Namco gives us the finger

Don Mattrick isn't as amused as he looks
Ugh, as if Tekken didn't die after 3. I'm all for breaking continuity for sequels - hence soul cal. but Tekken doesn't deserve it!
2 - Good
3 - Good (Gon ftw ^^)
4 - Wtf?
5 - Bad
6 -BAD!!!
Dayummm! Tekken was cool, until the fourth game. Soul Calibur is a UNIIQUE game, taking place in the 16th century, and the main idea was to stop the evil sword Soul Edge, or help Soul Edge by defeating the Sword of Salvation Soul Calibur. Tekken was a fist fighting game, every year the person you selected enter the tournament, and if you win, you just win. Soul Calibur sounds more interesting than Tekken at the moment.
Lol. Guys, why so pessimistic? It's not like it's truly confirmed. Just keep enjoying SCIV.
I believe SCV will come around. If it doesn't, oh well. I'll just keep on playing SCIV with not a care in the world.
wow so this is what this thread turned into cool

Have you played tekken or BB there netcode is almost perfect(like half a frame of lag) unless the people you play with are really far.
so I take it lightspeed internet is invented? cool
I don't see why Scamco won't make another SC. They are one of the greediest game companies I can think of, and with SCIV's sales I don't see how we won't get a sequel. Let's just hope it is a quality sequel, and not a money grub.
Babalook, T6 netcode is far from perfect. Better than SC but it's definitely more than half a frame lag. I can definitely say it's 2+ frames lag. I still miss a lot of stuff online in T6.
This topic is filled with delusion.

Tekken is the more popular series. Doesnt matter how many copies it sold its the more bankable series. Tekken is the more respectable series. Calibur has been dwindling since SC1, getting worst over time.
in my country, Tekken is in fact way more popular, i would even say its the only fighter that matters. SC is quite far behind, but still 2nd :)
I havent played all the Tekkens, but i could always clearly see how each tekken i played is more and more of a showoff than a competitive game, with T6 being a total joke in my eyes with its enormously long air combos, characters similar to each other or just too plain, meaningless sidestep, unescapeable wall combos and diminished defensive game. Not to mention shitty character stories, but it doesnt matter that much in a fighter.
SC will always have advantage over Tekken in few aspects: variousness of characters and their fighting styles, full implementation of 3d environment where sidesteps and 8wayrun matter and are natural, unique ideas implemented into the system like guard impacts(totally unique) or ring outs(very rare in fighters).
I dont believe SC was getting worse over time just like Tekken, it was just changing - i liked every SC despite big differences between them or maybe even becouse of them (i was getting something totally new, but cleverly mixed into the old formula every time), while Tekken was always the same, only more plain and schematic every time.