SC Controversial Topics and General Shitposting Thread

I really hope they don’t bring back Viola. Her shit is so fucked up.

Exhibit A:

Why the fuck did they think giving her hits the ability to nullify air control was a good thing?

Fuck this character and fuck her stupid ball.

Edit: also I just noticed fukou_da_man is in chat for this clip, nice

I only noticed that her proxy attacks ruin the counter hit system, like in she doesn't eat CH even tho she is attacking you with her ball, blocking and attacking at the same time, that kind of shit.
Nullifying Air Control is like the cherry on the turd, LOL.
But after a seventeen year time skip, Talim could have become a big boobed fanservice character.

Which I'm sure is what would have happened if she had been included in the cast.

Count your blessings, Talim fans!
Except it is quite possible to grow up and yet still never significantly develop in the breasts area. She would have some more boob, probably, but she wouldn't be nearly on the same level as that supposedly planned dark skinned muscular female character drawn by the hentai artist that Vergeben was on about.

Edit: Typo fix.
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Except it is quite possible to grow up and yet still never significantly develop in the breasts area. She would have some more boob, probably, but she wouldn't be nearly on the same level as that supposedly planned dark skinned muscular female character drawn br the hentai artist that Vergeben was on about.
Wait what?
So it wasn’t drawn by 23 but inspired by them, is what I’m reading. That’s funny since I’m also a fan of 23. That being said, was this the leak that Markman had said was fake, or the one from before, because this is the first I’m seeing this and I’m not sure about the timeline of events.
The one Markman put on blast for being fake was the one before, about Zoro from One Piece being the guest, Cervantes as DLC, and all that other stuff. This leak came after.
If I remember correctly, the reason why Talim and Zas weren't in SC6 is due to time constraints. I also think a member here said that there was some unfinished code for the two. @Party Wolf am I correct so far or what?
People go to dark places once something they like is taken away. You wouldn’t believe the crazy meltdown reasons I’ve seen because Anna isn’t in T7.

Here’s my shit post though;
Sophitia, Nightmare, and Talim are all overrated trash.
Talim maybe but NM and Sophitia? Where the fuck have you been the last 10 years?
If I remember correctly, the reason why Talim and Zas weren't in SC6 is due to time constraints. I also think a member here said that there was some unfinished code for the two. @Party Wolf am I correct so far or what?
I remember this about Zas. It got everyone excited that we were going to get DLC characters. Alas, it was not to be.
Just wanted to post some random thoughts and there is no thread better for that than shitposting thread:
I'm really happy with Ivy announcement and with how she looks, I was kinda afraid that game could be influenced by... certain social tendencies. I'm happy that this is proven to be false.
Is this me, but aren't Nightmare's hand kinda underanimated? I mean, in most previous games it was one of the very few magical things in the game and attention was always brought to that, but this time his hand looks like a plastic toy and barely has any special effects on moves and animations that incorporate it. I'd like for that to be fixed.
CEs look awesome in this game, except for Mitsurugi one, which is just weird - why opponent is thrown into air by vertical attack that is directed to the ground? And this happens from both hits he does during CE, this is just so awkward looking.
Even if game is mainly focused on SCI-II story, but still touches SE we could have Seigfried playable as separate from Nightmare character - for example he could have prologue fight against SE!Cervantes that would show how Nightmare was born.
As for possible "dark skinned muscular woman" character, I'm happy that they don't get design ides from something like BlackPanther movie, because such aesthetics wouldn't work in SC, they are more fitting for something like NRS games. But I'd like for "dark skinned muscular woman" to be included in the roster, she could be something like combination of Rock and some realistic sword user at the same time, that could be pretty interesting (Rock himself is not needed, we already have Asta, who is better on all levels, some of Rock moves could be given to DSMW instead). As for looks I think she should be nearly the tallest character in the game (one head taller than even Ivy), have biggest T&A in the game, have visible Astaroth-level muscles, wear long black hair in big lush high ponytail and have outfit kinda like this one (but without tattoos or piercings): Well, at least that's how I see that.
I'm also very happy that this time Bamco are apparently actually paying close attention to fans' demands, that's really awesome if true.
On ZWEI and Viola - I like them both and I would like for them to return, they are the only decent characters introduced in SCV imho.