SCV Character Creation Discussion

First DLC announcement for Soul Calibur V Creation Mode and Music.

relevant info found here:

I'm worried that they will only have 1 or only a few pieces for each option. It also seems most of this should have been included in the main game but wasn't. God I hate people's infatuation with DLC which causes things normally included in game to be taken out to be sold separately...whatever though. we ask for it. we must just like wasting money.
I will see what all we have in the game before I buy any CaS dlc.

Edit: I might have to get that camo one. Possibly the SB/SC soundtracks too.
Okay, creations like this are just bothering me. And his commentary was so irritating. I hate how these people have access to the game and make such shitty characters ._.
Don't be too discouraged because it just means that you know you can do better when the game comes out (a lot of people can do better). But I understand what you are saying. Hopefully they'll be a handful of people who have nicely designed CAS characters as opposed to the ridiculous ones.
Someone recreated Kratos with Aeon's style. It's not all that accurate, but it's better than any recreation of him in from SCIV. I'm hoping that we're able to customize his wings to look different; like black feathered wings, bat/demon wings, dragon wings, etc,.

And in addition, Algol can be given clothes. Namco probably left him naked as a way to troll us.
Im thinking its probably having to do with the mesh of characters. Perhaps they designed a specific one for Algol so that all those weapons could come out of him - transforming the mesh can be difficult - so thats probably why they left it out for CAS. My opinion anyways.
I think that a weird/strange/funny C.A.S. is like cracking a joke on yourself before someone else does.

It's kinda like saying I'm not taking this fight very seriously you shouldn't either and helps takes the sting out of the beating they are about to get.

It also tends to get under the skin of the more serious fighters which is kinda of a win.
In a weird head game sorta way.
I think that a weird/strange/funny C.A.S. is like cracking a joke on yourself before someone else does.

It's kinda like saying I'm not taking this fight very seriously you shouldn't either and helps takes the sting out of the beating they are about to get.

It also tends to get under the skin of the more serious fighters which is kinda of a win.
In a weird head game sorta way.

I agree. Or, they could try to be taking it seriously but your character is so ridiculous that it distracts them so you end up winning.