
[08] Mercenary
Yooooo! Hello weird men and hot and ugly girls, i love you, and since I love you, I'm playing SCV all for you baby.

I have a nice fighting game background, from Ye-Ar-Kung-Fu, Killer Instinct, Daraku Tenshi, MvC2, the list is long for a long, long time for a good reason: I'm the Undertaker, and you can't f**k with him unless you want your balls to be mashed with a tombstone for 3 hours straight(just imagine the horror of looking at your flat misty balls after that smh)

Anyways, I thought I'd introduce myself after barely being on this site but on SRK most of the time and I need friends because I'm ugly and I can krump. So hit me up on XBL:SwxrdZ if you want to here me rage about something thats' "cheap" or some other things that make me look free. I'm from the east coast by the way. Nice to meet you creatures of the sword
You're strange, you're honest and you have a sense of humor. Good traits in my book. Welcome aboard man.
Awesome! Nice to meet some other lads on this site! So! How do you guys like SCV so far? I just picked it up today and i'm messing with Zwei right now. He looks queer, but that doggie he has is a pretty cool addition to his move set and his overall persona. Once I figure out his bnb's i'm sure i'll do alright in some locals
Zwei is amazing I got dominated by a guy playing as him earlier it is sad but true, anyway that was one hell of an introduction hope to see you around.