Random Post Thread

Normally, I don't tell the whole world what I do. But today as I put some yard garbage on the curb, I met a cat. It meowed at me. I went ahead and petted it and it was purring and enjoying the attention. After awhile it bit me(not hard though) and I thought it was saying, "hey that's enough petting, go finish the garbage". Which I did, but it went and meowed for attention again as finished putting the trash away. Afterward I got done, I tried to pet it again, but it was playing hard to get. What a cute moment indeed. Pardon my flaunting.
I can't think of back round information for any of the characters for my pilot. I can only think of how they act during the pilot.

Hey Juece can I read your pilot?

Normally, I don't tell the whole world what I do. But today as I put some yard garbage on the curb, I met a cat. It meowed at me. I went ahead and petted it and it was purring and enjoying the attention. After awhile it bit me(not hard though) and I thought it was saying, "hey that's enough petting, go finish the garbage". Which I did, but it went and meowed for attention again as finished putting the trash away. Afterward I got done, I tried to pet it again, but it was playing hard to get. What a cute moment indeed. Pardon my flaunting.

Cats nip as a sign of affection. No joke, if they REALLY like ya they may suddenly grab you and begin kicking you with their back legs, because for them they rough house with other cats they trust enough to feel they can play with. Large cats have this behavior too, which has resulted in a few non-malicious but still dangerous maulings for keepers.
all this talkin of freelancing... makes me feel as if i should do some. but... i also wanna work on some personal projects.. projects that have been long neglected and in need of attention... hmm... which leads me to this question... should I get toonboom harmony? Anime studio (formerly Moho)? or should i get TVP animation studio? decisions... decisions...
Finished my character sketches for my pilot! Took forever but I finally have the ones I needed to finish up for my plot outline.
The PS Vita, Uncharted and a 16GB Memory Card should come tomorrow but I got College which lasts to 12pm. :(

I ordered a 4GB Memory Card from Sainsbury which I forgot to cancel. They have sent me a dispatch email.