

yet another fantastic looking fighter coming up this year. this game looks to flow like jojo's bizarre adventure, which has me wet and dripping.

step aside MvC, move over AH3, stay down MK9, SKULLGIRLS IS COMING.

"That kind of over-the top character design has really been lost since Darkstalkers"
Who is this guy? He's playing on a fight stick with Noel Vermillion on it and I really have to wonder, did he not play THAT game? For that matter, anything Aksys/Arc System Works have done in the last ten years. I mean one of the characters is a direct Millia Rage rip-off and the stage at 3:49 looks like Bang Shishigami is going to show up at any minute. And they're not alone. There are games that have you fighting as robot maids and nun assassins, jetpack wearing vikings, kangaroos and pandas, girls riding blobs, undead zombie pirates vs dominatrices with demonic whips and Freddy Kruger midgets. Then again, the stick probably belongs to the booth and this guy is largely clueless. This was probably the first fighting game he's seen who's title didn't rhyme with meat blighter since 1996. And that's not even giving Capcom any credit for what they've done in games like Tatsunoko vs.

So anyhow I was bored to shit until the last minute our so. Then I got hit with a sudden pelting of good ideas that made me think they might have something in regards to the system they're working on. If you're unimpressed with everything you see skip to 4:00. The game speaks for itself pretty eloquently. Now if they'd just do something about that art style.
Thats Jonathan Holmes from Destructoid... he's also the star of "Weekends with Sagat"; one of the many weekly podcasts from (the best video game website on the net), where he dresses up like Sagat and friends.
I've been hype about this game since (well, really before. As this game has been in development for a LONG time) the announcement trailer. I can dig the art style, I can dig it cause of how goddamn gorgeous it looks. I can't wait to play it, looks fucking amazing. Also, Destructoid is where I go for gaming news and what not these days.
More vids, starting with the Announcement trailer.
Theres what I got...
^Homepage, shows a 3rd character.
I'm impressed by how far it's come from the concept demo on srk almost a decade ago, when I almost volunteered to do some coding for them. Still not a fan of the art design though, but more choices can't be bad for the fg community.
"That kind of over-the top character design has really been lost since Darkstalkers"
Who is this guy? He's playing on a fight stick with Noel Vermillion on it and I really have to wonder, did he not play THAT game? For that matter, anything Aksys/Arc System Works have done in the last ten years. I mean one of the characters is a direct Millia Rage rip-off and the stage at 3:49 looks like Bang Shishigami is going to show up at any minute. And they're not alone. There are games that have you fighting as robot maids and nun assassins, jetpack wearing vikings, kangaroos and pandas, girls riding blobs, undead zombie pirates vs dominatrices with demonic whips and Freddy Kruger midgets. Then again, the stick probably belongs to the booth and this guy is largely clueless. This was probably the first fighting game he's seen who's title didn't rhyme with meat blighter since 1996. And that's not even giving Capcom any credit for what they've done in games like Tatsunoko vs.
I wouldn't give the guy such a hard time. My boss has me overselling shit in demos all the time, and I hate the position it puts me in. Keep in mind who this guy works for and that he's probably just doing his job. Just thought I'd drop that comment real quick, didn't really watch the video.
lol @ "this fucker's a genius" 5:09

but srsly, this game looks kinda wack in the combo's department. meh.
Hard for me to want to like this game, upon asking the creator awhile back some basic questions to help me learn programming he kinda acted like a prick and snubbed me. Pretty basic questions like did he use C++ and basic tips on where to start. A personal bias but still...if I get my concepts up...he's got a rival.
Hmmm... dunno what to say actully. I will try it out but i'm looking forward to play some Arcana heart 3 even more! <3
I like what they did to prevent infinities. To me it was one of those ideas that seemed so simple it's amazing how it has never been used like that before. Real smart letting the game detect infinities and allowing the receiving end to burst out a-la Guilty Gear/Blaze Blue. The art design normally wouldn't attract me but because of the fact that the game doesn't LOOk like anything else on the market, I can appreciate it. I'm really looking forward to this game. They already promised GGPO, and that net code is awesome for 2D games. Mike Z is a Guilty Gear BEAST! So if the game is any where near is awesome as GG, it's a buy. And hey, the fact we are getting indie fighting games says the genre is growing strong.

I try to play every fighter, but this is looking like a day one download.
Skullgirls has already been known about using GGPO, but like 3rd Strike Online. It will also feature Youtube sharing, what I heard anyway.
I admire this game for 2 reasons and 2 reasons alone. The art and the animation.

Being a 2D guy, I'm always going to support quality 2D work when I see it and this is quality 2D work. The fact that it's hand-drawn amplifies the respect.

As far how it'll play, we'll see when it comes out.