SF4 Fightpad


[09] Warrior
So I just got mine (Ryu flavor) and just got it home. They're not supposed to be out yet but for whatever reason Best Buy is selling them. I don't think it's just a local thing. On my way home from getting it, though, I somehow ended up seeing Coraline and going to a gay bar. My friend thought it was hilarious when I figured it out. Probably because some guy walked up to me and grabbed the drawstrings of my hoodie. Luckily I found it just as funny, otherwise things could have gotten odd.

I figure if I have that kind of trippy ass adventure, this thing must be the second-coming. After the Patron and Heineken wear off, I'll play some HD Remix and report back on if this thing was worth the forty bucks. At my present level of intoxication, I'm more likely to remove a finger or two than get this thing open.
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Only like one of each design. I don't care about (or for) the art, but that does mean SUPER limited quantities. I'm almost fully sobered up so I'm about to bust this bad boy open. Not sure I'll use it for SC, but definitely my 2d fighters on XBLA. Thing has a long ass cord though.
So far from other forums ive been reading nothing but good things about this pad. I might just get it tomorrow if possible.
Yeah, the closest things to negative I've heard is the d-pad's on the big side and the case design is weirdly thick. Even with that minor stuff people never said it was a deal breaker.
I'm worried about the durability of the d-pad, because I bought a PS2 contoller with a circular d-pad one time. The d-pad snapped off from like two weeks of playing GGX2. I think it was a madcatz controller.
I've played with it a little bit now and I have zero complaints. Not seeing any problems or deal breaks, and it definitely doesn't feel fragile at all.
I made a thread ages ago about using this for SC4 and then I remembered it only has 2 shoulder buttons, so I definately won't be using it for SC4 but for SF4 definately going to pick one up soon. Hate sticks an even though my 360 pad does justice with SC4 I have a feeling it won't have the snappiness needed for SF4 like this pad would give.
Oh shoot, I'll probably pick one of these up if my Best Buy has them. That'll be for 360 since my local gaming center only has 360's to play on. I have a 360 stick, but can play pad too. Now that I have a solid pad to use, I won't object so much to playing fighters over there.
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