Raphael video thread!


You used too much 1BB, which is going to get punished hard by smart players who KNOW to sidestep Raphael players. stick with 1B if you really want the standing low, 1BB only on CH.

There was too many opportunities where you had Prep A CH'd and you didn't go for the guaranteed Prep BBB:B, if you want to mix it up with more mind games that's fine, but going prep K:K instead? Why?

Don't neglect 11_77B, I didn't see alot of that.
Yeah, I'm aware that I'm not going for the guaranteed damage by doing BB on Prep. It's actually intentional since I can't pull off the just frame on Prep BBB:B consistently.

If I just use Prep BB after CH on Prep A, I find that a lot of people dodge/block or counter attack whatever move I do right after so sometimes I just choose to end the combo prematurely by doing Prep K before they get the chance to compose themselves.
All Raphael's frames are mashable except VE B:B, and I've found a way to mash that one as well, though it is kinda cheesy(multiple shoulder buttons)

Yeah, I'm aware that I'm not going for the guaranteed damage by doing BB on Prep. It's actually intentional since I can't pull off the just frame on Prep BBB:B consistently.

If I just use Prep BB after CH on Prep A, I find that a lot of people dodge/block or counter attack whatever move I do right after so sometimes I just choose to end the combo prematurely by doing Prep K before they get the chance to compose themselves.

Prep K has an unusual ability to step some mid attacks, but even then it's not really a go-to attack plan you should do. If you can't pull off the JF last B, there are a multiple things you can do after a CH prepA stun

1)3~prepBB~SEA pressure IF they are patient. Pros : works on their soul gauge, both SEA A is 0 on block, and SEA B or is also very good options to make your opponants wish they interrupted you earlier on your first prep transition (against predictbly impatient opponants)
2)3~prepBBB (no JF). You are a minor disadvantage, and depending on range, 44B/4B/4A/8K can be thrown out if you know your opponant well. Generally if you expect a BB counter attack you can easily step it as well.
3)2A/3K then grab/mid mixup (don't whore this one out against aggressive opponants) and this depends on range.
4)2B into FC pressure (lol i've only done this when i messed up)

on a side note..hoping for egg's regional's vids to be posted soon (assuming he whipped out raph)
3/25/09 UMBC Weekly Tournament

[youtube=Needs More Whyte vs Hudathan]0HAIDF_8ph0[/youtube]
^Match starts 1/3 of the way in.

[youtube=OmegaXCN vs Hudathan]bjSsyeRvzQI[/youtube]
^Match starts 1/2 of the way in.

[youtube=Guexdeth vs Hudathan]7pCyoRa2vBQ[/youtube]
thats cause WR A on block pushback is like god tier awesome (unless blocked too close)

I like the way Hudathan plays Raph, good use of step, spacing, and lots of raph moves
WS A is something I'm still toying with but it's nothing complicated, I liken it to Kilik's WS A for spacing. The iWS version is really cool and can fill some of his needs at mid range.

Tiamat - Can you make Raph 3/7 across the board on your tier chart so people sleep on him?
I was also going to mention about that being a poor Setz. Yeah she's too hard to learn for new guys....

The Taki match I never new WR A could be so useful, I mean, it's a mid ranged step killing sweep, which Raphael NEEDS DESPERATELY, but it's i21/i22? I'm surprised Taki of all people would constantly eat that. I want to see you vs a Taki like Bentleet or Shadowjin, because that Taki didn't seem nearly aggressive enough.

X match was fun, I can't believe how many people kept falling for VE Throw over and over....o_o.....have you been experimenting with multiple VE's on wakeup? Like during your X match, when she was grounded, you attempted 2/3 VE's before a VE Throw which ALMOST worked but he got up slightly after the throw animation.....it's pretty interesting tactic, not to be abused ofcourse.

I do multiple VE's until I see someone get up, unless they roll away of course. I tend to play in funny ways, especially since I don't like to be too basic with Raph. OmegaXCN's Taki is very good, and we had more matches that have yet to be uploaded on Youtube where he definitely got the best of me. I'll post those as they come up since I didn't do the recording.
3/25/09 UMBC Weekly Tournament cont'd

[youtube=OmegaXCN vs Hudathan]SUuFQT5E1lE[/youtube]

[youtube=OmegaXCN vs Hudathan]3aLAuBwYm4s[/youtube]
^Match starts 1/3 of the way in.

[youtube=SWBeta vs Hudathan]NWlWRoZvGMM[/youtube]
^Match starts 1/3 of the way in.

[youtube=MinervaSC vs Hudathan]WTZsEf5CRss[/youtube]
^ Video originally misnamed due to both teammates playing as X.

[youtube=Team Grudge Match!!!]AR_phDrFm7I[/youtube]
The Taki match I never new WR A could be so useful, I mean, it's a mid ranged step killing sweep, which Raphael NEEDS DESPERATELY, but it's i21/i22? I'm surprised Taki of all people would constantly eat that. I want to see you vs a Taki like Bentleet or Shadowjin, because that Taki didn't seem nearly aggressive enough.

Raph has a really good WR B, so a lot of tournament players like to step after being hit by a low (2K, 1A) since they are at advantage - WR A is good in these situations since it tracks to Raph's leftsuper useful against steppers, but beware cause, as you noted, it is not fast.
[youtube=Chang's fd (Raphael) vs. Fai (Kilik)]litOkSh4vXE[/youtube]

can somebody tell me more about the aGI frames/properties on BT VE at 00:57?​
There was a big discussion about this on the old calibur forums...so hopefully I dont get the details wrong. But I THINK BT VE auto GI's all Bs and throws(?) resulting in the "death" stun. I don't remember the active frames but i think Kohell and/or Holyforce went into deep detail with this on CF.com
2 Raph vids from the recent Toronto tourney:

I tried to get the death stun in the second vid but I kept pressing B+K instead of waiting to get hit. Throws don't trigger the death stun, and I believe it is active until the VE animation almost ends or you attack. You must be hit by a vertical mid on the back or side.
Very good try against SoW. I lost a close set to him at NEC. He plays a good Ivy and has some Raph experience. 'Go Raph!' in the background killed me. Good fight against Seneca though, he's sure to study up some now.