Pyrrha Omega General Discussion

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eh ... well tbh, if you don't have any meter at all, then you're better off doing 4[a], 236b:4. if you have meter, then 4[a], 2b,be:4 should be the best followup ..
eh ... well tbh, if you don't have any meter at all, then you're better off doing 4[a], 236b:4. if you have meter, then 4[a], 2b,be:4 should be the best followup ..

...true, though it would've been nice looking if 6BB was in the middle... just makes it look flashier... ^_~

...have you found out how damaging exactly the 2B,BE:4 is already when tagged into combo-enders yet? ^_^
eh ... well tbh, if you don't have any meter at all, then you're better off doing 4[a], 236b:4. if you have meter, then 4[a], 2b,be:4 should be the best followup ..

4[a] feels so slow... that punish works fine on wiffs though?
I'd like to know when/how you guys like to use 6B BE, and what you follow it up with. Personally, I tend to use it once the Opp.'s gauge is in the yellow, just to scare them into standing still to take a 4B/66B. If the Opp. likes to press buttons, 6B BE, DNS B usually catches them out. I always find it very useful for applying pressure when I have the Opp.'s back to the edge.
The more I play her, the more I realized how tracking verticals are my bane. It's annoying to side-step a vertical only to have it (or part of its string) hit you, and then eat a whole combo.
Pyrrha O. is the first Alexandra I've ever played. I think what drew me to her initially was her being an evil female char, then what made me pick her up as my secondary was how damn hard she hits, both in terms of numbers and visually. Though I do think reg. Pyrrha has the better moveset, I simply prefer Pyrrha. O.
4[a] feels so slow... that punish works fine on wiffs though?

4[A] is biatch to land... I'm only able to get it to connect against opponents who like their highs and/or step-happy. =_=

I'd like to know when/how you guys like to use 6B BE, and what you follow it up with. Personally, I tend to use it once the Opp.'s gauge is in the yellow, just to scare them into standing still to take a 4B/66B. If the Opp. likes to press buttons, 6B BE, DNS B usually catches them out. I always find it very useful for applying pressure when I have the Opp.'s back to the edge.

I use the 6B.BE as an alternative to NS/DNS B punisher if I have meter... though NS/DNS B:4 is a better response imho...

but hey, I like flashy thingies, & Pyrrha Omega has very little of it... just the flamey WRA+B & 11_88A[A] ..but those are FLAMES... I like the occasional lightning once & a while... ^_~
Has anyone come up with some reliable high damage wall combos besides just repeated NS B:4s? And also, what are some decent moves to wallsplat with? It seems like most of her moves that wallsplat are unsafe -__-
Nothing looks cooler on Wallsplat than NS B:4 NS B:4 DNS B:4. Only ever managed to get this in training mode, but oh does it look sweet.
Has anyone come up with some reliable high damage wall combos besides just repeated NS B:4s? And also, what are some decent moves to wallsplat with? It seems like most of her moves that wallsplat are unsafe -__-

I normally go with 3B, 3B, 3A+B, 1A, A; people seem to get nervous and eat the 1A,A.
My usual wall splat follow up is 2BB:4 , wall splat, 6K , 44B+K. If the starter was 22B then I just skip to 6K, 4B+K.
What is good for high damage seems to depend on the angle of the wallsplat significantly and also somewhat on the height. If you are on the line perpendicular to the wall and not off 3B then 66B 66B+KAB G~ DNS B seems good, you can also AS B4_:4 66B DNS B. If you are in the counter-clockwise direction of that line then options are bad, just use DNS B4_:4 or something like that. If you are in the clockwise direction of that line, then AS B 4_:4 will align then near perpendicular and you can 66B 66B+KAB G~ DNS B.

I'll do a more thorough write up later in the combo thread (probably much).
It doesn't seem like much people play her. She seems good enough.

If anyone on Xbox wants to play, GT: London Lust

..bit of a silly question to ask in the section of the forum dedicated to the character in question... =_= lol!

Nonetheless, you can safely assume I, & pretty much all contributors to this SA either mains her... or at least can play as her to a decent degree...

And yes, she is good enough to play... in fact imho she's a great character.

However, she's a little more difficult to play effectively compared to normal pyrrha due to a more limited movesets... impairing the amount of options she has available in any given situation.

However, this limiting factor is made up for by the sheer damage she can potentially cause.

Food for thought in any case if you are indeed thinking about maining her. ^_~
@Paranormal cool I'll add you. I also play Xiba sometimes.

@geejay yeah I guess the topic choice wasn't the best name lol. I also assume you don't have an xbox :(

And yes, I am maining her :D I also see you're a fan of Avatar the Last Airbender!
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