Random Post Thread

and while i'm spamming shit up.

i might as well come up in this piece, drop a piece and let it marinate for everyone.

fuckin blood in soul calibur... my god. that shit would be so broke.
i mean blood is slippery so it'll cause ice effects on the ground so
one slash will cause people to be slippin and slidding all over the place.

my fucking god... that shit is uber broke. uber... do people still use that shit?

i think i got this chick pregnant when i went overseas... that's not good.
i'm not ready to be a daddy.. what she goin do?

is it random to be a deadbeat dad?
a life mission of mine: a study of hatred. make my first born hate me as much as i can.
can i really be that? is it possible to make my child hate me. love my second child even more
just so my first born would hate me even more.

can i really do it? or once i see my first child i wouldn't be able to?
what's goign to happen.

is she really pregnant with my baby? or is she just tryin to get a free pass into the united states...
do people still do that? yo.. lookin at this board i'm like...

i'm one of the founders of the original random post thread... and yet... this shit stopped being random
ages ago.

plot points, chit chat, readied conversations and thoughts..

niggas were supposed to come on here and let their thoughts drift.
that was the purpose. just whatever spam, thought, or someshit comes up that you felt the need to
share. that was it.

like there was supposed to be nothing written. hell this shit is just off the top of my own fuckin head.
but i'm a genius when it comes to spam so its just comes out this way like it was preplanned. because i'm a fuckin genius. SQUIRREL!

up for that ass. my god that was a brilliant movie. for real son. best character acting in a 3d animation i've seen in a long while... oh Pixar. you are my new disney.



watch wrestling.

yes that's that ign. BEYOND! how many beyonders we got up in here?

reckless.. man that was a night... i need to feel that again. i need that mindset. i miss my college self. i used to be that dude... now i'm just a dude. but i'm still that motha fucka.

ain't it man? ain't it.... MAN?! ain't i? ha..


random bitch. slap that random hoe.
that's the only thing they understand.
slap her on her left titty and ask her what's your name.

if it's barbara... run.
interesting how intoxication and boredom can be seen as related. also, don't be racist psylo. it's not a good look.

it's like saying "no homo". once "no homo" is mentioned everything has to end that way or what you said can be taken in that context.

it's a trap!
Oh def not racist.... Maybe i should have said gangsta?

Lol... I understand the boredom. We never have beef, I just wish I knew what you looked like because you type like lil' wayne lol.

oh my stomach hurts!

thank god i was at home for that one. i would have had the whole office on my ass about being too loud.

catch me on facebook.

Roberto Rodriguez
College networks: SCAD allumni.

I think i should start my posts with "A-HEM~~~" from now on.....

i'm in need of some new madnis clothing.... my old madnis shirts and hats are starting to show their age.

it's time to reup on the drawing board and get to designing my new gear....

and in korea, i can get them mass produced for the cheap.
oooo i want 1! i want it to say "blood is doolb backwards" and have a butterfly exploding on the back. its art yo
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

Wee Random
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

Wee Random

...then I need to keep it in a different room. Maybe I can move the toilet into the living room instead.
No, I like to brush my teeth over the sink, which is next to the throne. I would rather move the toilet. I'm sure guests won't mind. .... "excuse me a moment..." *facecrumple/buttsqueeze/loudgrunt*
I was moving yesterday... it was the hottest day of the year here, not to mention the 90% humidity.

Anyway, getting high and slamming mountain dew... does not a good mover make. I was sweating green and gasping for air within the first hour. And who the fuck invented couches? Or better yet, who decided how wide doors should be? Fucking assholes.
A-hem.... clearly you're not a master of tetris psylo..... i can pack shit in like my name was homer simpson (kuddos goes to the person if they remember the episode and season of what i'm referring to.).
madnis. fuck what ya heard. it's what you're reading. reckless? sometimes. now? nah. honest? i tell the truth at all times, i never lie. i tell the truth even when i lie. why? because lying is too much of a pain in the ass and i ain't got the patience for it. but yeah.... mountain dew + weed... losing sperm count and brain cells at the same time.... no wonder you couldn't work that couch through the door. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. just saying...

i understand. (^ ^)V

badass- sure. i'll make you a shirt. for $60.00. I stopped doing shit for free after college. if you want me to make you a custom shirt, that'll cost you. it'll be worth it too. i'll do the embroidery + silk screen and give you prelim designs before i put it on the shirt, and i'll throw in a pdf so you can print out the poster at your own leisure. and just for an iron press on, it'll be $10.00.
Why is work so boring?

Here i sit, jonesing for a cig... I think I can last 10 more minutes. Good thing I'm still a little high, but that is fleeting at the moment and I'm in danger of coming all the way down. Lunch is a ways off... shit.
and i ain't got the patience for it.

"Ain't" when utilized should be a contraction for "am not" or "are not" but is accepted in many other forms today. ...I'm just bored and being an English geek. There is no need to reply :-)

Why is work so boring?

Here i sit, jonesing for a cig... I think I can last 10 more minutes. Good thing I'm still a little high, but that is fleeting at the moment and I'm in danger of coming all the way down. Lunch is a ways off... shit.

I miss smoking. I was up to 3 packs a day when I quit and it was the hardest thing I ever did, so I'm not going back there ...but there are times when I miss it. *sniff*
I miss smoking. I was up to 3 packs a day when I quit and it was the hardest thing I ever did, so I'm not going back there ...but there are times when I miss it. *sniff*

If I was up to 3 packs a day... I would sew my mouth shut and have my GF punch me in the balls repeatedly until I just didn't want to smoke anymore.