Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Why would they announce it now if they're planning a big reveal for it?
I'm not losing hope yet.
Why don't I pass the time by posting a complete wishlist of what I'd like for SCVI in great detail.

- I would like the story to involve some kind of time travel, or rift in the fabric of time, that returns the series back to the original setting seventeen years prior (as hinted by the excerpt in LS). This allows all the old characters to return, without having to come up with some lame excuse for why that character didn't age.

- The story could still center around the Alexandra family, but I don't want Patroklos. He's cancer. Find some way to write him out of the story, and it will improve significantly.

- Every character in the game should be featured in some way. I hated how half the cast wasn't in the game, and most of the ones there were just in the background. Giving all the focus to Patroklos.

- As mentioned, I would like all the old characters to return, and some new characters I can stand too, but not Patroklos. Based off the popularity poll, I'd say Talim and Taki are locked for SCVI being the two most voted for characters in the poll, and there's a good chance for everyone who made the Top 25 (except maybe Hwang). Pyrrha's got a good shot, being an Alexandra girl. Z.W.E.I. and Lizardman should make it back too. The rest can be filled by the new characters, and we should have a good roster.

- I would like a major offline mode that I can really sink my time into, like previous games. I'm not sure if they would go with and old mode or something completely new, but I would like a revamped version of COTS from SCIII. I spent so much time in this mode, and I would love to see it new and improved with better AI and more options. Also, an online version of this. Imagine two players going against each other in COTS? That would be amazing.

-Theater mode was great, but make it so you don't have to be online to use it, and you can watch previous runs in arcade mode (and COTS too). Also, give us the ability to pause, rewind/fast-foward, move the camera, and snap pictures.

-Return of Museum. Like previous games, you can view concept art, characters bios, and cutscenes.

- Also, let us set the BGM to each stage/screen here. Like DOA5U, give us the option to use any music track we like from SCVI and all previous game themes. SC has some of the best soundtracks, and there are so many of them. I would love to be able to experiment with them like DOA5U does.

- A tournament mode like the one in SSB4. Players from all over the world can enter a tournament, which is set into a bracket. The winner gets a massive cash prize (in-game currency of course), those who advanced past the first round also get a consolation prize based on their placement (runner-up, semi-finalist, and quarter-finalist). This would be so useful for organizing meet-ups, and general fun.

- In player rooms, set what kind of characters can be used. Many would say "customs only" because they wanted to demonstrate their creations. But with this, we can filter through the rooms with options such as "Don't Care", "Original", "Custom", "Custom-Original", "Original + Custom-Original", "Original + Custom", and "Custom + Custom-Original". Going into these rooms, the setting will restrict what you can select based on the options, rather than using the honor code. You also wouldn't have to use the name of the room in order to display it.

- Fantastical options
Let us change human ears to elf years? Or have mutated arms like Oprah? Or maybe a robotic arm like Yoshimitsu? Hell, why not let us create our own lizardmen and golems? Give us the voice options for our character to be completely silent, or give hisses/roars. Let us set our eyes to glow like Nightmare.

- Facial hair editor
SCV tied facial hair to the face options, well no longer! SCVI should have a separate facial hair editor, complete with mustaches, beards, and goatees of every type. No more using tails or other objects to improvise a mustache!

- In-depth face editor
Speaking of which, having to choose between a pre-set number of faces with no other options has to go. Every game with customization nowadays has an in-depth face editor, time for SC to join the club.

- More creation slots
With the power of next-gen, our creations shouldn't be limited to just 50 slots. I would like at least 300, so our creativity can flow.

- More equipment
One of the things that bugs me the most is that LS has a ton of equipment that SCV doesn't have (even if a lot of them are barely-there slut costumes). Make sure to have more equipment in SCVI so we aren't limited without DLC like in SCV. Also, have everyone's costume be available has equipment without DLC, though it should be made an unlockable. Also, more anachronistic clothing too.

- Bring back the currency system
The currency system would add more replay value to the game, instead of grinding over and over to increase your level. But please, for the love-of-god, do not add microtransactions.
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