SCV Character Creation Discussion

I'm just going to do a bit of educational deduction here as to why you fine folks haven't seen a lot of new gear.

Do you remember how gear was unlocked in Soul Calibur IV? It was either found by getting Treasure Chests while ascending tower of lost souls/completing a certain amount of fights Descending tower of lost souls, or earning Honors. (You also got 2p parts when you bought characters, but most of the cast is unlocked in this one, so who knows?)

Since there is no Tower of Lost Souls type mode as far as we can tell, and since Story Mode and Legendary Souls mode have apparently given very little, I'm going to imagine the unlocks lie in an "Honors" system.

Honors were essentially achievements, if you recall, some of them were even linked to achievements. In Soul Calibur IV, the game would allow you to purchase a new bunch of items for every 5-10 honors you earned. It was a reasonable system, and I see no reason why they wouldn't do it again in V.

There are also some achievements in V that don't have explanations yet, but I think could possibly relate to an Honors-type system



(Note: These are not online related, as the online related achievements specifically stated that they were online related)

Anyways, food for thought. Better than worrying about whether something will or won't be in the game because they haven't unlocked it in the first 5 minutes.
I'm a lot smarter now :3
Yay I said something smart. How many weapons per character are y'all thinking my guess is 10-12
I have been thinking about that actually. Given the fact that falchion is now in cerv's weapon list again and the claymore is in siggy's, I would say atleast one page worth.

If my guess is correct (and I sure hope it is) every weapon that has been selectable from previous games for the characters now (including broken destiny apparently) would be up for grabs. For a move set that is new, we would probably see more new ones (zwei for example) I sure hope I am right about that.
Honestly, I hope for that too, but I have to say it seems pretty... hopeful ^^;. In the previous titles, it's been about 10-12 weapons per character.
Not true. I would say nine at best. In 4 there were less for there was no mimic character to have a common theme between all the characters.
Ah, well, I'm still in the boat with you guys. I'm hoping they'll have a really nice amount of weapons to select from. CaS looks like it was one of their BIGGEST focuses this time around, maybe that's why they had 3 mimics :P.
Perhaps for 6 they should allow a weapon creation aspect aswell.

Imagine this: creating your own unique weapon for a pre-existing move set. Create a sword for mitsurugi, make a spear for xiba and a scythe for zas.
I saw a Snake Eyes CaS. It was well done. I'm so looking forward to CaS to make some originals, replica and original replica variations.
Those people making the vids are trying WAY too hard to troll us XD
Weapon creating? How would that work? I'm no designer O.o
Well, you would have a selection of blades, handles, guards etc.
you just choose any combination of those and that would make the weapon.

For example: xiba style- you want to make a spear, so you take one shaft of your choice (in a selection) and then you choose a blade (and a guard if you so choose). Color each part individually.

Of course, this is just a bare bones idea, but, I am sure it is entirely possible. Think about how many weapons look like others in the same style but just with different colors (looks at sc 4 mitsu's weapon selections)
It’s almost as if you were talking about (puts on sunglasses) Vagrant Story.
(<----see avatar).

*(This was mostly a joke post, I know you were talking more about the weapon appearance than anything remotely resembling Vagrant Story's weapon forging mechanics. But I couldn’t resist.)