
Dark Souls made me realize how awkward it is for this game to not have prominent hitstun.

*intentional double post*

there is a whole, independent property of moves called stagger. it is extremely viable. this isn't PvP, so specific hitstun properties aren't that important. utilize stagger. i don't know on melee builds, but my mage can doublecast any augmented magic or use my primary dragon shout and 'hitstun' any enemy into a counter hit susceptible state and give me time to retreat or regroup.
nah, I didn't play Oblivion except for a couple days, but I played the crap out of Morrowind

1. That's the thing, it pauses the game everytime. ( and I am on PC for this). I want one button switches that don't require pauses

2. I really don't think it would break the game, though I play characters and not the game, so to speak. Most of my characters wouldn't ever steal anything. What do you mean "beware of using stolen shit"? My archer stole the bow he was using, and used the bow right in front of the people he stole it from (though he stole it from a locked container, and not from pickpocketing) and they didn't react

3. Good shit on the level lock upon entrance/spawn. I was not aware of that

4. Are you sure? My mage character has spent at least 8 or 9 days of in game time (mostly because I tend to sleep every night, in game) and no merchant has ever restocked gold or inventory in my game.

5. They aren't hostile unless you walk up next to them. I'm not bitching that they're impossible to avoid, I'm just wondering why they are so much more powerful than dragons. If you're going to make them gods of death, at least make them big enough to make it look feasible. Make them 30 foot tall giants, or something. This was my least significant complaint, it just irks me for some reason that dragons, which are bigger, can fly and breathe fire, are pussies compared to giants. And, FYI, both dragons I fought, I did run up right next to them, because my spells only had like a 10 foot range. the dragons had good damage output, sure, but they didn't even come close to one shotting me

A. figured that one out on my own last night, I just hadn't gotten to that point yet

B. ok, so it is just weight and stamina. I was wondering if there were more to it

C. disappointing. I know it's not realistic, but I wanted to do pure archery. Though, so far,, up to level 10 I haven't had any issues using only a bow

D. dizzynecro was right, you just hold the take button to move things around physically.

E. boooo
I'm with Sporko on the Hot Keys. Having to go back and forth to the menu screen whether it's quick menu or regular is tedious and kinda boring.
I'll be checking to see if that works later myself. I downloaded the game via steam so I have no manual
Unfortunately, I won't be able to play Skyrim...
Fortunately, I don't think I'll ever run out of things to do in Oblivion!
That's my consolation. xD
I'm wondering if there was some patch I wasn't aware of. My first character (the one I played on day of release) played about two weeks of in game time (mostly because he slept almost every night) and none of the vendors ever restocked gold or inventory

My archer character, however, who I started the next day has had vendors restock, so you can cross that complaint off my list
I'm wondering if there was some patch I wasn't aware of. My first character (the one I played on day of release) played about two weeks of in game time (mostly because he slept almost every night) and none of the vendors ever restocked gold or inventory

My archer character, however, who I started the next day has had vendors restock, so you can cross that complaint off my list
I feel like its random. Sometimes they restock, sometimes they don't for a while.
Also I'm only level 13 so I understand that things can definitely change ( and I'm only playing on normal difficulty, that could also be a huge factor) but so far, pure archery has been working out great. Normal enemies die in one sneak attack, the tougher ones take 2 to 5 shots depending on if I get a sneak attack and/or any criticals.

This might be difficult of I didn't have Lydia, but with her, it's been cake thus far. I haven't ever used anything but a bow with this character. (though, I did break this character's "no stealing" rule to get an Elven bow from the companions really early, that has helped)
If anyone is thinking of looking for the power source in Volskygge and you are below level 15, I strongly reccomend you reconsider unless you have some serious anti-undead capability. I was at lvl 10ish and blew through all the other zombies in there in no time with my silver swords, but at the end I met a Drough Death Overlord that just mopped the floor with me. When you see a zombie in full battle armor actually sitting on a throne like Dracula from Castlevania before he gets up to face you, you know you are in for one bitch of a fight.
If anyone is thinking of looking for the power source in Volskygge and you are below level 15, I strongly reccomend you reconsider unless you have some serious anti-undead capability. I was at lvl 10ish and blew through all the other zombies in there in no time with my silver swords, but at the end I met a Drough Death Overlord that just mopped the floor with me. When you see a zombie in full battle armor actually sitting on a throne like Dracula from Castlevania before he gets up to face you, you know you are in for one bitch of a fight.

Find a ledge, lead him over there, then shout that bitch ass nigga off.
I can't decide what I want to do in the game when I get home from work tonight :(

I need to get better weapons though because I only did 90% damage to a blood dragon with a sneak attack with my dagger and sword.

Actually I think I might try to seek out more of the daedra artifact quests.
Just did the most awesome quest ever. In the tavern in Whiterun accept the guys drinking challenge, the results made me laugh my @$$ off.