[Northern California] Norcal Crab Shack

Krayzie, what's the earliest I can come by on Sat? Need to shake off some of this rust.

Come by anytime after 12pm. You can start early with shaking off the rust.

Is there an Xbox version also? I can bring my xbox game if I come.
I bought the xbox SC4 last month so no need to bring anything except maybe your controller.

i'm probably not gonna be able to show up until later tomorrow. like after 5.
As long as you make it by that'll be great. See you after 5pm buddy!
Oh and I'd appreciate it if at least one person brought a PS3 and a copy of SC4. If 2 peeps can bring a system that would be even better. See you guys later today!
I'll be there for sure. Shenrei, we both have to shake off some rust so it's all good. Who else can make it?

Oowun the road right nizzle. Be up there with the lube in bouta hour.
Teh Baskets :)

EDIT; Baskets, how dare you use my account to post this ha
So, Krayzie - Since you now have SC4 for Xbox360, will we see an Xbox Live appearance from you? :)

Probably not buddy. I don't have a gold live account so I can't go on the internet. We'll just have to wait till Devastation to fight each other.

GGs to all you folks who came by today, felt like a good day of practice for me. Special thanks to Keith who made the far trip despite the other issues going on. Also thanks to Shenrei for finally coming out of hiding and shaking that rust off. We need to see you at every gathering man. GGs to all you mofos and although we're missing our older regulars like Alex J, Hates, and Hajime it's still a fun time. See you guys next time!

So when should next time be anyway?
Probably not buddy. I don't have a gold live account so I can't go on the internet. We'll just have to wait till Devastation to fight each other.

GGs to all you folks who came by today, felt like a good day of practice for me. Special thanks to Keith who made the far trip despite the other issues going on. Also thanks to Shenrei for finally coming out of hiding and shaking that rust off. We need to see you at every gathering man. GGs to all you mofos and although we're missing our older regulars like Alex J, Hates, and Hajime it's still a fun time. See you guys next time!

So when should next time be anyway?

Well, if you ever change your mind, I can give you a 1 month subscription code or something, just so you can come play with us Xbox players for a little while. There's only about 4 of us that still play on a decent level, but I think we would still be at least mildly challenging, haha.
GGs to everyone, it was good times. Krayzie I like how you "forgot" about our Kilik/Maxi battle. Its understandable though, we all remember what happened last time :)
GGs to everyone, it was good times. Krayzie I like how you "forgot" about our Kilik/Maxi battle. Its understandable though, we all remember what happened last time :)

LOL actually I really still wanted to do that match with you. Especially after the horrible beatings I gave you with Astaroth and Mitsu, I wanted you to be able to have the chance to at least reclaim a little bit of your pride back. Kilik vs Maxi is like a 7:3 matchup in Kilik's favor so that would about make it even between us :)
Yeah, totally great games last night. Almost felt like a mini-reunion lol. Nice to meet the people that I haven't met and finally played: Uber, NDK, and Baskets. Finally got some games in with Krayzie after a long time, and stayed up late playing. Wanted to keep playing but my thumbs were bruisin' and didn't wanna doze off on the wheel on the drive back. Nothing's changed - to me you are still Norcal's best and most skilled.

Funniest part was when Krayzie was using Asta and making those sound effects. Manta and I were laughing our asses off in the other room and couldn't concentrate. I swear if you do that in a tourney, no one will be able to win. lol

See you guys (maybe?) at Fanime
as usual, it was humbling to get my ass handed to me after only using lag tactics all the time. I still remember vividly how sc3 gave me the opportunity to agi dam near everything except kicks, but that was a different time. Im considering getting a small tv for my room back in dc and maybe playing you guys once in a while over the next semester.

just like old times eh? I gotta say it was refreshing as hell to hit you guys up again. seriously, no bromance intended.
You bastards! Gathering on the day I get from Japan and have to go to Stockton. =(

Krayzie, I'm invading Saturday unless you're busy. I'm committed to Devastation now (I'm glad I slacked on buying a GAMME ticket) and we're practicing hardcore!
Whos down to visit Krayzies again this weekend? NDK said that were gona roll down there again if we can get a good group again.