty good local beers here in wisconsin. Leinenkugel's makes a plethora of beers...some are very good, some are not that great...but my favorite is Honey Weiss.

Yikes... I do not like Leinenkugel's at all. I've tried most of them, the worst being Berry Weiss.

All of those beers seem to have a very unnaturally high 'sweet factor' that doesn't agree with me.
kind of reminds me of seadog out of maine. they seem to specialize in fruit beers. my female friends love the shit out of though, makes them feel like one of the guys drinking beer.
kind of reminds me of seadog out of maine. they seem to specialize in fruit beers. my female friends love the shit out of though, makes them feel like one of the guys drinking beer.

Ha yeah... until you taste the shit, learning that whoever called it beer should be beaten in the street.